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Everything posted by DougN

  1. Merry Christmas Peter and your family , from all the Blackburn hijack group! Doug
  2. Great Xmas coming here 31degrees hooray!

  3. Great Xmas coming here 31degrees hooray!

  4. Paul to solve the problem with the crank pin nuts making the bid for freedom ala the great escape, try a dot of cheap nail polish on the thread. It at least slows them down like Sargent Schultz !
  5. We'll the Blackburn crew will be planning to come down and help get rid of the beer...
  6. SRman is there a way to have almost a rolling signals in a automated way. The LT lines we should be able to figure out how to do it. Using something along the line of reed switches and magnets?
  7. The cross head clearance always seems to be a difficulty. Chris at High level kits in each of the kits I have built recommends certain dodges such as single thickness rod to the crank pin and having only the crankpin nut from Alan gibson turned wrong way round. I will keep this kit in the back of my mind for when I am looking for another challange!... On to the Dave Bradwell J26 I think
  8. Mosser how did you find the kit? was it a easy hard, fitted well/ not? Any heads up on what the problems could be? I would quite like to build a Barclay... may be a scratch built at some time... though I would need diagrams etc... which I find difficult to access from Australia.
  9. Arpster, it would be great to see the photos as it takes a few extra months to get to this side of the earth... it will not stop me buying the MRJ.. I know it will be on a ship some where! I will enjoy it when it turns up.
  10. Mike, I have just finished (well almost) a RSH from Highlevel with CSB's... on such a small loco and building it to P4 with the bespoke gearbox I really havn't seen any difference in running compared to my Blackhawthorn which is compensated. So I would say yes to CSBing the front axle but leave the back axle fixed.... Biggest hassle with most of these things is the clearance behind the cross head to the crank pin. I would say all doable but the Split chassis due to the clearances might be a bit too far.
  11. Well done Mike and all the best with the treatment , it makes me think that my injured shoulder should not stop the modelling though I can only move below the elbow on my right arm at the moment. thanks and keep modelling!
  12. Nelson the layout looks great. You must be happy to be at the exhibition with a great looking layout. My first exhibition that I was building things at was when I was 18 so that is a few years ago... Like you I model the NER which is a long long way from home here in Australia. I think you might have a life long interest now the exhibiting bug has bitten. Well done.
  13. Funny to think that I had a run behind one in about 1981 or 1982 going to benalla. I really need to start taking photos of what is around now. But any way I can recall seeing a line opposite spencer st in about 1991 1992 in a single line with flat top t's... Well before the docklands etc.... Do recall a young lady in a cat suit about that time but that is a different story... Then again I was still at school also.
  14. What can I say SRman the name sounds good. At least you cannow get some more modelling done. I hope the back is feeling better.
  15. Ok you asked for it Newton boardway.... I'll get me coat it is cold out side
  16. Just mucking around on Google maps there is a Burnt Ash lane near Grove park in south east London.. sounds spot on for what you are chasing... May be change it around a little and up grade it to Burnt Ash Road change for Chin Brook. Hows that for 10minutes on Google maps!
  17. Gees that looks fantastic as a small NER layout. The loco shed looks really nice is that the one from TMC? All of the buildings look appropriate. The colour of your grass and fields look great. Well done.
  18. What can I say to that Sir?... Parking might be at a premium at the bottom of the court. I will say that 20 or so, is about is the average turn out at the moment. Just as well the house is big enough to get just about every one in.... Not too many sitting in the rain. It will be an enjoyable afternoon.
  19. I expect PCM, SRman's and maybe even markg could turn up. One thing I will not be serving those vicious nasty creatures... Koalas or possums... Barbequed or otherwise... One thing I will need to do is tidy up the layout... Well the entire room needs a clean out... And clean up... There will also be a p4 and em test track if any one is interested. Don't think I will fire up the open fire place as the house will over heat with the small turn outs we get with BRMA
  20. As an idea why don't you have a person running into one of the columns.... trying to get to another platform 3/4's??? they might need a trolley with an owl....
  21. As I said last week things are really starting to come together at this end of the layout. Once I think this end has appeared from the mists of the creative process I can see the other end almost comming together almost too quickly I can't wait to see the trains running on the upper circuits in the next well... um.... few months... or is that pushing the friendship
  22. Great to hear that you have found that DCC is easy to get a handle on and a computer is not needed to start with and that things run nicely without the next level of difficulty! personally I like DCC to run the trains with lights and sound but not for the full automation stuff. I find it all too much. we will have to catch up at the next meeting Pete
  23. Looking Good there Jeff, It is nice to see that the top fiddle yard is comming along. It will be nice to see the trains finally running on the top level of the layout.
  24. D&S are still around Mark. It is just difficult to deal with them from this side of the earth! I believe if you write to Danny he can and does respond with what kits he is putting into production but I believe it is only some of his range and can take a long time for the kits that you want to be made.
  25. Pete, I hink youo will gain an extra level of satisfaction on the sound and chip fitting. I am sorry i will miss you at the next BRMA meeting.... talk to SRman about sound he has done a heap and getting some great sound out of them! Will try to catch up soon
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