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Everything posted by SteelAndSoot

  1. I recently finished one of the kits that I bought at the recent model show. Its a 1/32 staff car. Specifically the airfix version of Bernard Montgomery's Humber. I am quite pleased with it considering all the fiascoes I had with building it such as buying paint only to find it is a different shade to what it is sold as (it was supposed to be Brunswick green but it was black). Plus one of my dogs stepped on it four times even though she only has three legs. But I like it and I intend to do a German staff car as well. And maybe an american staff car but I am not to interested in those.
  2. Oh and two more things 1. I can't wait for the Hornby ruston 48 as I have loved them for years (I saw one in the thumbnail of a video and that is how I found Lawrie's channel). 2. This is a bit bigger. A lot bigger than a ruston 48. So I brought $190 to the model show and I only spent $80 (I bought some really cool stuff). So I was left with $110 and still had the model bug. and so things may have gotten out of hand. Long story short a railway gun is on route to my house. I bought the new oxford rail Boche Buster and it will be here in a time frame between 1 to 4 weeks Most likely 2 weeks
  3. I went onto google maps to circle the railway just to show what it looks like I think it is the most strangely endearing thing ever. The place where I volunteer is just a loop of track around a field and I thought that was small.
  4. soooooo. the model show didn't go to plan. There was nothing there was nothing but military kits for sale in the sale stands at the model show I said I was going to. Therefor I won't be able to start that project I wanted to. BUT. there is good news 1. I bought lots of military kits (not sure if anybody would be interested but I will probably post some images) 2. New plan So I have decided on plan 2. Just earlier this week I was on YouTube at break time between classes when I found something amazing. I found a YouTube channel called "Lawrie's Mechanical Marvels". I would imagine some people have heard of him before but for those that haven't he makes videos about. Well, Mechanical marvels. Now he owns his own ruston hornsby 48ds and at some point he was contacted to have his engine be the lucky one to open a new preserved railway. And now we get to the plan. The railway he was helping to open was called the leiston works railway. And uhh. Its definitely special Here it is (some of the only pictures I can find of it. but Lawrie has two decently lengthed videos of it) It is a tiny stretch of track between two gardens. some sources say it is 250 feet long and others say 500. Either way it is a simple stretch of straight track as seen here I think it is brilliant and because of that I have decided to make a model of something similar. I say similar because I don't think I could make an accurate model and honestly I don't find that kind of stuff fun. I find making a replica of somebody elses work a bit boring (no offense to anyone who likes building that. it is still nice to see but I don't find much fun in building it) I find it a bit like homework. So I am going to build something VERY similar but with my own twists and interpretations. So within the next couple days or so I will have the track layed. The baseboard is already cut to size I just have to wait to get a piece of track back from a friend who is soldering wires onto it.
  5. Say I was just wondering if someone could help me with this. I have a plan for another pugbash but to do so I will need to remove the body from the chassis. I don't have a soldering iron so if the wires where to become detached from the motor it would be very inconvenient as I would then need to buy a iron. So I was wondering if the body can be removed from the chassis without moving the motor as from all the diagrams I can find show the motor unable to be removed without the wires being detached. have no idea if it can be removed easily or not.
  6. here is another engine I did. I have got no idea what it is but while I was sticking stuff together it kinda came out like this. Either way I am happy with it
  7. here is a pugbash I made. its a fireless engine. a mix between German and English (English cab German style boiler and paint job)
  8. I made this quite a while ago when I was testing a load of different modelling styles The T34's left track has been broken on a rock in the river. My backstory to this is the crew wasn't incredibly experienced and charged straight into a river without checking the ground for obstacles. They saw other tanks go across and the commander thought "hey it must be safe". the tank then broke its track off and damaged the front left sprocket making it hard to repair (a lot of early t34s where dumped after breaking down rather than spending time recovering and repairing the tank) that on top of the tank being in water making it much harder to be repaired by the crew. the crew then just opened the hatches and left.
  9. Might as well throw my hat in this is a model I made for a cakebox challenge. Sadly when I submitted my entry I was in the airport and the wifi must have freaked out so it never got judged so I might as well show a couple images of it here.
  10. Yeah I am subscribed to your channel. I am going to order some lining transfers in less than a week and have learned a lot from your video. Will
  11. thanks. I was going to do about three or four wagon kits and some cars before I start on a locomotive. Will
  12. the best way I can put it is what kit did you find the easiest or required the least amount of work Will
  13. I can use it moderately well. I can attach things together in their correct positions but it will be a bit messy and I will then need to spend quite a while cleaning the massive clumps. but I have a friend who has extensive experience in using them for kits. Will
  14. A couple things. First of all this is a brilliant layout and I can't wait to see what else comes next. And secondly is there a kit of an industrial engine that you would recommend to a starter. Will
  15. So I thought I might as well give an explanation to why my models are no where near the best. 1. where I live it is stupidly hard to buy kits or anything like that for a decent price. 2. I am only half way through high school and so don't have the best experience in making metal kits. 3. I earn less than minimum wage so miney can be a bit tight 4. The school I go to has 3d printers and I'm trying to bodge things together by only looking at pictures (that is why I tend to steer away from making models of pre existing engines as nothing I 3d print is accurate and making my own design is more fun and means if it comes out to large or to small I can just make up a reason). 5. I only have basic tools (craft knife, pen, dremel and I only recently got my hands on an cordless drill) I am trying to do the best that I can. this isn't a sob story this is just me saying my models aren't the best but I am happy with them. oh and also a model show is coming up in ten days and I am going to buy as much broken and spare things as I possibly can. I am also going to try and buy some metal kits (maybe one engine and a couple wagons) so when I buy a soldering iron in a couple weeks I can practice on a cheap wagon kit.
  16. its a bit wonky so I have made a updated design that fixes most of the flaws
  17. here it is so far. once again like most of my projects it is to design a cheap body that can fit onto pre existing chassis. In a couple of weeks we are having a model show near where I live. I will go there and buy bits and pieces for a new project. I don't know what the project is yet but I will make it up as I go along. unless there is something special there that I really want.
  18. I wasn't happy painting my manning wardle in LBSC colours so I have decided to paint it in a light green with drak green lining
  19. I finished my homeguard train. the armour is removable. ii never exsisted in real life but I find it a funny concept. also the armour (corrugated iron or wriggly tin) wouldn't stop anything other than a few rocks. I think it fits with the dads army version of the home guard of making something that looks nice but isn't really viable and they aren't able to paint private property (that is why the terrier keeps its wartime grey and the corrugated iron is painted.
  20. I gave it a glossy lacquer because I think it looks better shiny as in context of what I am making it for (dads army homeguard) it would be well cleaned.
  21. I stuck the buffers on and painted the cab interior, funnel, number, whistle and those weird pipes between the smokebox and the tanks (Still not sure what those are)
  22. I have painted my terrier into wartime grey. All I need ti do now is finish the cab interior and give it buffers
  23. My donor loco for my homeguard engine arrived earlier today (the poor postman had to bike through torrential rain). And so I now have to modify it. I am going to add buffers, repaint the engine into wartime grey, paint the cab inside and then finally start making the corrugated iron armour and sandbags
  24. Also I finished building a kit of a m3 grant (the british modification of the m3 Lee) where the kit allowed you to build both the Lee and the Grant. but because the only large visual difference between them is the shape of the turret and the lack of the commander turret..... machine gun..... thing. ANYWAY because of that I have a spare turret with gun and mini machine gun turret. and I have decided that I will take that spare turret and mount it onto a coastal defence bunker I will be building on my railway overlooking my "Harbour"
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