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Pete 75C

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Everything posted by Pete 75C

  1. Well ok, it was a bit boring... No, seriously, it was great - I had no idea Banbury was coming up as Railway of the Month.
  2. Morning all. Can't believe it's still not fully light here at 7am. When do the clocks change and it's even darker for longer? That will be something to look forward to (not)...
  3. Don't be daft, you'd never get it in the oven...
  4. You can't beat a buckeye and a chain. The reason for the longer coupling/uncoupling times with 455s and the like is that the Couple/Uncouple buttons in the cab were temperamental to say the least. You'd press the "Couple" button and do a "pull-away" test and half the time you would actually pull away without the other unit. Pain in the b*m. The older proven technology was much better imho. Apologies for banging on about trains. As penance, I'll go and sit under the stairs for an hour... Can I take November's Railway Modeller with me?
  5. Colin, I started this thread a while back prior to beginning the layout: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/82808-railways-around-waddon-marsh-croydon/ Any prototype info from any period in history would be more than welcome. Pete.
  6. By the time I passed for driving multiple units at Selhurst, the EPBs were on their way out so 455s, 456s and 319s mainly. I traded heavy metal for lightweight plastic as a lot of the older drivers would say... Pete.
  7. Now you're just showing off...
  8. Just go to the Canaries. Loosely governed by Spain but they just do what they damn well like and seem happier for it!
  9. Well that's at least three of you who know what it is...! I'm off to defrost an Iceland Toad in the Hole.
  10. Ah Caterham. Yes, the pleasures of rush hour attachments and detachments at Purley. I do miss it all in a bizarre masochistic kind of way. Unseasonably warm on the coast today. Don't know what's up wiv the wevver. Louise wants us to go to Homebase tomorrow to choose paint. I may be gone some time... I've also just remembered Lidl is right next door to Homebase. Oh dear God...
  11. Association? Hmm... Yes, I like that. Sounds way better than notoriety... 1983-1990, and then I sadly became a juice driver. I miss freight. Freight doesn't give you any grief!
  12. You could take the weekend runaround Bob, and park where you like. Apparently this guy did just that at Sainsburys... http://www.fidgetwith.com/2010/05/29/sainsburys-car-park-disabled-spaces-ok-for-monster-trucks/#
  13. Mmm, Southern... Not bad for a kettle Ian, and that's high praise from a dirty diseaselist..!
  14. In my defence, that's exactly what I said to Louise but she said I'm an idiot. Ah well, I tried...
  15. Count me out. I'd rather have a sleep.
  16. I'm thinking a 2mm teenager impaled on it might be a "cameo too far"...
  17. Cheers Stewart. He's in the kitchen now with the boiler front panel off...! I really didn't expect him to come straight over. I guess that's one of my "favours" used up...
  18. Morning all. Cold on the Norfolk coast this morning or maybe it's just me... Central heating went on last night for the first time since March. All was fine for five minutes until the boiler shut down after a hissy fit showing an unusual fault code. Much panic ensued. It turned out to be low water pressure which was easily fixed with some fiddling. Must get the boiler serviced though. Luckily the plumber I've used on the house refurb is a mate (lifeboat helmsman) so a quick phone call should sort that out. Two ebay purchases last night. A rolltop bath that needs collecting from Fakenham. Bargain. And a totally inappropriate model railway purchase just because I'm a sucker for the unusual. I'll need a bit of modeller's license to run this one... Hope your Wednesday warms up and goes well. Pete.
  19. Jock, I'm having a mid-life avatar identity crisis. I may resurface later today as either a Minion, a Class 47 or a silly smiley... it's anyone's guess. Maybe I should just be me.
  20. Morning all. Haven't dropped into ERs for a little while as my "chore list" was growing by the second and I thought I'd better tick some of them off... Good news though. I disappeared up to the top floor yesterday morning with a paint tray and a roller but actually spent most of the day up there ballasting a OO branch line terminus. SWMBO thinks I've got three ceilings painted. I know, I'm such a liar and will surely go to Hell. Looking on the bright side, it has to be warmer than the Norfolk coast... Usual Funnys, Likes and Supportives where due. Have a good Monday. Edit: It's actually Tuesday, isn't it? Result.
  21. Makes a pleasant change from "Rail Replacement Bus Service"...
  22. Oh dear God. I love threads like this. Almost every morning, there's another wonderful shot of a 37 in blue, large logo or sector livery. I'm really not a fan of privatisation liveries at all. I'm almost ashamed to admit I really like RedgateModels' shot of 37884. Must be a mid-life crisis. Help.
  23. Now, I'm a level-headed chap. I know my limitations. I'm not daft but ask me about nuclear physics or fashion and I glaze over. I fully accept that there are millions of people out there that know more than me about lots of things and I'm fine with that. Trouble is I've met most of them this morning and they've all taken great delight in telling me I know nothing. I assume beating somebody to a pulp with an Encyclopedia Brittanica volume is still frowned upon? Thought so. Need coffee. Grump over. Edit: Sorry... morning all! It's actually 1pm but whatever...
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