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Everything posted by WIMorrison

  1. The wired Multimaus simply plugs into the front of the Z21 - you can plug 2 in at once as there are 2 sockets
  2. On the carrot front are you aware that this was 'fake news' (called propaganda or disinformation in those days) to fool the Germans into thinking that our night bombing accuracy was down to the pilots being able to see better in the dark due to eating carrots? This was to hide the fact that we had a superior bomb aiming sight and keeping that a secret. There is tiny bit of truth in that eating carrots can improve night vision for some medical conditions (however you would have to eat an awful lot), but not for a normal healthy individual Now what has this do do with an H&M Clipper ...
  3. How many do you want displayed - the limit is effectively either the size of your screen or number of locos you own What you cannot do though is control accessories e.g. turnouts which you will need to do from your iPhone/iPad/tablet or Multimaus/handset
  4. I used LS150 on as previous layout and found some issues similar to what you describe and it was down to the inability of the LS150 to supply sufficient power when switching multiple points. I mostly cured it with a separate and much beefier power supply to the LS150, though 2 turnouts still needed the DCC Concepts individual CDU fitting as for some reason the LS150 would not overcome the locking spring in one direction - I never got to the bottom of why the 2 wouldn't work correctly, i just masked the problem
  5. Maybe you should speak to @old smokey in this thread
  6. You need to synchronise the direction of the loco and the switchboard - simply press Shift and Left Click your mouse on the arrow in the Switchboard. This will change the direction of the arrow and synchronise it with the forward and reverse in the loco panel
  7. @55020 and the DR5088RC work very well with the Z21 and iTrain
  8. Just being silly but did you have your DR5000 connected iTrain? then check that the DR5000 was switched on (press green button) I know it’s Mickey Mouse but you wouldn’t be the first person not to realise that the connection has dropped and they are merrily playing with iTrain and the layout isn’t responding.
  9. @Ted-ish I may have been unlucky, or perhaps I am more demanding as I use automation on my layout, though the issues weren’t related to the automation as they happened when using my WiFi MultiMaus. Regrettably I know I am not alone in my views, hopefully some of the others here who experienced similar will post here. Fir the record, there are 3 people I know that replaced their DR5000 with Z21s and their Z21 experience is similar to mine - it is bulletproof and does exactly what it is meant to with zero fuss - 2 off them run Exhibition layouts with them, both having exhibited at Warley.
  10. I was convinced that the DR5000 was better than the Z21 despite costing half the price and I purchased one from the dealer and tried it on my layout. Like many others I found that it wasn’t a replacement for the Z21 because it wasn’t reliable enough for me, the Z21 just worked (and still does), I don’t have to do anything with it - in fact I never even look at it, whereas the DR5000 caused me to have runway loco - never, ever seen this before, and I had a couple of occasions when locos would creep along despite throttles being set to zero. Then there were the LocoNet issues. i went back to my Z21 (which sensibly I had kept) and sold the DR5000 and my Z21 collects dust in the drawer because I never need to look at it or operate any buttons, plus it is fully configurable over the network. the DR5000 is a good buy, but you don’t get all that ‘functionality’ at half the price without something being compromised and I couldn’t accept those compromises. I still use other Digikeijs kit and find it very good, but like many others I found the DR5000 unreliable and that isn’t something I was willing to live with.
  11. Given that the Warley exhibition is only a few weeks away I would hold off buying anything until you have been at the show and tried the systems that will be on display there - you could even look to see what layout operators are using. you may find that there are better options available than those you mention. you also need to remember that shops don’t hold much stock, that costs too much and eats away at their profit (such as it is) very quickly - but most can get a confirmed order within a few days.
  12. I assume that you are breaking out from the x-bus cable connection on the z21 to get these web CDE cables? I ask because whilst the X-Bus supports Xpressnet I believe it is the Roco interpretation of Xpressnet. You may have more success using a Z21 and the B-Bus to connect boosters as that is what the port is designed to support. this link provides details on Xpressnet. I suggest that using commercial twisted pair as found in Cat6 or better is the route to go if you stick with X-Bus.( The cable quality is better than telephone cable and simply don’t use the spare pairs) https://www.opendcc.de/info/xpressnet/xpressnet_e.html
  13. Sarah sorry to hear of your dads issue - can you ask him whether it is RocRail or Traincontroller that he is using as they are very different and whilst there are people here that can help with TrainController I havent seen anyone mentione that they use RocRail but know knowing which program will enable the right questions to be asked. I am sure someone will solve the issue (not me unfortunately as I use another program) . Fingers crossed someone come along soon (and hopefully quicker than the real trains :))
  14. Some context and a narrative may enable people to understand what issues you may have - presently it is rather lacking and impossible to work out what the question is, let alone how to answer it
  15. The app responds to changes issued by other events because the Z21 is seeing the command packet for the turnout to switch and the Z21 reports this to the app therefore the turnout changes on the app. I can however confirm that when connected to a Z21 2 x turnouts with the same number will change synchronously on the switchboard reflecting the state of the layout.
  16. When you open the email attachment on your tablet/phone choose to open it with the Z21 app. If you want them both to change on the mimic at the same time then you are correct and you will need to create 2 x routes, one for straight and one for branched.
  17. AFAIK the DR4088 works perfectly with all software automation packages, certainly all the packages that you mention. The reason you won't see them mentioned is that there is no specific setup for the DR4088 needed, you simply feed the track through the DR4088 (as shown in the Digikeijs manual) and give the outputs a number. You then assign that number to the feedback in your chosen software package and when it is occupied the DR4088 will inform the command station through LocoNet that the feedback is occupied. The command station then informs the software that it is occupied.
  18. export and import via email, that way you have another copy as a backup. what do mean about same addresses? Youc angive every turnout on the layout the same address and have them all switch at the same time, though that isn't adviseable. If you want 2 turnouts to chanage as one then simply give them both the same address. The Z21 app doesnt 'notice' anything, it merely does what you tell it and assumes that the same has happened on the layout, t here is no feedback.
  19. Is Lenz a step up from NCE? What is it that you are trying to achieve by replacing the NCE with Lenz? As has already been said it may not be a straight forward as simply swapping bone for the other and you may not gain anything either for the pain.
  20. I don't even use it for that - I sold it
  21. This link tells you how to do it http://wicknessmodels.co.uk/docman/ControllerManuals/lenz lh90.pdf BTW, although it says that you can run DC locos I would advise strongly against it as it knackers the motor - listen to the sound when it isn't moving, that should be enough to tell you it isn't good for a DC motor.
  22. Why not just get a USB (A, B or C dependant upon PC) adaptor to RS232 9Pin and do it they way you used to? They can be purchased for a few pounds from many sources.
  23. I have one of those and I suggest that whilst not the easiest of gadgets to use you can stabilise the wave form and therefore see the shape of the signal and whether there are any unexpected spikes.
  24. I can assure you that you don't want that (Or anything Hornby of you want true computer control)
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