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Everything posted by Tallpaul69

  1. Hi Folks, Lets just draw a line under the Hornby Announcement, and move on! At least there will be one less drain on our wallets this year? Onward and Upward, in all things GWR and WR! Cheers All, Paul
  2. Good afternoon One and All, Firstly, here's wishing everyone a slightly late "Happy New Year"! We and the House, have now recovered from our visitors, the decorations and lights are tidily packed away in the loft for another year, and thankfully, given the horrendous infection rates in the area, we remain fit and well. Yesterday my thoughts turned to modelling, for the first time in 2022 and I reflected on what had been achieved in the last year. I decided that despite my feeling that little had been completed in the last couple of months, in fact there are good pluses for the year as a whole:- 12 months ago, the only running track I had was a yard long test track. At that stage I was still battling as to how and what was going to get built as a layout. Since then, Wycombe end has arrived as a complete, scenically developed end to end with a bare fiddle yard. Bradenham has been built, installed and is working, although frustratingly, my signals still seem to be stuck in Stephen's workshop. I do appreciate he has to prioritise building to keep an income coming in after the period without work due to their Covid saga. Hopefully this month will see him finally getting up to date! So looking forward, what are the next few month's priorities? I think the first is to plan and lay the track for Bradenham loco shed. I also need to work out how I can get power to the shed tracks and points. Then, once the signals are installed, I really must get to grips with ballasting. However, I need to position magnets for the Kadee's first. Maybe the ballasting article in the latest BRM will give me some inspiration? Thinking of Kadees, a decent number of wagons are fitted, but few coaches and only a couple of locos. So much to do there. Further into the year, I would like to get a link in between Wycombe End and Bradenham. Here I need to bite the bullet of clearing out everything that has accumulated under Wycombe End to get to all the legs and raise the layout a few mm to get it level with Bradenham. Finally, I do need to do some work on buildings! Never a dull moment? Cheers for now Paul
  3. Oops, that will teach me to read the preceding posts before commenting! Didn't realise we had slipped into 0 gauge mode!!
  4. Wouldn't the Hornby 42xx be an easier starting point?
  5. Hi Jules, Glad I could help! I will also be adding a loco depot to my layout "Bradenham" over the next few months. While mine will be a small affair for c6 tank engines, without a turntable, and has no tracks yet except for an entry point, I will be getting to grips with some of the things I highlighted in my previous reply to your thread. So if you keep an eye on my thread "Lower Thames Yard" you will see where I go wrong and perhaps avoid the same pitfalls? Cheers for now, Paul
  6. Hi Julian, Glad to see how your layout is developing! Two thoughts on your locoshed area:- 1) What do you want from the shed area?- For instance, do you want to start a running session with all your locos on shed, and then have them leave one at a time to take up their duties, returning to shed at the end of the session? 2) There are a lot of books around that have photos and/or track plans for real sheds, which you could adapt to your needs. Quite a few are on eBay and are not expensive. Shortening the sidings is a good idea provided you can get all the engines you want to accommodate on them. Looking at your photos , I am not sure what the purpose of the platform beside the left hand siding in photo 2 is? I suggest you need to think about siding accommodation for loco coal wagons and also for 16ton minerals to take the ash generated away. Preferably, these should not access the shed area via the turntable, as this will make operation easier and more realistic. Also, a more realistic look will result if the tracks are not on the same cork and ballast etc. as the main tracks. these areas were often ballasted with fine materials (such as loco ash!). I hope the above is useful? Cheers for now, Paul
  7. Hi Neal, Here's wishing You and Yours and all Henley watchers a Happy and Safe New Year. Best of luck with the Pannier tank lobbying, I would love to update my three! Meanwhile, 2021 continues to be unpredictable, as our New Year plans have been completely turned on their heads by Covid:- We expected Stephen, our younger son and his family to come down to us from Flintshire yesterday, stay tonight with his Brother Geoff and family, then further stay with us until Monday. But early yesterday morning we all took Lateral Flow tests and Stephen's was positive! Panic to get him a PCR test which happened by 10.00am, and then we were sweating on the outcome. We were encouraged by him taking a second test later yesterday which was negative. Finally the negative PCR result came through c13.15 today, so they are on the road now and will stay until Tuesday! Peace returns!! Just have to rejig the meal plan and sort bedding for Geoff to pick up as Stephen isgoing direct to them, not overnighting last night with us. Still, mustn't grumble, at least we will see Stephen and family, which yesterday seemed unlikely! Cheers for now, Paul
  8. So as the New Year approaches rapidly, 2021 is determined to continue to give us problems that we could do without:- Our New Year plans have been completely turned on their heads by Covid:- We expected Stephen, our younger son and his family to come down from Flintshire yesterday, stay with us the night, then go to eldest son Geoff's for tonight, staying again with us until Monday. But early yesterday morning we all took Lateral Flow tests and Stephen's was positive! Panic set in to get him a PCR test, which happened by 10.00am, and then we were sweating on the outcome. We were encouraged by him taking a second test later yesterday which was negative. Finally the negative PCR result came through c13.15 today, so they will be on the road soon and will stay until Tuesday! Peace returns!! All that remains is to re jig the meal plan, and bag up their bedding, which they were due to take to Geoff's, for Geoff to pick up this afternoon. Luckily we had nothing planned for Monday after they left, so them staying until Tuesday is not a problem! Little is happening until next week on the modelling front. I did unpack my Night Owl from it's transit box, but decided against unwrapping it further until I could be sure of no interruptions. I don't want to be hunting around the carpet for a vital item such as the screw to fix the pony wheels in, which I know Olivia's send loose. Finally, for 2021, I wish all readers a happy and safe 2022, and may your modelling ventures be successful. Cheers for now, Paul
  9. Currently, in UK, well South Bedfordshire anyway, we could be forgiven for thinking we were in Australia with 16 degrees outside! Meanwhile, 2021 continues to be unpredictable, as our New Year plans have been completely turned on their heads by Covid:- We expected Stephen, our younger son and his family to come down from Flintshire yesterday and stay until Monday. But early yesterday morning we all took Lateral Flow tests and Stephen's was positive! Panic to get him a PCR test which happened by 10.00am, and then sweating on outcome. We were encouraged by him taking a second test later yesterday which was negative. Finally the negative PCR result came through c13.15 today, so they will be on the road soon and will stay until Tuesday! Peace returns!! Finally, I wish you, John, and Veronica, and all followers of your marvellous layout all the very best and good health for 20222. Cheers until the New Year, Paul
  10. Boxing Day Greetings to all readers, hoping yesterday produced the goodies you were all waiting for? Olivia's got my Night Owl to me for Christmas Eve, but I am keeping it to fill the post Christmas blues! So watch this space for more details and some pics in a day or two. Now thoughts change to what Hornby might have up their sleeves for the 2022 announcements? As usual, I am under expecting in order that I might get a pleasant surprise, as past history tells me the benefit of being doubly cautious? Come on Simon, live up to your hints on the telly recently! Happy New Year, one and all, Cheers for now, Paul
  11. Boxing Day greetings to John, Veronica and all worldwide followers of the Western Region in Australia! Yesterday was a laptop free day as we were visiting our eldest son Geoff's in laws. Great time and food had by all with hardly a dispute even when the board games got tense! The Grandchildren even took their dog for a walk without protest. Olivia's managed to get my sound and lights fitted Night Owl to me on Christmas Eve. I haven't opened it yet - daren't do it in the present opening marathon yesterday, I am keeping it for a quiet time in a day or two as a post Christmas pick me up! So more details and a pic or two soon on Lower Thames Yard. Happy New Year to you All, Cheers for now, Paul
  12. Boxing Day greetings to KNP and all LMers. We are quiet today, after a boisterous Christmas day at our Daughter in Law's parents. Two soon to be teenage grandchildren, a young dog, and six grown ups can be a heady mixture. But great fun was had by all and superb food! Olivia's did well and got my sound and lights fitted Night Owl to me for Christmas Eve. I have yet to open it, so look out for updates in Lower Thames Yard in a day or two! Happy New Year Paul
  13. Thanks for the correction, although I think I must have "auto read" the date as 1957 because I hadn't noticed the error until you pointed it out! How things have changed over two years:- Difficulties with layout building due to Covid (I am no layout builder/wire man) so am reliant on others; have resulted in my layout moving from the Thames Valley Line to the High Wycombe area and from an intent to accurately portray (part of) a station area (Maidenhead) to a built (Well track and electrics), of a imagined station for a real life village called Bradenham. If you, dibber25, or any other readers of this thread are interested in my progress, then please look at my layout thread which is still called Lower Thames Yard, although long overdue for a renaming! Meanwhile, I wish all who read this a Happy Christmas and a Safe New Year, and look forward to your input to "Lower Thames Yard" in 2022. Kind regards Paul
  14. Thanks Nick, I hope you and yours have a good time! Trying to be optimistic, It does begin to look as if Omicron might spread more rapidly than the other variants, but lack their punch in terms of degree of sickness it produces. If this is the case then our plans should work out. Lacking any festive modelling to show off, here are a couple of my wife's seasonal products:- This one adorns our lounge fireplace:- These three were photo'd before being hung around the house! Best Wishes to you All, Paul
  15. Hi Everyone - Breaking News! Olivia's have despatched my Night Owl, so look out for some pics once it arrives! Meanwhile ChrisN, lets declare Thursday a private Christmas Day? There can be little to show whether it is Christmas Day or not on Bradenham, with it's (at the moment!) minimalist scenic treatment, but I thought I would try to add some miniature festive touches to the scenic treatment on Wycombe End. So far I have not found anything suitable, but I hope to sort something out in the next couple of days. If I don't find anything this year, I must put it on my "To Do" list for next December. Cheers All, From Chilly Bedfordshire, Paul
  16. Good Afternoon All, Modelling is rather taking a back seat at the moment, with Festive preparations to the fore! I had hoped to show you some shots from the Leighton Buzzard Narrow Gauge Railway Santa's Specials , which I am pleased to say have been going great guns. Unfortunately, my photos so far, do not show up the lighting festooning the carriages , so I will try in the next day or two to get some closer shots. Meanwhile our Christmas arrangements are somewhat up in the air:- Currently, we are due to have our Turkey on Thursday, go to more turkey with elder son Geoff and family at his in laws on Christmas day, and welcome younger son Stephen and family from Wales here next Thursday until the Monday following New Year's day. This should include Geoff and co. here at some time and us going to them at some time. However, with Wales threatening the announcement of new measures tomorrow, that could be out of the window if Stephen and co. cannot travel. Also, of course, if Boris is stampeded into further measures in the next day or so, Christmas Day could be out as well! So all we can say with any certainty, is that we will be having Turkey, Christmas Pudding, Mince Pies and Alcohol, at some stage, with some members of our family, but where and when, remains to be seen! All that is left for me to do is to try to dispel the gloom of the above by thanking everyone who has read or contributed to this thread for their interest, and to wish everyone who is reading this a Very Happy Christmas and a Safe and Well 2022. So take care All, and don't let the B*****s get you down! Cheers Paul
  17. Changing the subject back to the here and now, or rather I should say, there and now, has the dreaded Omicron reached Oz yet? We have been so intent on our own problems in GB just lately, I think we have lost track of events down under, so what sort of Christmas celebration will you be able to have this year? Whatever the restrictions or liberties, we wish you all a great time, and please stay safe so as to entertain us with more of your version of Cornwall in 2022! All the Best, Paul
  18. Maybe Kevin has a Chipman's weed killer train on his Santa's list? Of course, failing that, as the lads seem unable to get to grips with the Engine Shed Door, they could always be sent down the line with scythes! Merry Christmas Kevin, and all readers of this thread, fingers crossed we don't get locked down in the New Year! Cheers Paul
  19. That's true Mike, I suspect I will have a late running up Birkenhead passing through Bradenham in the early morning of a sunny day in mid summer, so daylight conditions will prevail! My example (yes, I have weakened!), is going to be fitted with Class 6 working lamps by Olivia's. More tales of sunny Buckinghamshire, via cloudy, but warm, south Bedfordshire soon! Cheers All, Paul
  20. Great stuff Nick, I am looking forward to how you are going to reproduce the balustrades? Cheers Paul
  21. True Mike, and I do have a couple of examples of each of those, but I will only run them LE on the first stage of Bradenham as they do look a little silly with 8 wagons in tow. Even LE they are going to be a bit big for Bradenham Loco shed. When I get to stage 3, there will be longer loops to hold them and a more sensible load of say 15 wagons or more! I also have LNER 2-8-0s, ex GWR 28xx and 38xx, and a Stanier 2-8-0, with a Hall and a Grange for use on the faster freights. Currently under debate is the purchase of an ex GWR 47xx 2-8-0 for Birkenhead to Old Oak fast freights. Cheers All, Best regards Paul
  22. Afternoon everyone, Discussing the way a faulty engine on an express might have been +dealt with by Bradenham shed, lead to a review of what might be allocated there, and also what visiting locos might be found on the shed. The first decision was that Bradenham would not have an allocation of its own, but would be a sub shed. I decided that the allocation would mimic that of Aylesbury and be shared between GWR locos and LNER ones. So it seems logical that Slough should provide the GWR ones and Neasden, the LNER ( or LMS) ones. So what do we need? 1) three GWR shunters (one for High Wycombe, one for Wycombe End and one for Bradenham and Princes Risborough). 2) Three LNER/LMS large tanks for the Marylebone suburbans. 3) A small freight loco for the local freights. This could be a J15, an Ivatt 2-6-2, or a small GWR Prairie. 4) A medium sized loco for covering any of the above while normal locos were unavailable, and as a standby loco. A 76xxx standard looks a good bet, as it could easily work tender first with its tender cab. Visiting locos could include:- A variety of medium sized LNER/LMS locos on the two terminating freights from Woodford Halse. At times J11s, J39s, and LMS 3Fs or 4Fs were allocated there. Black 5s and B1s were likely for larger loads. Oxford and Slough 61xxs and Old Oak/Banbury Collett 0-6-0s passed through and shunted the yard. Banbury, Marlow and Aylesbury Auto sets also passed through or could be substituted by GWR/BR Railcars. Stretching things a bit, the loco off the oil trains inward bound to Thame might have visited, although in reality these locos went forward to Oxford from/to Thame. Any thoughts on/alternatives to the above welcome, Best regards Paul
  23. All these make the GWR and its AWS, sound very old hat!!
  24. But where is Leading Seaman Goldsteign? (probably spelt wrong?!). He should be on lookout, if my memory serves?
  25. Hi All, Not got near to plans yet, so I thought as an interim report I would talk about the two express passenger trains for the current set up of Bradenham:- The down express will be a 5 coach chocolate and cream mk1 set, hauled by a castle. periodically, this will reverse and swap with the up express which will be a maroon WR set probably comprising two Collets, a mk1 RU and two Hawksworths. Two of the four short stub sidings that form the start of the double junctions north and south of Bradenham will hold another King and Castle for when the trains reverse. Fixing paths from the sidings to the loops for these new locos and returning the used locos to the sidings will be a bit tricky! A variation on this running will be for one of the expresses to limp slowly into Bradenham with a loco problem. Then whatever is in the yard will replace said loco. Now Bradenham is not going to be a tender loco shed, in general. However, a comment on another thread reminded me that the Collett 0-6-0 tender locos, as used on the Banbury to Old Oak freights, were known as "Baby Castles". So maybe one of those which has paused to drop off/pick up wagons in Bradenham Yard could be appropriated. To increase the fun, it ought to be the one running in the opposite direction to the express, so that it departs tender first! Then later maybe a 2-6-0 arrives LE to retrieve the hapless express loco! Then to make things more tricky for me, as the operator, the other express could also have a problem and be left with a tank engine out of the Yard! Who said operating with just two expresses couldn't be interesting? Enjoy your modelling, and stop watching the Covid numbers rise, it will make you ill!! Best regards Paul
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