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Everything posted by DougN

  1. Jason I think I have seen a photo with a hand rail some where. I do know that the NERA publication North Eastern Record has a generic drawing with dimensions. It might be a trawl around the 'net for a few photos!
  2. No... Ummm.... I blame work...... Written words don't have in them!, Now I have to edit because my wink ; ) disappeared... I might go back to bed as tomorrow is a new day
  3. I didn't think that the corner stones were that bad.... I actually thought that they were quite good knowing how difficult it is to use the Wills sheets. I do like them but I have not built anything that was worth writing home about. any how as for the comment above regarding Lee Marvin... all I can say is "....born under a wandering start...."
  4. Looking very nice there. I am waiting on the LNER versions to become generally available before committing but I think that may be a way off. the J15 and the K1 are higher up the list at the moment.
  5. DougN

    Hornby K1

    Gees Rob that has to be incredibly disappointing. Looks like they just blew out the airbrush at full open... No finesse. If I were you and had an air brush I would re paint every thing below the foot plate in matt black and have a go myself with the weathering over the top again. Good luck with all that or as you say send it back... Though the postage is getting steep to send from NZ or Australia any more!
  6. Well enjoy Nuzealund. if you were dropping by Melbourne were only over the ditch. WE would have made you welcome! Seems every one I know is heading to NZ in the near future. my parents, friends and son.... Ummm am I missing something?
  7. Ummm Back to do some modelling this arvo!

  8. Well that means it must be close to me! Some where in Australia or New Zealand! Drop by if you are in melbourne!
  9. Modelling... Why do I do more in summer?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Complete opposite - better modelling when cabined up.

    3. MPR


      Better light and for longer in the evening!

    4. DougN


      Well a very productive day in modelling terms... The coffee was good too.

  10. Paul did you use the mainly trains chassis for the j71. Mine surfaced out of its hiding place when I was doing a j72 chassis form Highlevel. So both will be painted together!
  11. Try the mainly trains etched foot steps. They are really scratch builders aids but might be the solution.
  12. You seem to be reducing your strategic kit reserve at a high rate of knots there Worsdell... what do you have planed next?
  13. SRman, remember it is logarithmic in scale so if you had 470ohm you may well need over 1k more to drop the light level down!
  14. Australia Day... Time for modelling

  15. Your right Horse, I have just had a look at the link and sitting there in the Loco fittings is the NER stove pipe that I liked so much all those years ago. So I will have to see what else is in the list and work out what I want! The Chimney is even in turned brass.... now do I still look at this lathe today or not?
  16. I have a turned J72 chimney via Mainly trains which I believe originally came from puffers... It is one turning I would like more of... I wonder if they will come back or is it easier to buy a lathe and a heap of brass!
  17. SRman your getting further on this layout in a shorter time than your last layout!
  18. DougN

    Hornby K1

    Interesting to see the tops of the foot plate are also matt black. On the last couple of loco's I have painted I hvae done this little mod. It seemed quite convincing with the matt black smoke box.
  19. Thanks Paul, I may get a chance tonight but after the dog walk and it being 37degrees today I may not feel like sitting down with a hot light and a soldering iron to do some more. On another aside I am a little surprised that Chris has not corrected the part numbering which is a diagram change and a note in the instructions.
  20. Hi Mark I am about a page through the High Level Chassis at the moment. THough I have choped and changed around a little... to suit using a Chassis2éd jig. I have a little note for you watch the cylinder cross head Number 10 and 35(?) as I think they may be around the wrong way....I will see if I can get any more done tonight and see if the numbers are right or wrong! I must admit that the Chassis2 jig does make it easy to get everything striaght and where is should be... ablely assisted by Chris Gibbons design... or should that be the other way round?? I too am interested in Paul's detailing to the body. I knew once that Perserverance did a lovely turned brass chimney for the J72 which I managed to only ever get one for a J21!
  21. I agree with you that the 9f would struggle with small radius in P4. I do know that Dave Bradwell does design all his loco's to run at or jest below 1m radius. This I would suggest does allow a 9F to go down that low. The reason and I have forgotten where I read it... Probably MRJ is that his layout is designed with this as the minimum radius! I can attest that his Q6 kit will go round quite tight radi as the one I have built seems too. Yes the A5 cross over you can almost hear the wheels screeching..but it will do it! (Dead slow)
  22. Gees you could have "black Hawthorned" Chris with that photo for years.... All the best of the season! Umm now where is that J72 kit I bought from the man in september!
  23. Wind down to Christmas and Summer holidays...hope there is too much drinking at the break up tomorrow...

  24. Wind down to christmas and Summer holidays...hope there is too much drinking at the break up tomorrow...

  25. Tony that Shire looks fantastic. I once tried to build one of the older D49 chassis from Comet..(OK last century) to P4 with a Replica tender. It was looking OK but I could not figure out how to get the loco running properly. Do you or any body else out there know if the D49 Chassis has been up dated in the last 15 years... I ask as I would like to get the loco running and this might be the quickest to start again. Seasons greetings....
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