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Everything posted by grahame

  1. Just a quick update on the latest for Journal 1/16. Currently it's at the printers and is scheduled for send out week commencing 25th January so that it should be with UK members before the end of the month. The package will contain the usual full colour 88 page 'Journal' plus the separate 'Newsletter' (for time sensitive news) and a special 'leaflet' listing N gauge suppliers. Contents for the Journal are: What’s new in ‘N’- 13 pages of news and reviews Modelling Tip - Some suggestions for improving back-scenes Changing Nameplates - Rowland Lewis undertakes the switch Dunkow Road - A layout photo feature AMMC 2014/15 - Michael Shillabeer’s third report Gatwick Express - The prototype and modelling options Members Models - Mike Adler’s semaphore signals I think I can - A first attempt at control wiring BR Blue LMS BG - Richard Bardsley repaints two BGs Centre Pages Spread - A double page photograph Mermaids - A quick look at these unique wagons An Easy EPB - John Davy shows us how he built one Modelling the Trib Train - Neale Monks explains how using ERG vinyls Fencehouses - A layout photo feature Building a crane jib kit - ‘How to build’ an unusual cardboard kit Seabrough on the Somervale - Mark Holt’s heritage line Improving the UM Dean Goods - Noel Leaver upgrades the new model London Bridge Footbridge (part 1) - A styrene scratch-building project Off-Scene Storage - Peter Norton considers an option Modelling Mail Train - Members letters Back cover - Tornado I hope member enjoy this issue. G.
  2. grahame

    Ask Dave

    I'm pretty sure that the manufacturers at least try to tailor their livery releases to match demand and maximise sales. They'd be foolish not to. In the past there might well have been the odd humdinger but in general the releases are not that far out. Besides I don't think that there is such a demand and a consequnet shortage of all green emus, what I hear is that it is more the other way in there being insufficient releases of more modern liveries. G. G
  3. Me too. But now I know, it's on my follow list. It's an awesome layout, superb modelling and with a lovely flow to the design. Destined to be considered and remembered as one of the great layouts in N gauge. Thanks for sharing it with us. G.
  4. Love that lush grass on the embankment (left). How was it achieved? G.
  5. Maybe, but judging by today's yoof culture it doesn't have the same kudos or entertainment value as playing games, texting or engaging with social media on an iphone or tablet. G.
  6. The copy deadline for Journal 1/16 has now passed and the content has all been finalised and scheduled. The Newsletter content has been received, compiled and sent off, and I'm working on the design, layout and finishing touches for the Journal. There will also be a supplier listing compendium leaflet/booklet with 1/16. All three are scheduled for sending out during week commencing 25th January so should be with UK members by the of Jan - just time for those who are not members, but would like a copy, to join (see the NGS website). G.
  7. I missed seeing any of DJMs EPs at Warley (either of the announced wagons or of the N gauge class 17, 23 and J94 locos) all of which presumably are due for delivery/sale in early/mid 2016. Did anyone take photos that they can post up and show us all? Cheers, G.
  8. I hope NGS members enjoyed the last Journal (6/15). The next issue, 1/16 - the first for next year, is now at a well advanced stage and should be sent out to be with (at least UK) members before the end of January. It will include a separate supplier listing leaflet, and it is also hoped that the Newsletter, that is sent out with the Journal, will include a listing of the items available from the NGS mail order shop (although they are online - http://www.ngsjoin.com/- apparently many members do not have computers or internet access and have requested a paper copy). Articles for inclusion in future issues of the Journal are welcome and encouraged. So if you have a current N gauge modelling project or layout that could be featured then please make the effort. There is a large insatiable audience who would no doubt enjoy seeing your efforts. And as many NGS members do not have an internet connection it doesn't matter if it has already been featured on internet forums. Cheers. G.
  9. And, indeed, that goes for N gauge track-work (to British practice) as well - the issue being that Peco, the major international supplier, have settled on a halfway house, fusing the range of scales (1/160 to 1/148), the different wheel standards, and the range of countries style/practices (British, continental and American) to produce a compromise that suits no-one fully or accurately. The current answer, I guess, is to build your own or assemble kits (scratch, Easitrac, British fiNescale, etc.,) and that, no doubt, also goes for OO in all its various gauges/scales/standards differences. G.
  10. But surely that part of the beauty of the railway modelling hobby - the continuing opportunity to learn and apply new skills and techniques rather than master one simple task and continually repeating it (like a mindless job might entail). Sure some tasks might be difficult to learn and less enjoyable than others but overall that's the pleasure and fun of a hobby - the satisfaction of creating something. G.
  11. Super attention to detail and finesse - it certainly makes for a realistic and finely observed model as demonstrated here. G.
  12. Great stuff. The buildings are full of quirky atmosphere and wholly believable. G.
  13. If you've read it all, you'd have noticed such a job vacancy advertised in the Newsletter. I look forward to hearing from you about your interest. Cheers, G.
  14. Journal 6/15 is currently at the printers and is due to be sent out in a little over one weeks time. Hopefully it will be with UK members by the end of the month and overseas members a little later dependant on their local postal services. The contents are: Good news is that the first issue of next year (1/2016) is well advanced and is looking like it will be a rather good issue. There has been a reasonable response to the appeal for articles and there are even more promised and in the pipeline. Many thanks to those who have made the effort but please continue to consider how and what you can contribute. There will be more future issues to fill up. For those who are not members the Journal is a bi-monthly, 80+ pages, full colour A5 magazine all about N gauge modelling. Annual membership of the N Gauge Society costs just £16 per year (plus a one-off initial joining fee of £5 to cover registration and the Handbook for new members) which, assuming you don’t make any use of the other benefits of membership, is less than £2.70 for each issue of the ‘Journal’ (and an accompanying ‘Newsletter’) including postage to your home in the UK. Overseas members pay a little more to cover the additional postage costs, but it still works out at only £4 per issue in Europe and less than £4.35 for the rest of the World. G.
  15. Sorry, not for me. I voted for things that I want (or rather wish for). If I really want something I try and find a way a bashing one. Unfortunately not always successfully, but I do try to make an effort. G.
  16. Undoubtedly there is a pleasure in buying and owning a fine model - that's why I've purchased far too many RTR locos with many of them absolutely of no use to the layout I'm building. But there is also a special additional pleasure and satisfaction to be had in making ones own models, be they kits or scratch-built, or even simply bashed RTR. They don't have to match or surpass the quality of finish that you get with RTR - I'm not competing or measuring myself against professional commercial model making manufactures. I'm making them for my pleasure, the fun of it and because no-one else has one quite like it. Consequently I always find the excuse of not being able to make things to the current RTR standards a bit of a convenient excuse and cop out from even trying. G.
  17. Is it soley that? Possibly not, although certainly youngsters can be vary critical and cruel amongst each other, whereas older folk tend to be more supportive and encouraging with their peers and, of course, the hobby is dominated by older enthusiasts. However I do get the impression that youngsters expect and want the best of everything now and with little effort (on their part). And unfortunately these days it is often given to them from an early age, meaning they don't learn the value of effort and patience (and hard work?). They certainly won't put up with secondhand or homemade stuff these days. G.
  18. As editor of the NGS Journal I'd love to publish articles about modelling using razor saws and soldering irons. I'm not twitchy about it but the problem seems to be a lack of suitable submissions - very few 'modellers' seem to use such things these days. It's more about using new technology - designing/making 3D printed models, adding sound, programming DCC chips, and specifying pre-printed vinyls. CD G.
  19. My view would be that it's a straight line scale between OO RTR at one end and P4 bespoke at the other. To get to the P4 end you need increasing resources both in time, space and skill. Most 'modellers' will plonk themselves somewhere along the line where they are happy - presumably at a point that offers sufficient challenge to be satisfying and where it is possible for them to get something up and running within their budget and other constraints. If things change, like improved skills or other resources, then they may choose to move further along that line. G.
  20. Is there any new information or update on issue #4 of this magazine? I appreciate the issues that they've faced (an office move and staff illness) but it's now nearly a month since the posting above, nearly two months since it was due (before TINGS) and nearly three months since any update on their website. Although I received the directory (presumably as compensation for the delay) that wasn't what I paid for, and concern is now starting to set in. Nonetheless my best wishes for a speedy recovery to Robin. G.
  21. The copy deadline has now passed for issue 6/15 (November/December 2015) and I'm just putting the finishing touches to it before it goes off to the printers and distributors. Dispatch should be around the last full week of November; G.
  22. I think it's not so much about liking or disliking a new approach - if it gains additional business then its acceptable - but is more that they have also ditched other communications and marketing channels. All that does is alienate and disfranchise enthusiasts who were presumably once customers. G.
  23. There seems to be an incorrect assumption that it's all about magazines - its not. But, of course, magazines are read by more than just their circulation numbers - consider all those who use Smiths as a reading room and don't purchase, plus for those purchased there are other family members and those passed on to freinds and read in clubs, libraries, etc, and the reports posted on forums, etc. G.
  24. "Just enough" to make a profit is one marginal customer paying the final 1p over total costs which is a precarious position and not a good business model. Loose one customer and you make a loss. I guess they are also looking to maximise profit so while there are easy to engage with potential customers it would be worthwhile seriously consider going for them. Besides the cost of acquiring new customers is far higher than retaining existing customers/enthusiasts and continuing to engage with them. It known as churning your customer base and not dumping them. G.
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