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Everything posted by RedGemAlchemist

  1. Those aren't bad at all, to be fair. I've seen way worse. Also I'd give that Fletcher Jennings a slightly thicker chimney tbh. The drafting with one that thin is probably terrible. Is that lean-to made of lolly sticks? Neat, nice work! Also loving that 0-6-0ST.
  2. Glad to see you're feeling better, Tom. Onwards and upwards.
  3. Sensible idea, that. Then you can make sure they're faithful to the characters as they are in the original books.
  4. Clearly someone trying to get it mistaken for the actual, rather rare Hornby Thomas & Friends Bear. The number and the quality of the paint on the face are the giveaway.
  5. Another nice find for you all this evening: Becs body shell for a small 0-6-0T. Very nicely done, I must say.
  6. Seeing as I've never heard of said book I didn't know that.
  7. Decided to do some minor work that I'd been meaning to do for a while. First off, I've moved back the banking shed to make more room for the banking engine which will be arriving soon. I'll link the post to it on my workbench thread here when it arrives. Also finished Hewe Hall's back garden and started on a pig field to fill up the empty space on Board 3.
  8. Today we have something quite interesting: Here is someone's attempt at making a Henry. I've definitely seen much worse, but it is in a rather poor state. Also not quite sure whose face that is. Also apparently he's a Patriot now. Alrighty then. Scroll down the page and... oh God, not another one... This time with Percy's face, which looks even dumber. Also the listing calls this... thing "Jock", which last time I checked was the name of one of the Arlesdale engines and not a standard-gauge character. Again a stupid price (£120!!!)
  9. The point is it's nice. Moving on: : here is a really nicely modified Nellie. Linked of course. Not sure about that chimney but the rest is really nice. Very much deserves a mention. The same seller also has a Swindonised Jinty.
  10. @chuffinghell, I just have one thing to say, or rather ask. HOW THE HELL ARE YOU SO GOOD AT BUILDING SCENERY? That is all. Keep up the good work.
  11. Right. After two months of drawing repeated blanks, here I am again asking for some help with ideas for you guys. I do at least have a better photo this time: Did had to hang my phone from the ceiling to get it though. Also I apologies for the mess on the floor and the fact you can see into the bin. As before the only permanently mounted track is the top corner, as such: - which is where the main line from Hewe heads down towards the station. Down line is the one closest to the wall. The annoying bit is the fact I need to get the works and sheds in on the right-hand side, and I don't know how to organise all that. In the photo at the top, the station buildings and temporary track layout are in place more for a concept of how much room there is rather than where they're actually going to go. Any help, as always, will be greatly appreciated.
  12. You can - Tomix make them - but that one is clearly custom and it's really nice. Looks like the body might be an old ERTL one actually.
  13. Indeed - I recently turned a 4F body shell @Corbs gave me into an LNER J17. You can do a lot with basic elements if you know what you're doing.
  14. ...for £100 on eBay. On the other side of the spectrum, this beautiful N gauge Thomas made on a Graham Farish Pannier chassis: (Not linked as it's £225 but worth mentioning as it's really well done.)
  15. Well, today I learnt something I didn't necessarily need to know Nice work there Sophia! Are those platforms plasticard or cardboard?
  16. KLR No.1 now has a successor, after the motor in the original burnt out completely. Bulldog V2 is a small Peckett side tank inspired by the KESR's Marcia (and also one of the creations of my good friend @TurboSnail), and was made from a Dapol Pug and a Hornby 101, with a boiler made from wooden dowel and a brass chimney.
  17. My newest build is done, a small Peckett tank made from a Dapol Pug and a Hornby 101.
  18. Here's one of my most prolific creations - a 4-6-0T conversion of one I built as a tribute to my late grandfather last October. Tanks will probably get a trim at some point and the lining needs redoing but I'm still rather proud of it.
  19. Sorry to see you're still having issues with Edward, mate.
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