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Status Replies posted by bcnPete

  1. Invisible ink, previously available at Woolies...

  2. Just seen those images from Healey Mills - Streuth they're good..! All I managed to day was to capture an image of a Deltic on a turntable in Cornwall :-D

  3. Com'on the Mighty Stoke City!...

  4. Friends round tonight for a toad in the hole

  5. Friends round tonight for a toad in the hole

  6. Sorry, can't make Peterborough....Level 42 is in concert tonight in Brizzle!!!

  7. Last night's curry night was a success...need to keep on the move today...

  8. Jenny Agutter , OBE

  9. The railway children is on, the proper one, itv3

  10. Sorry, can't make Peterborough....Level 42 is in concert tonight in Brizzle!!!

  11. I called. You weren't there.

  12. "To boldly go where no-one has gone before."

  13. I called. You weren't there.

  14. Has just realised he has 3 projects on the go plus the O gauge layout! Must focus ....

  15. Enjoying a nice glass of Chianti and Bowie's Young Americans.

  16. oops...my vindaloo and madras are already flippin' hot and I have made them one day early to mature... :-O

  17. oops...my vindaloo and madras are already flippin' hot and I have made them one day early to mature... :-O

  18. A morning surfing alone in the sun followed by a foot long sandwich and a brew. Absolute perfection!

  19. Is going to cook a Chicken Vindaloo and a Chicken Madras later...Hot, Damn hot, Real hot!...

  20. The Captain's Morning rant - I detest having to encounter the contents of someone else's bowel in the lavatory on the train to work.... (rant over ;-) )

  21. Railmatch paint, especially any shade of yellow is utter crap

  22. Is going to cook a Chicken Vindaloo and a Chicken Madras later...Hot, Damn hot, Real hot!...

  23. Gale warning for the south east, chicken madras and bombay aloo with saffron rice and poppadums for dinner mmmmmmmm

  24. After spending a huge chunk of today waiting in the fracture clinic the dislocated thumb is ruled out in favour of a scaphoid fracture that they haven't found yet.

  25. Quote from Graham Taylor at the Poland-England game "When you're on top, you have to score" !

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