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Everything posted by KeithMacdonald

  1. The nice lady with the necklace looks like she's hoping George will give her one.
  2. Thanks to Geoff Marshall, a tour of the new Glasgow subway trains. Definitely new, maybe not quite as orange as the old trains?
  3. Any ideas what happened to the VC10 at Cornwall Air Musuem? Other VC10;s here: https://vc10.net/index2.html
  4. Which sport? https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/cricket/68678670 It's cricket, but not as we know it Aggers . Who knew that the Czech Republic and Hungary have cricket teams?
  5. Oh I don't know, they've kept pouring public money into the bottomless pit known as Ferguson. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-68680453
  6. I had to explain why that was funny to a colleague in Marketing. It seems STEM subjects are optional there. The simplest and easiest-to-understand analogue I could think of was by way of a question. Would small ice cubes be a good way to stop a large volume of very hot water? You could see the light bulb gradually turning-on. But then, just to check, I did look it up, the melting point of concrete (depending on the mix) is c. 1527 °C Whereas the temperature of lava is what? Oh dear, it turns out I'm not such a clever-clogs after all. https://www.livescience.com/32643-how-hot-is-lava.html It would have to be a small volcano (or perhaps far away?)
  7. Some Ferguson news that's not a surprise? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-business-68666020
  8. Was that before or after they introduced the Chimney Sweeps scheme?
  9. @Mol_PMB 's mention of dredgers has reminded me of a tale of woe, on how not to do it. What happened? It appears (allegedly, as lawyers are involved) that work was being done on the near-by pier and Lochmaddy Ferry Terminal, which included some dredging work. But the sub-contractors (allegedly) failed to check where the marina's pontoon anchor chains were, before they started dredging. The result? https://lochmaddymarina.scot/elementor-1281 Is Lochmaddy jinxed? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-37466864
  10. Are Postal Orders (from the Post Office) still a thing? Edit: oh yes https://www.postoffice.co.uk/postal-orders
  11. I think you'll find (he said in an adenoidal tone of voice) that paleontology is "the study of ancient life", and the RMWeb inmates constitute a well-recognised sub-strata. In this context, it's also the calibration of each era's timezone, and which railway companies were operating in each era, with special reference to the colour schemes.
  12. But getting an acceptance from the Darwin Awards website would be truly worthy of posting here?
  13. Nellie the elephant packed her trunk, and said goodbye to the poacher.
  14. Damn, i know i shouldn't have trusted Wiki
  15. An excellent 1/2 size replica. I commend it to the brethren. 😉 For those that are even more ambitious, and want "the real thing" (1:1 scale) can I recommend this site? https://tardisbuilders.com For example, the Series 5 version : https://www.tardisbuilders.com/index.php?topic=9496.0 A friend of mine used their plans to build his own replica, with a flashing blue light on top. It was a huge success at our village fete. Although (for some strange reason) some people came out looking disappointed that the replica was only a small wardrobe-like space inside. We did wonder what were they expecting? An index of all known versions is here https://tardisbuilders.com/index.php?topic=7902 Important note: these plans are only for the external shell. The inner workings are optional extras, especially a functional time rotor. I can neither confirm nor deny whether suitable parts are available from CPC Farnell (or other conveyors of fine electronic components). Now, if you'll excuse me, I've just got to nip back and give I.K.Brunel some tips on the Dawlish Avoiding Line.
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