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J. S. Bach

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Everything posted by J. S. Bach

  1. Yes, but that was a fifty pound bag!
  2. Presumably the third rail is not hot?
  3. Night Owl from the Piedmont. EDIT: Nice, 1180 pages.
  4. I received the same email. Major disappointment.
  5. J. S. Bach

    On Cats

    Never saw one on the Hawk!
  6. J. S. Bach

    On Cats

    That brings an entirely new meaning to the term "cat shot".* *In the USN (well, at least when I was on the USS Kitty Hawk CVA-63's 70-71 WestPac cruise), that is the term that was used when a plane was launched; a trap when it landed. An equal number of cats and traps always looked good in the pilot's logbook!
  7. That has got to be one of the, if not the ugliest, piece of ship that I have seen in a long time! I am glad that I was not siting down to eat when I saw that; now for some visual memory bleach!
  8. Well, I still prefer my Koss PRO-4A cans.
  9. Hmmm, I am trying to determine the scale. Looks a little like O, but ........................................
  10. J. S. Bach

    On Cats

    One of the best yet!
  11. I know the name but not the face; his is not my kind of music.
  12. So, just who am I (unfortunately) looking at? The faces mean nothing to me (and maybe to others, also).
  13. I have been to the Mighty Eighth museum, it is worth a visit especially as it is right at one of the I-95 exits (102 at Pooler, GA) and a few plane are visible from the highway; but, if you see them when traveling northbound, you just missed the exit! Here a view of it from the on ramp to NB I-95: https://www.google.com/maps/@32.1152077,-81.2376728,3a,75y,39.83h,79.51t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sMZDmMrXYnhDgTlGKnRzCaw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 EDIT: There is an "English" cafeteria inside that has some decent food. Is it 1940s English? I do not know but it was good.
  14. I prefer Caboose Industries ground throws: https://www.cabooseind.com/
  15. My car radio/clock is the easiest to set; the microwave does not have a clock, no sundial, and the cell phone is aujomagic.
  16. Keep a check on it (you said that you would) and if it stays dry just fuggitaboutit. There, some free professional advice!
  17. Oddly, our bus drivers rated Mickey D's in the top three or four for coffee; they should know. The others were 7-11, Circle K, and (I think) Dunkin' Donuts. I happen to like McD's breakfast burrito, but that is about all.
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