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Everything posted by WIMorrison

  1. I first heard this analogy more than 50 years ago and a quick google search shows that it is generally, and perhaps universally, used and understood in the manner I described
  2. @Pete the Elanernormal convention is that the heel is where the 2 exits are and the toe is the other end - stick the turnout on its side and you will see that it looks like the cross-section of a foot, hence the analogy for the heel and toe.
  3. why not just get one of these https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1000ma-16v-AC-AC-AC-Output-Mains-Power-Adaptor-Supply-Charger-1a-16w-16va/123912651283?hash=item1cd9c50213:g:iy8AAOSwoZ9dhJ3q All the power you need, simple and cheap There are others available for less (and more) money.
  4. Chaps - well worth installing the latest iOS update for the current Z21 app as it will also point you to the new Z21 updater for iOS that enables you to update the firmware through your phone A bonus for those that don't use MS Windows and a nice to have for those of us who do use MS Windows
  5. The cost of this is only £12.50 including VAT and it does what you want - how much cheaper do you want it to be?
  6. Can you post a screenshot of the app you are using as there are 2 versions and going by the info you provide you may be talking about the old Z21 Mobile app not the newer Z21 app. They operate completely differently hence the need to know which app you are talking about
  7. If it is the Z21 system (more than likely) you will find all the details on https://www.z21.eu/en Excellent product that, whilst not the cheapest around, is bulletproof and totally reliable
  8. Have you tried the Zimo Hard Reset described elsewhere? Might help
  9. @jamespetts A pretty good summary of things to consider when planning automation that covers most of the points in the threads dotted around this forum. Can I suggest though that rather than saying iTrain doesn’t do this or TC9 is better at this (and vice versa) we say that I couldn’t find how to do this in iTrain or I found it easier in TC9 and vice versa? the only real similarity between these programs and the other alternatives is that they all run a train around the track automatically but how they all achieve that function is different in all of them and what you are familiar with will always seem easier - and inherently people want to justify their choice of product and expenditure whereas the OP and others want unbiased advice.
  10. i saw this behaviour with a Zimo MX623 and the DR5000 a few times, that was another reason for me getting rid of it and relying only on the Z21 which has been faultless for me.
  11. Keith if you look at the link you posted then you will see that it is 128 locos but 256 Feedbacks not 128 as you state
  12. Turntables - yes Signals - yes Transponding - No Railcom - yes Uncoupling/Coupling - yes, Actions - yes Stopping in Platform Centre - Yes Stopping at Block End - yes In short the only thing that is not, and will not be supported (AFAIK) is transponding as that is unique to Digitrax whereas Railcom is very heavily used in Europe. I will admit that the Actions in iTrain are not as powerful as currently available in TC9, however the upcoming release has many enhancements that close the 'percieved' gap even more. In fairness Keith very few people exceed the limits in the iTrain versions and if you have a layout that has 128 locos 'in steam' at the same time then that is not an average home user and probably warrants the Professional version, whereas many home users need the functionality within the top of the range TC9 Gold to operate their layouts. Dhr Berkout decided to create a gradation in the licencing in iTrain through the controllable assets on a layout and the addition of some extra capability in the different versions (reading CVs, extra displays, etc) but provides the same control functionality in all versions. Herr Freiwald has chosen to limit functionality in TC9 across the versions by restricting the capability in the 'lower' versions. Different ways to achieve a similar objective - open and published variations in pricing
  13. At least with screw terminals you can make the wire as long or short as you want, plus you can connect other items than just the track to them and then there is the little issue of power with the Bachmann having only 63% of the output power that the GM Combi delivers. i am going stick with the combi, works very well for all scenarios
  14. The limitation on number of operable trains is the ability of the host computer and DCC system to process commands, with the major issue being within the DCC Command station. The DCC Protocol is also significantly limited in the available transmission bandwidth and a bit you to control multiple end points. 35 Locos should not present a challenge to any competent program and certainly would not cause any issue for iTrain.
  15. Turntables - yes signal - yes railcom - yes
  16. I wonder why it is that these companies are no longer in business and their controllers are not used by anyone?
  17. A tad expensive when new and unfortunately no second-hand available https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=Bachmann+36-565&_sacat=0&_sop=15 And a comparison to Combi https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_sop=15&_osacat=0&_odkw=Bachmann+36-565&_from=R40&_trksid=p2334524.m570.l1313.TR2.TRC0.A0.H0.Xgaugemaster+combi.TRS0&_nkw=gaugemaster+combi&_sacat=0
  18. Sounds like you are doing it all correctly therefore time to call Settle and see what they say
  19. FYI - the warranty for IP Digital motors is Lifetime therefore I also suggest that you give Mick or Richard a call and see what they say
  20. are you 100% certain that you are sending an accessory address to the IP Digital? An awful lot of people get this wrong with a DR5000. Also are you trying to switch it with iTrain or the DR5000? You need to be 100% certain it is switching with the DR5000 before you enter the address into iTrain and switch using iTrain
  21. I would not say your first option is 'smart' at all, in fact I would say that you are opening up a huge problem area for any testing of locos and anything else . The objective of using DC is to confirm that there are no issues with the loco and what I suggested is an excellent DC source (and available for a lot less as from eBay). You are simply introducing the exact issue that the use of DC from a DC controller is designed to eliminate. As for the second suggestion - if it works for you then, like many of your suggestions, feel free to use it but it is again fraught with problems and another minefield that doesn't help resolve running issues. I am sure you will disagree, you do seem to with most things said by others, but your ideas on how to achieve simple, effective and trusted solutions that can be used by all people aren't the in the mainstream and simple, safe, repeatable advice is what should be provided.
  22. @ahellary Everything that you state you want to achieve is supported 'out of the box' with the standard version of iTrain which is less than a third the cost of TC9 - plus it runs on all platforms (Windows, MacOS, Linux - even Raspberry pi). Another major benefit is that it is supported by a UK retailer - with none of the hassles and problems that Herr Freiwald is introducing with TrainController.
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