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Status Replies posted by bcnPete

  1. 2mm Magazine hits the doormat.... :)

  2. Inset - Reset - Get set - Go...

  3. I think I have sorted the wiring on Avonwick's new fiddle yard. It's very messy but at the moment it works. Now to fettle the track work so that I get some nice smooth running. :-)

  4. All these pix of Barney & N Devon are having an unsettling effect! :~O

  5. is chuffed to have received his latest copy of The 2mm Magazine ;-) ...

  6. has completed the purchase of his client's Flat in the West End.

  7. It would appear that when Kit-Bashing and Scratch-Building skills were being handed out, I was at the back of a very long queue. :-((

  8. found Tigger with his head down the toilet looking for Pooh.

  9. its all gone 'orribly wrong again

  10. can't get the song "Toast" out of his head....

  11. can't get the song "Toast" out of his head....

  12. can't get the song "Toast" out of his head....

  13. has a plan...

  14. 1 Hr + 20 mins Powercut at present...good job I wasn't redoing my track this evening...

  15. am recovering from eating 4 different vegetable currys on Saturday night...so thats why Horsetan takes the horse for a gallop ;-)

  16. am recovering from eating 4 different vegetable currys on Saturday night...so thats why Horsetan takes the horse for a gallop ;-)

  17. I liked London, especially the Stockpot... but not the tubes :( oooh and I loved Black Books!

  18. watching a converted 2mm grafar tank circle a kato oval .............magic

  19. cleaning the house ...which means a trip to the shed...which is where the layouts live....wonder how long ill be in there for? ;)

  20. 1:0 Barca...Come'on !!

  21. Hmm just spent lots of the modelling budget on a new tyre having found a nail in it this morning :(

  22. is amazed at these touchscreen phones. They're hypersensitive. I sneezed, and my phone immediately uploaded Yahoo Mail :-O

  23. has been helping to feed 26 lambs today. Cute.

  24. is listening to ultravox.....

  25. Wonders if Ebay has past its prime (fingers crossed) :D

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