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Everything posted by tigerburnie

  1. She's About A Mover - Sir Douglas Quintet
  2. Bit of a trying week for both us with visits to various medical establishments, now both waiting results and both on new medication. So I thought I'd try some alternative medicine, we went for a drive and short walk to one of our favourite Glens on the southern edge of the Cairngorms National Park, the idea was to chill, which we did and I filmed a bit to share with others(if this site permits the link that is). There's some of natures sound track if you turn the sound on.
  3. This was printed in the Rugby Paper but oddly hasn't made the rest of the press, can't think why....................................... Reported in the Rugby Paper that outgoing RFU Council chairman Jeff Blackett proposed a vote of no confidence in the RFU board at a special meeting called in the middle of July. The motion was approved, putting the positions of RFU Board chairman Tom Ilube, and £700,000-a-year chief executive Bill Sweeney under intense scrutiny. Whilst this is good news unfortunately the decision was made to review their performance which will not report back until August 2024!!!!! This is an unbelievable amount of time given that the RFU council have already shown that they have no confidence in the board members. It's also rather worrying that none of this has been reported in the media or has there been a news blackout because of the impending world cup being only just over a month away and they don't want to 'rock' the boat ahead of the tournament?
  4. LED lights lifespan is measured up to the point where they drop output by 30 percent, so it may be yours have reached that point. There was a time when adverts used to tell you how long they will last, that seems to have vanished. I'm sure I bought some that were supposed to last for over 10000 starts.
  5. I had an email yesterday informing I can book a priority breakfast with Santa at my local Dobbies garden centre, it's still August for goodness sake!!.
  6. Blue suede shoes- Elvis the pelvis
  7. Young Girl Sunday Blues- Jefferson Airplane
  8. I bet a shot with a taser would move anyone.
  9. It could have been worse, they could have repaired him and made him live there!
  10. I bought a bag of these only last month, if my car fails the MOT I'm buying a horse.................... Copper Plated Horseshoe Nails sizes 3 - 6 Qty 10, 50, 250 horse shoe nails Craft | eBay
  11. As much as I dislike saying it, England need a total clear out starting at the top of the management structure, new coaches come in and nothing changes, this tells me some one is interfering.
  12. Walk on gilded splinters- Dr John the Night Tripper.............................................................man............😎
  13. Finally finished the refurb in the kitchen, laminate floor now fitted, I intend to replace all the doors on the units, but that can wait for now, we are both bushed after painting and decorating.
  14. Folk leaving relatives ashes on the top of mountains are changing the soil by fertilising it and it is causing quite serious problems for the mountain plants, some thought needs to be applied.
  15. The Free Electric Band- Albert Hammond
  16. I doubt there are busier skies anywhere in Europe more crowded than around the London areas.
  17. I found my 35 times Great Grandad on my mothers side who was born 9 May 849, his ancestors are a bit sketchy, but I got to circa 200 ad.
  18. When I applied for my apprenticeship to work for the AEI in Marine Radar and Naval Defence systems, on asking my Dad where he was born, he replied Moscow, I had to wait three weeks to get clearance. His parents had been evacuated from the family farm in Latvia as it was on the front line in WW1, he was born during the revolution when the city was closed by the Bolsheviks.
  19. The plot thickens New twist in Owen Farrell saga as World Cup hopes hang in the balance : PlanetRugby I think between them all they could just kill any interest anyone has in this world cup, the BBC(you know that organisation that is supposed to report the news to us) don't even acknowledge anything is going on(though that is possibly because they don't mention anything they are not showing themselves, these days), I won't bother watching it.
  20. Part of the Eddie Jones deal we get Farrell to play and we do our best to make sure Australia win as it's their turn...................................
  21. Wigglesworth picked Tigers chins up off the floor after the RFU raped their coaching squad, he damn near pulled off the unbelievable, some reckon he might be better at the job than the man in charge.
  22. Boogie chillen'- John Lee Hooker(the man who invented boogie)
  23. With all this sleeplessness, does all this tossing and turning counting as exercise?
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