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Everything posted by Adam88

  1. I always liked the comment that the real Mrs Lomax made when she saw the film that she was never as dowdy as Nicole Kidman.
  2. I don't understand why two minutes after someone started a thread called 'On Cats' this thread has suddenly been taken over as well. I'm not objecting though, they don't annoy me or bark.
  3. My Dad had his RAF-issued watch stolen by a medical orderly when he was recovering in hospital at Onchan Head after his Anson crashed into the Isle of Man. It always annoyed him, probably because it was a better watch than anything he could aspire to in civvy street. Having heard so much about how the Air Force was run in those days I imagine that he got into more trouble for losing the watch than the Anson.
  4. My dentist for many years, nay decades, ran a single practice with perhaps two or three other dentists, a couple hygienists and a receptionist. I think he did much of the admin himself, he was often there long after everyone else had gone home. The day came about four years ago when he retired and sold the practice to a group of five or six practices in a number of small towns in the region. Since then the other dentists and hygienists have all left and I rarely see the same person more than twice running. To make converstaion I ask where they live and they often commute twenty or so miles, if they can get work in a more local practice they take it. Now I know that any inspection/treatment stands in its own right but I feel that I am missing something and that continuity of relationship is an intangible benefit which I am missing. Oh, did I mention that the new organisation's professional fees notched up? I imagine that the day of the owner/practitioner are over for ever, it must be too much to take on but I'm sure we're losing out in may ways.
  5. I recall that it was said of Jim Whittaker of MMRS that if he couldn't see a detail from 3ft away then he wouldn't model it. Most people thought that this referred to the model but in his case it referred to 3ft from the prototype.
  6. The very name Daphne Oxenford fascinated me. She had one of those clearly enounced RP voices so rare nowadays but still haunting R4Ex drama. You are right about letting the radio warm up. One of the clichés now is for the actor to switch on the radio and for the assembled cast to hear instantly Neville Chamberlain lead the nation into war.
  7. I vaguely remember it but it obviously did not make any deep impressions on me, not like, say,
  8. From Auntie: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-bristol-53706809 "Gandhi's glasses left in Bristol auctioneer's letterbox ... The glasses will go under the hammer as part of an online-only auction on 21 August" That won't do them any good.
  9. There's a good selection here: http://www.wilflunn.com/cycles.htm
  10. In model railway terms I understood how we went from Trix Twin and HD 3 rail to two rail but I'm not clear how we would arrange electical pick-up. I think the model in the video is a bit of a cheat as it's using dry cells for power.
  11. Adam88

    Hadley Wood

    The new set of tiles looks much better, it's easy to forget just how enlarged the photo is until you see the coin for reference.
  12. Adam88

    Hadley Wood

    You need an extra row of half tiles below the bottom row to stop it dipping. The surface of the bottom row should be parallel with all the other rows.
  13. How will you manage the ECML gauge change? I think you need to have a transshipment shed at the very least.
  14. I've mentioned this before but you need to be careful when birds get near semaphore signals.
  15. One of my colleagues invested in an early Apple - it turned out to be a lemon though.
  16. Most excellent - everything. Will you be adding any antimacassars as in the last photograph?
  17. Railroad-Mans-Magazine-Jan-1911.pdf Here's another deep rabbit-hole. Here we have interesting observations on naming Pullmans uniquely when they were churning out over 1000 cars/year; a tale about three boys riding on the pilot of a Boston and Albany express for ninety miles and nearly freezing to death; an American's observations on UK and European railways - quite dismissive in most cases; supplying a bridge to get Kitchener's army cross the Atbara 'to chase the Mahdi out of the Sudan'; a letter discussing the use of Walscheart's valve gear on the Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn Railroad in 1874; requirements for ever more powerful locomotives, etc, etc. Was there ever a balloon-powered railway in Austria - I find it hard to believe? I imagine that this magazine was sold to travellers to while away the journey, an in-flight magazine of its time but with a rail-focused theme. It's all quite fascinating.
  18. That looks interesting as it appears to be a hand drawn copy. Do you know how this was used? E.g. was there a ban on taking 'real maps' in aeroplanes in case they found their way into German hands - just take a copy with salient details - reporting grids, railways and towns to help navigation but no unit locations or intelligence. The date is interesting being so close to the end of the war, by then much of the stalemate was broken and things were much more fluid. There are quite a number of trench maps and aerial photographs for Flanders published on-line by McMaster University which help make unit diaries and field visits come to life, especially when viewed side-by-side with contemporary imagery and mapping. I never investigated their extent but there were enough to cover the areas I was interested in at the time.
  19. Of course, light railway engineer E.R. Calthrop was an advocate of parachutes for aircew in the Great War but his efforts were blocked by "Their Airships".
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