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Status Replies posted by bcnPete

  1. Railex here we come! Just keep me away from the Lionheart stand and those 74xx's....

  2. Muse at the Emirates in London. 8th time I've seen them and this gig blows those others away. Simply OUTSTANDING!

  3. Bristol...Simple Minds...Bring it on!!!

  4. OK, beginning to miss the Misses now, as she has been away on holiday for 5 days now, whilst leaving me at home to do some DIY. Trouble is, the sofa is now stacked up with dirty washing up and I don't know what to do?

  5. little more progress on the permanent way this weekend...which is good considering there is only 40 days to the exhibition...

  6. little more progress on the permanent way this weekend...which is good considering there is only 40 days to the exhibition...

  7. Is ballasting...despite the Outlaws..

  8. the rain in spain seems to be mainly on Barcelona this weekend - pubishment for last weekend at the beach I guess....

  9. Peaceful morning, world is asleep, finally time to letter my coaches. Right so where are the transfers, ah here they are. And how many monograms will I need? Ok, 8. Let's see, how many have I got? 1,2,3,4,5,6....7. Argh!!

  10. Its gonna be a swell so big and strong it will wipe clean everything that's been before it...

  11. Happy Birthday to Michael Caine, 80 today...

  12. Was hoping for Pope Flasheart. At least he could have appeared from behind that curtain shouting "iiiits me! Hurray!"

  13. I should never have opened the large box of Liquorice Allsorts...

  14. I should never have opened the large box of Liquorice Allsorts...

  15. Light snow in BCN...blue sky now restored...

  16. 'Right, stop that. It's silly. And a bit suspect I think.'

  17. is trying to find out what it would cost to replace his windscreen if he supplies the new screen itself....

  18. Landed ahead of schedule and now stuck in signalling probs near Purley - Grrrr....

  19. has just collided with Jon020 at Watford Finescale...

  20. Bit more layout progress this morning...hope to update my blog soon...

  21. I was working as a............

  22. Has been watching Michael Portillo's Great Rail Journeys on the iPlayer...am really enjoying them I must say...

  23. is using Soluto to try to speed up his PC. Six minutes to boot up is a bit, er, slow....

  24. is using Soluto to try to speed up his PC. Six minutes to boot up is a bit, er, slow....

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