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Everything posted by grahame

  1. I can't access that forum so would be grateful if the details could be posted here. Thanks. G.
  2. Nope, again I don't see evidence that anyone is saying or suggesting that - just your interpretation. The impression I get is that Hornby are failing to engage, through relatively cheap and easy media channels, with all enthusiasts and potential customers. There is a misguided assumption that everyone is internet connected and savvy, and clearly they are not. Magazines are just one potential route, not the only alternative or the main thrust of the discussion. It's not about free samples or whatever but communicating widely. G
  3. Yep, updating magazines and forums with an email is a cheap, quick and easy method of communicating and marketing. I think its absence is more about attitude rather than marketing budget constraints. After all, unless they advertise in the magazine, they are hardly contributing to commercial magazines costs of printing and distribution of any news items. G.
  4. What Hornby appear to be doing is selecting the cheapest channel not the one that leads to the most affluent customers. And even targetting affluent customers is not the best approach - the ideal audience is those with the greatest propensity to spent, rather than just those with most wealth and awareness. Growing your customer base is a better long term solution than scaling back on communicating. G.
  5. Yep, and I think you've answered and identified that one - communication needs to be two way and it should engage with all potential customers. Cheers. G.
  6. Probably a range of wagons to include a vanwide, a mermaid and a tiger clay hopper. G.
  7. I don't think anyone has claimed or suggested that older people in general are not interested in the internet. However in my experience, and certainly from wider than just friends and family, I get the impression that there are still many not connected - for whatever reason. There are certainly those not interested but also those unaware, cant afford it, unable due to illness or disabilty, phobias, or even out of range. Consequently the number of those who are connected and do use it is probably over estimated. G.
  8. I don't think this is universally true and believe that the number of railway modellers who are both internet savvy and connected is over stated. My experience, as editor of the NGS Journal with a circulation of around 6000 members, is that that far more of them do not use email or the internet than I initially thought. Many still communicate by hand written posted letters! There have been weeks when I receive more letters than emails from members. This seems to indicate that many of our older members (N gauge modellers) are not connected. If that example if replicated across the entire railway modelling market then potentially those who rely on electronic methods for disseminating information are missing a significant potential market segment. G.
  9. Although there's not really been any fidelity improvements in Union Mills output for many years, both Farish and Dapol could learn something from the neater and less obtrusive coupling rod fittings on the UM model rather than the huge hex bolts and screws they both use. G.
  10. I would hope he, and everybody else, knows 'something'. But I guess that is not the issue regarding being un-professional refers to. It's more probably the implication of such a comment concerning the issue. In such circumstances it's usually best to say nothing. But then if you can't see/understand that, then you wouldn't think its wrong, and it hardly matters. Cheers, G.
  11. Hmm, that sounds rather like rumour mongering IMO. You've heard something (unsubstantiated and probably third party hearsay) about one manufacturer and then try to attach the negative connotations of it on another manufacturer, implying that consequently they have a problem. But at least we now know that you're not sure if its true. Thanks for clarifying that. G.
  12. Hmmm, not sure what this means. It seems to imply that some OO liveries don't have rights but aren't they basically the same as the N gauge ones so why would it only apply to OO? I'm not sure that this obsessing with DJM and implying something underhand with Dapol is helpful. Dapol announced the 59 (in N) first and quite some time later DJM also announced them but in both N and OO. Later DJM cancelled both and then Dapol added OO to their N development. Quite sensible, simple and straightforward. G.
  13. Exactly. AFAIC it doesn't matter and hardly warrants a potential conspiracy comment along the lines of being uncomfortable. But then I'm more disappointed that the N gauge class 59 has taken so long, but pleased one will be coming along. In the long gestation period I did bother to make my own class 59 which NGS members can see and read about in the next issue of the Journal (6/15). G.
  14. Yep, the Dapol class 59 is not just in OO, there is also planned, and has been for quite some time now, an N gauge version (due 3rd quarter 2016 according to their website): 2D-005-000 Class 59 Foster Yeoman `Alan J Day' 59002 2D-005-001 Class 59 ARC `Village Of Great Elm' 59103 2D-005-002 Class 59 DB Schenker `John F Yeoman' 2D-005-003 Class 59 National Power Blue 59204 I'm not so sure what "uncomfortably close" means - there were only 15 made (and in three sub-classes) so I guess any selected to be produced as models will be pretty similar to give a range of liveries and sub-classes. And the Dapol N gauge class 59 was announced well before DJMs class 59, unfortunately now cancelled, announcement. G.
  15. I don't think it's so much whether the old Farish or the newer Dapol version is best, most detailed or has the most accurate profile (I'm not so sure either is spot on), but that they are different and those differences become so much more apparent when run together. G.
  16. I hope, those who get sent a copy, have enjoyed issue 5/15. Journal 6/15 is well advanced and is just about complete (apart from the usual last minute news and reviews stuff) so I thought I'd make a start on putting 1/16 together. However, it's looking like it might be a very blank and potentially thin issue unless some new articles and/or features are submitted. So here's yet another appeal for some content otherwise it could be made up of a lot of filler waffle by me. Members articles and features provide variety and vitality about the hobby and the Journal offers a showcase for their projects and models, as well as news, reviews, tips, letters and more. However, it's always nice to hear from other practitioners of the N/2mm family of scales so submissions from non-members have always been welcome and included in the Journal (even before I became editor). If you're not a member then I'll be as pleased to hear from you as much as members, and although we don't pay for submissions I can arrange for you to be sent a copy of the Journal issue that your article appears in. It's a fairly hefty, more that 80 pages, all colour, A5 magazine style publication. Who knows it might encourage you to join the society. Details of how to submit articles can be found on the NGS website along with the email address to send them to: http://www.ngaugesociety.com/index.php?page=frequently-asked-questions-about-journal-submissions Cheers in anticipation. G.
  17. grahame

    class 33

    Fraid I don't have Facebook or twitter which I understand is their preferred method of communication. Does anyone have a suitable email address to use for such things? G.
  18. grahame

    class 33

    I think you'll find its the larger hatch (held on by those numerous clips) that should be a contrast grey/brown colour rather than that little patch. G.
  19. Yep, me too. Obviously a little apology for the lateness/delay to issue #4 which was due before TINGS. But nice nonetheless. G
  20. grahame

    class 33

    Possibly they don't look 'muscular' enough. Certainly the one with the tramway bell is not properly sitting on the sole-bar/under-frame. And perhaps with a coat of paint they'll bulk out a bit. But it's good to see progress with these 'essential' locos. G.
  21. Yep, I'm always keen for a decent pint, or two, or three . . . . ;-) G
  22. So they could basically use the same body moulding and the same bogies? Plus as much of the under-frame equipment is separate fittings it would probably only need a few different cabinets/fan housings. Odd they've had to scrap all the development work they've done so far and go back to the beginning. Still at least the NSE Mk2As have turned up - just a shame they haven't done the BFK as ATM there's no first call accommodation available in NSE. G.
  23. I thought that Mk2E and Mk2F were very similar - same basic body but differences in internal panelling and seats. What other differences are there? G.
  24. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/GRAHAM-FARISH-374-875T-EWS-INSPECTION-SALOON-N-GAUGE-SOCIETY-MH335-/231682024506?hash=item35f153243a Hmmm, you could join the NGS, buy one from their shop and still have change out of that price. G.
  25. Anyone seen issue #4 - according to the editorial in issue #3 it was promised for publication before TINGS and the publication advert in that issue said it was scheduled for Sept 7th. I've not received my subscription copy and there's no update on their website. G.
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