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Everything posted by tigerburnie

  1. I dislocated my shoulder in a game of rugby when a scrum collapsed, as it happens the opposition fly half was a surgeon at the local hospital. "Just lie there and I'll move you to a comfortable position and get you ready for the hospital", so I did as requested and he promptly put the should back in. My caring skipper said "don't go off there's only 5 minutes left, run about on the wing" I replied I can hardly tackle one armed" (mine was currently dangling at my side not really responding to attempts to move it) "just get in the way he said, you're a big bloke they'll have to slow down to go round you"........................................charming, I was quite a slim lad back then
  2. I've been watching National 1 league, far more entertaining, Rams beat Chinnor 29-19, loads of tries and a very competitive game shown live on youtube for free.
  3. I thought I'd get a sensible answer from here........................................................................(I've been looking for an emoticon that is on one of the rugby forums, but it's not here. It's a lad bent down with his bare @rse facing us...........................)
  4. These things pass our village, but we are lacking in investment and have no overhead electrickery, how do they do that, batteries or an infernal combustion engine?
  5. Let's work together- Canned Heat
  6. You were made for me- Freddie and the Dreamers
  7. Not sure Slow worms and Grass Snakes can scale 6 foot high brick walls, what they really like is a pond and a compost heap.
  8. Under my thumb- The Strolling Bones
  9. Who knew that new steam engine had a jet engine in it.............................................................?
  10. Little by little- Dusty Springfield
  11. Summer in the city-Lovin' Spoonful
  12. The doctors and nurses were the worst for making unnecessary noise at night, it didn't quieten down until around 2.00 am when they all got their heads down for a sleep
  13. During the past 18 mons or so with three trips to the hospital for three different things, I have to say the treatment from the NHS has been marvellous, but(there usually is one) recovery in a hospital is impossible, too noisy for a start and as for getting any feed back from biopsies etc, even harder to get. I rang my GP, who had heard nothing either, but they told me if you want results, ring the ward you were in, a nurse will find you a doctor, who then looks at the screen in front of them and you get all the info you want. Marvelouos service, but the paperwork is non existant up 'ere, which in the big scheme of things is kinda the right way round really.
  14. Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree-Dawn
  15. Bad to the bone- George Thoroghgood and the Destroyers
  16. The UK is moving with the times, we are going back to the good old Victorian system, keeping a large impoverished over taxed populace in check by pouring raw sewage into the rivers.....................worked before.
  17. Well there's an "R" in the month so it means I start having the occasional dram of an evening, I usually go to a distillery to buy something not found in the shops, or to a specialist to get something a bit out of the ordinary. As my local Malt distilleries are shut on a Sunday a trip over the hills into deepest darkest Aberdeenshire beckons.
  18. I was told(no idea how true it is) by an Indian workmate back in the 1970's that "curry" basically means gravy, it was invented for the English back in the days of the Raj as the Brits didn't like their dinner without the gravy. He told me they didn't eat curry at home in Leicester. Now when going into an Indian restaurant they have a curry sauce and it is put on the meal you choose, just like gravy in our cuisine.
  19. Round me in the sunny NE of Scotland I've got Arbroath, which smells of smoked fish and has a McDonalds and a KFC, then there's Montrose that has neither............................. I do jest, the Cairngorms National Park is only half an hour away....................
  20. Today see the kick off for the new season in the National leagues, my old club are in National 1 for the first time, they kick off at home to Sale FC the semi pro arm of Sale Sharks, here is the digital program for anyone interested. I cannot post the program due to the restrictions on this site, but it available to read on the Leicester Lions facebook page.
  21. 8 degrees this morning but the suns out, so it might just be a nice day.
  22. Three nights running the RAF are doing some night flying up and down our bit of coast, nice to know they are looking after me......................................
  23. I'm watching my waistline too..........................................................yep it's definitely expanding..........................
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