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Everything posted by 62613

  1. J335 at Garsdale: I reckon it's an engineers' train, with what looks like a brake van at each end, and nothing but what look like 3 - plank wagons in the train. When was the line to Hawes closed and lifted?
  2. The rainstrip on the the roof is a giveaway for ex - LNER as well
  3. Stibbington sevices is one of the best anywhere in the country, on any road. If I'm on a trip into East Anglia/East London, that's the place to stop. Ot may look a bit rough, but it's reasonably priced.
  4. You could make some comments about the Moggy 1000 traveller in the middle of the picture, too
  5. 62613


    Remember you, and I was thinking just the other day "Whatever happened to JJB1970?" Seriously! Welcome back!
  6. The two rear coaches were interesting. Some sort of generator vans?
  7. Of course, if we're going way off topic on numbering, there was the case of the G.E.R. Clauds, which started at 1900, for what sounded like a good reason at the time, and ran backwards to about 1780
  8. I saw figures mentioned in an early 2000s Backtrack of 30 years for a passenger loco, 40 for a mixed traffic type, and 50 years for a goods or mineral engine. Which seems to agree with several class withdrawal dates.
  9. Yes, Penshaw is easily identifiable, but what's the rectangular object above the 3rd last carriage? The water tower on Cleadon Hill?
  10. Bet the signallers loved playing trains; also two suicidal cats!
  11. Remember driving past it on the M63 (still?) to and from work; this is the one where Tesco is now?
  12. Invisible ink! It's called "Fluffy Morris" and is derived from the North - West tradition of morris dancing. When I first moved to the North - West, there were still a lot of girls' groups in the town carnival processions. As most of these have died out, they tend to have competitions in halls and places like that.
  13. Quite a few large locos had a high coal consumption at that time, due to things like short - travel valves, cramped ashpans, and so on. LNER classes B7 and B16, for instance, weren't called "Miners Friends" by their crews for nothing
  14. For female dancers. Quite a few ring sides had female musicians before then. There were those who bitterly opposed it, of course, but they are gradually coming round to the idea.
  15. Fluffy morris, a.k.a. "Thigh slappers". A derivative of the sort of morris practiced by Horwich P.M.M. Quite a thing in the North West of England
  16. Regular thing on that line. Saddleworth were there one Saturday a few years ago; I'd just finished decorating my hat when we had a call saying no.2 son had had an accident on his pushbike and was in hospital in Lancaster.
  17. Get youself up to Bower Fold; while the football might not be as good as at Boundary Park, it's cheaper; you can stand where you want and with whoever you want; you can even have drink on the terraces. Try it!
  18. Yes but it all sounds a bit arbitrary. Unless they produce the CCTV footage, I reckon their case would collapse. Might be worth contacting the legal department of the Football Supporters' Association to see where they stand. That "No right of appeal" sounds to be against natural justice to me.
  19. I was thinking more in general terms, rather than in this particular case
  20. Is it not also an offence to overtake another vehicle within the area of the zig - zag lines?
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