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Status Updates posted by Jim49

  1. Just come home after finishing work.....for the last time! Now to enjoy retirement!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Jim49


      I'm sure there will be as well, skipesi but I don't want to think about it just yet.

    3. skipepsi


      Enjoy it all for a long time.

    4. Mallard60022


      When I 'finally' retired a few weeks back, SWMBO said...."You need a hobby.....". I reminded her about the piles of railway stuff I've been accumulating over the last 40 years...... :))) and pointed out the baseboard construction factory in the garage!

      However, I can confirm there will be lists (plural..).

  2. It's snowing hard here in Neilston

    1. Stevelewis


      We had a laod yesterday, in North wales, but it melted quite quickly thank goodness!!

    2. Alex TM

      Alex TM

      A braw bricht moonlit nicht the nicht in Edinburgh!

    3. Jim49


      Is that where you are now Alex? The streets of Glasgow are safe at last!

  3. It's started snowing hard here in Neilston.

    1. davefrk


      Had a couple of blizzards here in sunny Blantyre too.

    2. Jim49


      As you're just down the hill from Scotland's winter training ground of East Kilbride, what else can you expect?

  4. It's started snowing here.

  5. Welcome back RMweb. I know it's still early days but I can navigate the site much faster now than I have been able to for months. Let's hope it stays that way.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Bod you have jinked it

    3. Horsetan


      Is this a SQuirreL I see before me?

    4. Jim49


      Nuts to you too.

  6. OH Happy Day... SWMBO has just left to visit her brother & family in Kent for a week and I am FREE......... There's beer in the fridge, curry shop on speed-dial and no bl**dy soaps for a 8 whole days. Let joy be unconfined!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mythocentric


      Oh lucky mortal. Spare a thought for the rest of us poor souls :)

    3. BoD


      Where has Joy been confined ........ and does SWMBO know about her?

    4. Jim49


      As long as she doesn't read RMweb I'm safe.

  7. Today is Star Wars Day all over the world. May the Fourth go with you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Anyone use Yodafone mobiles?

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Only to Jabba

    4. oldknotty


      And the Sith and seventh as well !!

  8. SWMBO will be back in a minute. I'm off up the loft with a Tunnock's Teacake for company. Mmmmmmmm....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pH


      Just finished a caramel log myself - my wife arrived back from Scotland with supplies last night.

    3. Jim49


      Ah, I see you have her well trained. (Sorry about that)

    4. Horsetan


      Let's hear it for Tunnock's Teacakes!!

  9. "Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String" - er, Sellotape. A 3F shaped box has arrived.

  10. Up in Massachusetts there's a little spit of land, the men who make the maps they call the place Cape Anne

  11. Old John Joseph was a man with two first name. They put him in the railroad yard when they took away the trains. s

  12. Just back from a fortnight in Lanzarote and not looking forward to work on Monday. Grrrrrr.

  13. Listening to Kraftwerk Max?

  14. Rocky Horror - Aseries of film with Silvester Stallione

  15. halfwit - As long as they're not the same ones.

  16. As long as it's not the Aylesbury...

  17. Well, if you will be at Ayr on Sunday Max....

    1. Horsetan


      To Ayr is human....

  18. Halfwit - PLease make sure you pick it up by the proper end.

  19. More like a Class 17 then?

  20. Is waiting until Sunday to go to the Falkirk show. Hope the weather improves.

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