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Everything posted by bridgiesimon

  1. here goes, fingers crossed - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6a6al38AVE Please let me know if the link works, yeah I just noticed I called it Hobbiton End Eater not Water, D'oh!!! Simon
  2. Hi mate, your new layout is looking great, really like it!! It feels like a small urban yard squeezed in between the buldings and the weathering of your stock suits it really well. Simon
  3. OK, this layout looked superb today! even better in the flesh as in the piccies, looking forward to seeing the class 50 piccies. Also thanks for the advice about lining transfers, I have found the Replica orange lining pack onlone and ordered some. Enjoy the 28xx, not sure how it fits in with this layout but... Best wishes Simon
  4. Very fun time today, I have been playing with a servo and control unit and have got the water tower arm working in a mock up so will be having the water tower arm moving up and down on the layout in the near future!! If only I knew how to add videos on here I would add one to show you guys! Anyway, better get on with it. Simon
  5. Yes you are allowed to say you enjoy this but perhaps add the psycotic laughter? Best wishes Simon
  6. I had a similar car issue with my other layout, Hobbiton End, with Polpendra there is room for the layout with all the gubbins, me, wifie and son but with Hobbiton End only 2 of us fit. Guess who gets left at home? Yep wifie!!! Sunday is getting very close!! Simon
  7. Thank you for the posting, I think those images are stunning and will use them when developing the finer details in the scene. Most appreciated Simon
  8. More than fine by me, I would also love to see them!! Best wishes Simon
  9. Mr Black Sheep, I love that piccie!! yes the aim is to add bracing for the chute, not had chance yet but looking at that piccie I think more needs to be done to it rather than leaving it straight!! This is why I love RM Web, great comments, excellent ideas and a a very support bunch of guys!! Best wishes Simon
  10. loking forward to seeing this in Taunton it is looking great, hopefully see you then. Simon
  11. Thank you guys for the great piccies and the comments, we had a good day, lots of great feedback for the layout!! For those of you who do not know us, the youngster concentrating on the layout in Ray's first piccie is my son and regular layout operator, Sebastian. Best wishes Simon
  12. I am very sorry that I could not get to the show at the weekend as I do like this layout of yours!! Piccies are looking great, I agree about the easishunt couplers, I trialed them for my narrow gauge layout and get very frustrated with them I was able to get simple coupling and uncoupling sorted easily but the delayed action uncoupling was always very unreliable so I took them all off and now use Greenwich couplers instead. I decided to also stick with MBD couplings for my N gauge after that trial as well although I am aware sweveral people do use them successfully. Best wishes and thanks for the piccies Simon
  13. I picked up one of these today and see what you mean, not ideal but as mentioned with a little variation of varnish, not too noticeable! A great model otherwise. Best wishes Simon
  14. Shock of shocks guys, we have been awarded 'Best in show, here at the Monmouth exhibition!! i am obviously delighted!! Simon a few additions so will take piccies and post later when we get home. best wishes simon
  15. OK, I think that I only have one comment - BLOODY HELL!!!!! This will keep you going for quite a while then, please keep up with the updates, I, among many others, really enjoy watching the development of this mega project. Best wishes Simon
  16. Well impressed with the scaffolding lorry, this is something I have been loking at doing for my N layout and have a few piccies ready as well as a lorry to convert. so seeing your model should give me the motivation to get on with it. Just hope I can get it loking half as good as your though. Best wishes Simon
  17. I love the way the castle is dwarfing the trains, really proves that the choice of location is spot on for very effective running in the future!! Best wishes Simon
  18. This project continues to amaze me, one of the topics I return to and read through regularly. Best wishes Simon
  19. no, the pieces you sent are perfect and more than big enough for the water tower, I do appreciate it. Best wishes Simon
  20. A big thank you to Graham for the wonderful piece of card you sent me in the post, most appreciated I am sure it will be very useful. I think I might even have a use for the couple of bits of plastic you sent witht he card to keep it straight. hehehe. Apologies to anyone else reading this I am sure it does not make any sense what so ever! Please let me know how much I owe you for the plastic water offcuts, They will be used as they are perfect!! Best wishes Simon
  21. Loads to keep me busy on this layout for quite a while but I have a few ideas for another fantasy layout based on the Discworld of Terry Pratchett. Other ideas include maybe basing a layout on the darker side of Middle Earth with orcs etc running trains in a very dark and dirty industrial environment rather than the green and clean Shire. Best wishes Simon
  22. Bonkers is good though!! hehehe Simon
  23. Well, the layout is now all packed up ready for the Nailsea show tomorrow. Final checks and running session complete with all working which means at the show nothing will work and the locos will not run hehehe. Just a few final painting tasks for this evening before sleepies and off we go, hopefully will get to see some of you there? Best wishes Simon
  24. Thank you for the link, not just for the hobbit hole front but they have lots ofother great detailing stuff as well. I think I will be putting together an order their way!! Will try the silicone stuff as well. Simon
  25. Same with the 'clear' varnish I have been trying out. with thin layers it is clear but as the layers add, it gets milky! Simon
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