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Everything posted by DougN

  1. Rick don't let the PTV see that one... it will give them ideas..... no that they need any. I think all the body slamming done by the in one of the Youtube clips had the required action
  2. Looking really good there Neil. You've created an interesting story and history for the corner. This way will create interest to look into the scene with or with out the trains running by.
  3. This is exactly what you nd I have been discussing on and off for a couple of years. The sub terrainian view of the under ground is so typical of london. Glimpses of interesting views which always leave the viewer wanting more. No doubt once is is done you may start more on the upper level for the surface trains.
  4. Ahh another that I will be purchasing at least one.... Dave my Visa card has scarpered and is hiding under a pile of stuff in the corner..... Another great choice and one that I have to support.
  5. Looking good there Rick. Those photos have come out really well. It is nice we are having a mild winter again.
  6. Is it just me but quicksilver, silver fox and silver link have been done but we don't see the silver king very often from Hornby. I can remember that the first 3 have been done in the last 30 years ( from what I can remember) all in silver. May be it is time for Hornby to do that one as a standard issue.
  7. Pete, are you saying that your track work could be up graded to C&L.....so built in position? ... May be even p4.... Nah go O gauge... 8)
  8. Um, my collection is select at a blue mallard, Sir Nigel Gresley, Silver link, and Sir Charles H N.... In black For obvious reasons... I just can't seem to justify any more than that.... But one day temptation will kick in and more will turn up.
  9. Thanks for that Ian, I didn't realise it was that big. The curves must be quite generous at 5ft so I would guess these are in the 3'6" to 4'6 region for the radius. This is interesting to me as I have a hankering for a round/oval layout and I have read that the smallest radius things can and can't go round seems to be quoted but actual practical use seems to indicate around what you have though TimV on Clutton has it about 3ft mark. My Q6 will go down to 1m and probably below but the practical radius is what I am chasing!
  10. Ian, what is the over all length of the layout. You have mentioned that it is 9ft at times but what is the over all with the fiddle yards. I have to say this is another layout that can be photographed from a number of angles that make you think that it is bigger than it is. From the great photos above the layout gives the impression it is part of a landscape. Really well done.
  11. SRman this is looking like metro land of the 1930's. The terrace houses would have dated from an earlier time. I know your layout and it is a difficult little corner to become happy with. The terrace houses need to be "levelled" so the steps are even. This will make them look more even and attractive. I can only guess on a couple of people who could have dropped in 8-) I must drop in again and give you a hand with the other end.
  12. Jol, you know there is a few of us out there in the world that build D&S kits... the investors like us as we push up the prices! 8-)
  13. I would say not too bad for an old girl. You have given her a heart transplant and some new high heals and a bit of under wire.... Should keep her going for a few more years yet... Sorry just in a funny comment type of mood. You are obviously a good friend to have done what I would call a fair bit of work but at least it is a happy life extension to what looks quite a loved model.
  14. 100 pages.... The first time I saw the layout it was already pretty well finished and it has been getting better the entire time..... Is it 15 or more years ago? Doug
  15. Your absolutely right Arthur the D&S coaches are very thin on the lower sides and due to copy right etc the design deficiencies of all those years ago need to resolved with any new kits comming on the market. Danny P did / still does lovely kits of interesting proto types. The difficulty is the breadth of his range and the availability currently. From my side of the earth I do not have access to easy cheque payments for kits... with the banks charging fees on fees etc it makes purchasing very very difficult. Using paypal and the internet makes the whole process quick and relatively painless (getting less so as the Aussie dollar is currently rising against all comers at the moment) but this is also dependant on the other party having the facility also. The increasing availabilty and also the interest in specific pre grouping areas such as the NER really has increased with the RTR manufacturers making them more main stream. This can only be good for you Arthur as the more interesting and different classes open up the "building" modeller to look further afield to find areas of interest that the RTR manufacturers are unlikely to attack. As I have said before Arthur I would like a couple of your kits but I can't decide at the moment.
  16. Arthur, the B15 is looking seriously nice. I am having to resist temptation. I think you may have cornered the NER loco market quite successfully now! As you have mentioned the standardisation of parts means the number of locos seems to be expanding at an easier rate. The build above shows what an attractive loco and outline they give. I wonder when the supply of NER coaches will become as mainstream as D&S once was. As the locos are now easily come by from Arthur the balance of the trains are now becoming the challenge!
  17. Come on, red bellied black snakes, great white sharks, red back spiders, funnel webs, copper head snakes.... And watch out for the drop bears. The cuddly koalas (full of cylmidia) the killer kangaroos... Let alone the cassowaries.. No nothing other than the weather will kill any one in Australia!
  18. Are you sure that these weren't taken on the layout Bacup mills in the hills in the layout thread?
  19. Makes me think of the Queen song "fat bottomed girls".... maybe I should stop listening to Queen in the railway room????
  20. Indeed it was a great day Peter. It is good that we have such a large crew for BRMA that get together so regularly. As usual your layout looks fantastic.... but why does the mini always seem to be bonnet first in a skip and the sheep have gone missing 8-)
  21. Gees its Hot. Melbourne melting...

    1. aussiebrfan


      44c in Cranbourne!


    2. Horsetan


      I suppose swimming pools must be really popular right now....

  22. Gees its Hot. Melbourne melting...

  23. Looks great SRman I'll have to search for the LEDs for you as this is great progress on the signals.
  24. Happy new year...modelling needs to be higher on the list for next year

  25. Melbourne carols by candle light... The institution... Must be Christmas on the TV! Bed time soon!

    1. Horsetan


      ...and blazing hot conditions down there, presumably.

    2. 69843


      Wet up in Sydney

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