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Blog Comments posted by LBRJ

  1. Although it is very much "an extract", you have extracted just the right part to enable me to recognise the set up straight away, even from the mock up.

    It is interesting how "awkwardly" everything is fitted together in reality, like the corner of the loading shed being cut off to avoid the track.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Nice to know that Wenford was so well received at it's first show.

    It really is another outstanding exercise in beautifully observed and nicely restrained modelling.


    I think you have managed to get that subtle ghostly pallor, that china clay facilities tend to have, really spot on. 

    The moss on the roof  looks just right and it does add some colour to the scene.

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  3. I would like to see you post a lot more; your knowledge of the subject is just so impressive.

    I read the OP this morning, and thinking about it throughout the day I realised you were saying exactly what I have long thought (with a few differences!)

    I know quite a bit about the industry and its effects on life in mid -Cornwall (for good and bad) and often felt  "i know too much to make a bad model", but often times I dont have the skill/time/inclination to make a good one - You have made me re-think that attitude as one to over come not roll with.

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