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Everything posted by bridgiesimon

  1. Sounds interesting, will give it a go, just ordered a greenie one to go with my 2 blue ones and my worsley works disc headcode one. Been spraying a pair of class 31 bodies today into Br blue with full yellow ends, not for Polpendra but for my next long term project which will go onto here at some point when I am further on with the layouts I have and when the exhibitions slow down a little. Speaking of which, Polpendra will be at the Ross on Wye show - http://www.ukmodelshops.co.uk/events/9149-RossonWyeModelRailwayExhibition Sat 16th August 2014 - Sun 17th August 2014 John Kyrle High School, Ledbury RD, Ross On Wye, Herefordshire HR9 7ET OPENING TIMES: SAT & SUN 10am- 4pm Got some time off hence the spraying so better get on with Polpendra, sorting and tidying scenics, checking everything etc. Best wishes Simon
  2. Looking great, I do like the subtle weathering on the oil tanks etc, very convincing. Best wishes Simon
  3. The other frustration with the Maunsell stock is that the initial release is SR livery no sign of Br liveried stock. Never mind, suppose it gives more time to save up for the pile I want!! Hopefully with the brake comp to follow. Back to Graham Farish, I was hoping that they would be announcing the missing Bulleid Brake composite, never mind! Best wishes Simon
  4. Layout looking most excellent Richard, also really enjoyed the whole show so well done all involved!!! P.S. one great grand prix today!!! Best wishes Simon
  5. Interesting, I look forward to seeing how your DMU develops, that for the info. Best wishes Simon
  6. A 119 is in my to do box, this one a BH enterprises one, the class 121 body is shorter than the 119 etches, do you have the same issue with the 117 etched sides? I believe they are 64'6" stock as well or is it just the kit that is too long? Best wishes Simon
  7. Although the birdcage stock is interesting, I am also surprised and think that maybe other bullied varient would have been more useful such as the tavern car pair or the, still missing, brake composites! Not knocking Bachmann, any addition to the range can only be positive! Best wishes Simon
  8. Ok, that makes sense, thanks for the info, they must have been bloomin' unconfortable!! Best wishes Simon
  9. Interesting item but, sorry for being thick, I have not seen these in use before (spotting this one at NRM though) so my question is, what were they used for? Best wishes Simon
  10. £69.95 each!!! http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/prod1.php?prod_selected=scraftn&prod=1 Although I admit that the scenecraft range is good for standard etc, those prices are way too high for me!! Best wishes Simon
  11. Today I am planning to have a go at some of my steam locomotives, light airbrush weathering and brushed dribbles and rusty patches etc. Hopefully, I am going for the in service but not too grimey look. Best wishes Simon
  12. just the airbrush and non air brush thingy but I do think I need to add some downward streaking especially on the class 22. Best wishes Simon
  13. New lead arrived and works, cue the manic laughing!! Anyway, am pretty pleased with my weathering attempts - Starting with the little one, the 03 shunter - Then had a go at the old class 25 from Farish, a very old model, brass gears in this one!! Followed by the class 22, tried to match the factory weathered one I already have to a certain degree as well as looking at piccies. And finally my pair of warships, the piccie does not show up the grime added to the roof though, photography not my strong point!! Anyway, please let me know what you think and anything I should do differently, better, shouldn't have done etc. Always ready to learn!! Best wishes Simon
  14. Poynton Sneer - Classic name, well impressed!!! Sorry for the thread hijack there!! Simon
  15. This is looking superb, the weathering on the class 37 is great and agree with otehrs, the greenie stuff is bringing the scene to life!!! Great to see another excellent N gauge layout on RM Web!! Best wishes Simon
  16. ooer, missed the Iron Maiden quotes last night, does that mean this is the 'aftermath'? meaning that I am not 'The Educated Man' so perhaps I should slam my 'face in the Sand'. Some more obscure ones for you all. Sorry Guys Simon
  17. er, sorry but not Eric (Bananaman) he lived at 29 Acacia Road, more like the residence, or work place, of a lady of negotiable affections called Charlotte the Harlot. Takes an individual with suitably decent musical interests to get to the right answer, 32 years ago as well!!! Best wishes Simon
  18. Piccies delayed cos I have managed to mislay the lead to connect the camera to the computer - aaargh!!!! new one ordered and still searching!! Dosey so and so!! Simon
  19. The Gloucester show was great and despite the very hot weather, it was not too quiet. The layout ran really well without any major issues despite not really being used for nearly 6 months, proves the importance of time spent before a show cleaning and servicing!! Anyway, it has given me motivation to really get on and I havce got the airbrush out and have been weathering the motive power, piccies to follow!! Best wishes Simon
  20. Shows how muich they know about Hobbit history if they missed that out!!! hehehe Simon
  21. Barnstaple show is not far away now!! Looking forward to seeing your layout again. Best wishes Simon
  22. Contact made, and layout booked in for the Stowe oin the Wold exhib next year, interest and invite most appreciated. Best wishes Simon
  23. Great looking weathering, a good natural looking smegging!!! Best wishes Simon
  24. A bit behind everyone else but Brush for me as well N gauge needs a smoother finish on a backscene to keep the details in proportion, a small dolup or smear is great in a painting but when near an N gauge model can seen enourmous. I do echo other comments and envy your access to such an artist, my mother in law is all but blind and a dosey old bag!!! hehehe Best wishes Simon
  25. Sounds good, look forward to seeing more at Barnstaple, ages away but will be with us sooner than we realise!! Simon
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