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Status Replies posted by bcnPete

  1. Taunton, here I come.

  2. has packed two massive parcels filled with Swiss HO and HOm ready for despatch to Scotland

  3. trying to find a pub in barcelona showing Stoke v Bolton tomorrow...

  4. B*** P****** on Telly! :~O

  5. Is it wrong to be thinking of building another layout when I've not even completed this one?

  6. is downing a mint-flavoured Baileys.

  7. track tested...let the scenics recommence...

  8. B*** P****** on Telly! :~O

  9. is planning again... uh-oh....

  10. hates skips, hates painting, doesnt like a lot ofstuff sometimes ....

  11. no footie tonight...only modelling...

  12. CTM for dinner tonight :-)

  13. CTM for dinner tonight :-)

  14. Typically sickly vomit inducing trailer for the Royal Wedding coverage on the BBC just now. Bleugh....

  15. Typically sickly vomit inducing trailer for the Royal Wedding coverage on the BBC just now. Bleugh....

  16. my wifes birthday today so best not lay all the modelling equipment out on the dining table me thinks...

  17. has backed the winner and the 3rd home in the National. Another success. Wish I was riding in it, though.

  18. Is wondering whether to purchase a Bach/Farish Western or wait for Dapol to release theirs?...

  19. cant get up...and wakey is calling me.... mite go in my bed

  20. cafe solo - 70% chocolate - siesta...

  21. Painting large walls is good for letting your mind plan trainsets in all manner of scales and gauges

  22. spotted Martin Bell, veteran anti-corruption journo and former MP for Tatton, in Hampstead this morning. Yer man still wears a white suit!

  23. spotted Martin Bell, veteran anti-corruption journo and former MP for Tatton, in Hampstead this morning. Yer man still wears a white suit!

  24. Umm, there seams to be a lot of 2MM track building going on at the moment

  25. 2mm Magazine hits the doormat.... :)

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