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Everything posted by andytrains

  1. Bears, don't they sh!t in the woods? And kill more people every year than Sharks.
  2. It's a CAT they Sh!t anywhere they like. Not in my garden since I got the 88mm anti aircraft gun !
  3. When I retired I was not contacted by HR until two weeks after. The person asked me to come in for an Exit Interview. I asked if I would get paid for it, to which the answer was no. I told them, not much point then and put the phone down. I found out later that my exit interview was done over the phone, two weeks after I retired.
  4. Tony. Thanks. I had not noticed that. I will have a look when I get the River out next, Andy.
  5. River class, built by the late Ewan Crossweiller. Fitted with a Porterscap and runs beautifully in EM gauge.
  6. I'm surprised that they did not eat it!
  7. Ah, but the Queen would have had his head off before the start!
  8. Fuel in a Milk Churn! Crash Barriers? Where are the Safety Elves?
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