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Great Eastern

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Everything posted by Great Eastern

  1. Great, thanks for that, I presume the glazing is the Finecast one ? You did the lining neatly, was that by brush ? Any sort of masking ? I wondered about using a lining pen or even a tiny roller ! GE
  2. Hi 33C, Thanks for that, which DELTIC transfers did you use? Were they the Replica ones ? Did you change or add anything to the body ? GE
  3. Hi 33C, Just found your post, I'm now doing a Deltic myself, please see my post above to RedgateModels, re paint colours, I'd be interested in yours. Also the Hornby ringfield motor you used, was that Hornby Margate or Hornby Dublo ? Thanks, GE
  4. I've been trying to find a suitable metal mesh, where the holes are the right size and shape, and also with the wires welded together, so that I could cut out ladders from it, (without all the rungs falling out!!!) I did find a plastic one, but it was too floppy. I've looked at things with mesh in them, like seives for example, but usually the holes are too small or the holes are diamond shaped. However, I think the idea is probably okay, it's just a question of finding something. I even looked at buying stainless steel mesh from China, but it was all a bit tricky. UK suppliers were either too expensive or like China I had to buy about 100 yards of it !!! Also does anyone know if A1 Models has a website, all I can find are a few bits on ebay? GE
  5. Sorry for the rather late reply but ......... I'm now doing my DP1 and am trying to match up the roof and underframe colours. I managed to get a Bachmann NRM one but I've not found colours that are quite right compared to this. The underframe greys are too dark or light, whilst the roof colour should be creamy but not too yellow. Can I ask you, or anyone else who's done one, what you used ? Thanks, GE
  6. I don't know if anybody might be interested in another one of my bodge ups, (Il Grifone mentioned using two Triang Electra bogies for his 10000). Here's one in similar vain. I know Triang is not always appreciated by Dubloists, but IMHO if one cherrypicks the better examples, especially from c 1960 on, there are some good body mouldings, albeit somewhat let down by the mechanisms which can be problematic ; stalling / sintered iron wheels that want to arc-weld themselves to the track / lack of adhesion/weight etc.... Anyway, this is my Class 37 "collection-of-bits".... The body is a slightly later Margate split headcode one with various repainted bits etc. I chose this body simply because I rather like the look of the split headcode type, plus I've already got the original green Triang headcode box type. The coupling on the other end is the Triang tension lock. However, it's the chassis that's the more pertinent bit.... I did a cut-and-shut with two of the *Triang goose-neck chassis; the white triangular bits are reinforcements to take the strain of two motors / weight of the profile-steel block in the centre. The idea being that one motor will pull the loco and a few carriages (ie like Triang), the second will enable it to tackle a full rake of Dublo SD carriages. It runs ok, but I still want to change the wheels for something more modern/conductive. *(Time was, many years ago now, when you couldn't move at swapmeets for being knee deep in Triang loco bits, I spent months trying to find a spare second chassis for this loco a couple of years back). The track, by the way, is another bit of the Tillig dual gauge "3-rail" I mentioned before. GE Edit Thanks for the likes
  7. Hi Il Grifone, The red pigment on Dublo tinplate wagons seems to be particularly prone to fading, I know what you mean about pink tankers, I've got a few of those. Also my SR meat wagon lettering has faded on one side too. The SD maroon carriages also seem to suffer, but at least that gives me an excuse to neverwazza in green or cream and crimson I suppose. You throw away new fangled computers running XP or Vista !!!!!!! I'm still running one I built 20 years ago (mainly for railway stuff), that's running Windows 98 !!!!!!!! and it still boots / shuts down quicker than my Win 10 machine !!!!! Also it isn't busy running TI workers installer, or some garbage, in the background when I'm trying to work and taking up 99% of CPU runtime. Plus if I want to change a hard drive I don't have to ring up Bill Gates and get his gracious permission, I can change what I want, when I want. Such is progress in IT !!!! Have a safe trip to the Med. GE
  8. Hi Il Grifone, Thanks, that's great I've found it now. Cheers for that. GE
  9. Hi MikeCW, Thanks for the electroplating post. Unfortunately I stumbled across this by chance, and can't now find it !!!! How do I navigate to it? I've spent ages searching to no avail. Not your fault, it's just that I can't find any instructions anywhere on this site. Does PM mean Public Message ? Many thanks, GE
  10. Hi Il Grifone, So my wilderness garden excuse won't work with SWMBO then !!!!!!! What a shame !!! GE Is there no heavy duty machine that might help you?
  11. Hi Il Grifone, Any luck identifying your LMS 10001 kit ? Does it look like my Q kits one ? I've tried to sort out piccies with a good perspective on the nose shape for comparison, as you mentioned that yours wasn't quite correct. Bung a piccy of yours up if you like, I'd be interested to compare. I snapped a piccy of the distinctive Q kits box too, if you've got yours ? I've got another bodge up Q kit, a Class 41, that was a real challenge !! I'll get some pics ready perhaps. As regards the Dublo GWR 062T, you're right it bore little resemblance to the 56XX. There were Barry Railway and Rhymney Railway locos that were a closer match to the Dublo casting. However, I'll have to modify another (whitemetal kit ) safety bonnet to match, or failing that carve one from plastic. I've got another GW, postwar, one to copy as I've been collecting, sorry, hoarding !! Dublo for half a century now !! I'll put the clockwork one on an electric chassis, I think it'll have to be a postwar horseshoe chassis with unfortunately postwar hooks, as I'm unlikely to find a prewar one. Even prewar hooks are rare nowadays, although repros are an option. As an ornithologist you must obviously need to have a patch of wilderness garden to provide fodder and cover for the local avifauna, that's the reason why you couldn't possibly hack it all down !!!! Nothing to do with railways !! GE
  12. Hi MikeCW, Thanks for the reply, very interesting ! Sorry I didn't realise you were in the antipodes !! You get very good results without a primer, I have found a few problems after I did an HD loco without, but then I'm not using the same enamels I suppose. Now, I prep the surface to remove dings and moulding glitches in the mazak, even using tiny bits of filler (car types usually) and then either use a rattlecan primer, or a filler primer, again rattlecan (Halfords etc) . I find the filler primer will cover 5 thou probs ok, sometimes more. I sometimes mask this or even just hold a bit of paper or card around the edge to screen the spray pattern, so as to preserve fine detail. Here's a pre-war GWR clockwork body I got for a fiver ! (no safety bonnet), done like this. Fascinating what you say about mixing thinners and paint in the jar and looking for it clearing, I'd noticed this but not thought to use it in quite that way. I'll give it a try. I'm surprised you spray at such a high pressure, I use about 10 to 15 psi at the last pressure gauge, allowing for a few psi drop (due to surface wall friction) over the last hose, (which of course has to be lightweight and flexible without the encumbrance of another gauge). I use multiple gauges; compressor, air tank, regulator to keep an eye on things. However, clearly what you're doing works, I must experiment again. From memory I think I was using 30 to 50 psi to spray my cars, but obviously with a full size spraygun. I've often fancied nickel / chrome plating and have done a few experiments, but as you say it can be a bit of a palaver. Can I ask what voltage / current / timescales you use ? I'm in the process of restoring an old motorbike myself at the moment. Some of the chrome has really had it, with badly pitted bits. Obviously there are chrome 'coloured' spraypaints which I'm a bit dubious about, however there are now these coatings you can spray on over a painted base which then dry as a chrome surface, they seem to use various chemical washes, depending on the manufacturer, but they'll work on any surface you can paint the black undercoat on, even wood!!. Clearly these are no substitute for real chrome plating, but for tatty old bits of trim that need a bit of filler first it may be an option for me. 3RAIL TRACK I've gone over to modern plastic sleepered track for several reasons; 1 Conductivity of NiAg rails, circa twice that of Dublo. 2 It looks better, I know it's not authentic Dublo, but I can run all sorts of modern stock on the same layout. 3 I can run 2 or 3 rail Dublo at the flick of a switch. I use a combination of mainly Peco with the SR / Underground Peco third rail down the middle trick, as well as bits of Marklin stud etc. Also Tillig dual gauge track, like this .... Now the thing is the 3rd rail isn't in the middle, but it's so close that it still contacts the various HD spoons/plungers etc. I don't know if it's different now but when I was buying it the only points were to divert the gauge, ie standard gauge straight on narrow gauge off to the right or whatever. Your Launceston Castle looks superb !! As you say A fine model for 1958. By the way (message to anybody) I have seen a Barnstaple with a half inch motor chassis !!!! This appears to be a genuine HD loco, presumably some sort of prototype. Anyone else seen one ??????? GE Thanks for the likes guys !
  13. Hi SR71, Thanks for that I'll give it a try. Sorry for the delay in replying, I've got a page/forum about my DP1 query and I've been trawling through the replies. I guess you're an aircraft guy, if it's of interest I've seen an odd thing twice in the last 6 months or so, on the Suffolk/Essex border. A procession of B52's and B1 Lancers at altitude (30 to 40,000 ft) with tanker support heading due west, I presume stateside. They are spread out, not in formation, like they've taken off and just gone. Maybe an exercise or maybe making airbase space for something else. Also seen an Atlas at lower altitude heading east !! Hi Il Grifone, Perhaps the 10000 livery was when they had the primrose yellow roofs ?? or pale blue stripe ?? I've not seen a hooded crow here either, mostly rooks !!!!
  14. Hi Bucoops, I'm afraid I couldn't get anywhere with the author link on that page, it's probably too old. However many thanks anyway. I'll try the 1950's books but I'm pretty sure the book I saw had Deltic in the title. I've seen the later 70's ones, I had one edition myself. Brian Reed isn't someone I've investigated so thanks for that, it's another avenue to explore. GE
  15. Hi MikeCW, Excellent work sir ! A couple of questions if I may : Your paint finish is superb ! may I ask what this is ? Also your satin polyurethane has a fine/sheer look. I've found some can be a bit viscous (droplet size can be a bit big) and therefore the surface finish can be a bit thick and uneven. Which one do you use ? (aerosol ?) How did you do your chemical blackening ? I read a report in an engineering mag a year or two back where they tested various jollops, their conclusion was that heating bits up and quenching in used engine oil was nearly as good as the better jollops, (and free) any thoughts ? I agree with you, stainless wire is a good option, and permanent. Can I ask which paintstripper ? I use Nitromors on Dublo bodies (also B&Q version) it seems very successful. Like an idiot I tried it on a plastic body once, Derrrrrrr!! An old Jouef class 40 body. Then I discovered the marvellous Dettol ploy ! and haven't looked back. GE PS Do you know how do you get your piccies to be in the middle of the text, rather than all down the bottom like mine ?
  16. Hi Il Grifone, Apologies if you already know this, but it was fairly common practice among some retailers to swap bodies of Dublo locos depending whether you wanted 2 or 3 rail bodies; as long as they thought they could flog what was left, I remember such discussions as a child in model shops. As yours is a mixture I would suspect it has been changed later. There were late ones done for Beatties which had stickers on the box saying 2 rail Dorchester for Beatties or whatever. I've got a mint 3rl CoBo with a 2rail chassis I bought in the 60's with a handwritten masking tape label saying 2rail. There were some strange things back then, I remember we went to a blokes house in Kent or Sussex to look at a mountain of Dublo stock; he'd either bought out a shop or more likely bought from Mecanno. He was some sort of businessman but not a Dublo man, he marvelled at the padding moulded on the inside of SD horsebox door for example!! Hattons of course had loads of stock, I bought new SD carriages from them in 1989, and bauxite Presflos etc !! I enc pics of my Q kits 10001.... 1 Black and silver showing body as moulded roof detail and nose shape, (to compare with yours). 2 My modifications to the roof, panelling and etched grille. (Some panels tended to be a bit squiffy in the resin moulding). 3 Repainted in green (just because it fits in with the era I model most, but you're right they did look good in black and silver). 4 On bogies, I used a Mainline Peak mechanism with the Q kits sideframes. Still not finished as you can see. Also Q kits came with a really good strong brown cardboard box with big staples. It's big enough to keep the finished model in (something some other manufacturers failed to do !!) and quite distinctive if you've got it. Another of my never ending projects is a Trix Scotsman, the later 70's era Liliput one, changing from LNER to BR, as it was rather knackered. On another note how do you get your piccies to be in the middle of the text, all mine are down the bottom. I can't find any instructions (for anything really !) Ornithological section : Had a good morning in the East Anglian sunshine cycling and bird watching; lots of skylarks in a fallow summer field, lovely !! Many buzzards these days, perhaps the grey squirrel population helps ? One buzzard being mobbed by rooks. Also a pair of linnets (long time no see !) and a flock of goldfinches, (maybe a family). Saw a fox, quite dark markings, he didn't see me to start with and I followed him for a short while, (I wear camouflage). Also attacked by some woman's mongrel; dachshunds revenge no doubt !!!! Don't know the Italian crow; is this related to the hooded ? or some other corvidae ? GE
  17. Thanks Chard, Real accounts and personal knowledge are so important in historical research. As you say it's good that he was able to share it with you. GE
  18. Is Strand Rd. the Dick Kerr works address? If there are any traces of paint, that will show the dividing line, is that what you meant ? Thanks, GE
  19. Hi All, Many thanks for your interest and posts. I will check out the book you mention, but I seem to remember the cover, so I may have seen it already. Also it is a bit more modern than the one I saw, but of course it may still have the piccy in it. GE
  20. Hi GordonC Thanks for the reply, the picture I saw was taken from a vantage point something like your first photo but much closer. It didn't appear to have the side beading or nose whiskers. There was a dramatic contrast between the two colours, and the cream extended down the side. Is your second photo painting or repainting, as I daresay you know it was painted more than once. I was once told that it was taken back to bare metal prior to repaint for preservation, so the green and cream may well have been lost then. I have tried emailing various Deltic groups in past years without success, (hence RMweb) however it may be worth another try. Thanks for your interest, I've now got a page for this under prototype questions GE
  21. You are quite right it's known as powder blue, even though that's not exactly the colour. I assumed the powder name came from the contents rather than the casing. Perhaps 'Wedgwood' blue OR Wedgwoody blue would have been better. GE
  22. Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhh The editor has just restored all missing text I lost at midnight the other night !!!!!!!!! having typed it all in again from memory !!!!! Sorry ! I do like animals, ornithology is another one of my interests. Also I've been adopted by a neighbours cat, (as you know you don't own a cat, it owns you !) I have to say I'm a fan of K's, both locos and wagons. The metal wagons seem to run well with Dublo. I was doing mine as 10001, originally in black,then changed my mind and it's now green, but still unfinished !!! I'll have to rustle up some pics so we can compare. My O gauge is all finescale, so mercifully I'm spared the joys of AC. As regards SWMBO, take a leaf out of the ladies book with their dresses etc. When confronted about new trains; Oh this old thing ? I've had it for years OR I'm just repairing it/testing it for someone ! Especially convincing with aged stock from yesteryear! GE Sounds like a Denbigh loco chassis but Bristol tender.
  23. Hi Bucoops, Many thanks for that I'll check it out. Even if it's not that book it may lead on elsewhere. Also there's a link to the author who may know something. GE
  24. Hi Caledonian, The following book may be useful:- Caledonian Cavalcade AE Glen, IA Glen and AG Dunbar, Ian Allen 1979 ISBN 07110 09198 Page 37 shows a Pickersgill Standard 060T No. 425 at Carstairs in 1918, the caption says :- .......although in black.....had the Caledonian arms on the side tanks. Similarly, p34 044T, p32 McIntosh 080, etc Conversely p94 shows a blue McIntosh 044T No 228 with the dot !! the caption speaks of the inconsistency but says normally blue = coat of arms / black = dot. Therefore I guess it's the usual problem of finding a piccy of the loco you want to model with the livery you want !!! I do realise how hard that is, especially with pre-grouping / box brownies / different sorts of film / rarity of piccies etc etc These modern image guys don't realise how easy it is for them to reel off hundreds of digi-pics in full colour and hi-res !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GE
  25. DP1 I wonder if anyone can help me with this ‘quest’, it concerns DP1 when it was under construction at the Dick Kerr works in Preston. I daresay you’ve heard the story about Lord Nelson (the chairman of English Electric, not the nautical one) and his wife Lady Nelson (not Lady Hamilton !) who visited the works and disliked the paint job. Anyway, for anyone who hasn’t heard the story, the most complete one I’ve heard goes like this (briefly). They commented that the house colours of English Electric; dark green and cream, made it look like a cooker. The person they were talking to (I think the works manager ??) asked what colour they should paint it, Lord Nelson turned to his wife and said that as she was a woman she would know about arty things like this (not very PC !!!). So she said why don’t you do it in a lovely blue. The works manager, not wanting to get caught out twice said well there’s lots of blues, so she fished about in her handbag and pulled out a powder compact with a Wedgwood blue casing and handed it to him saying here do it like that, so they matched the paint to it. Anyway my question concerns this original green and cream livery. Back in the 1980’s I found a book in Leicester central library about the Deltics, in it was a photograph of DP1 obviously still under construction taken at an angle from a gantry looking down at so you could see the front and one side, it was black and white but the picture clearly showed a two tone livery. The caption said that it was the house colours of English Electric; dark green and cream. From memory the bottom 2/3rds were in the dark green and the upper 1/3rd in the cream. The roof doors were still open and it appeared like the engines were yet to be installed, also I think the cab was still being fitted out. There are various photos of DP1 being built, chassis framework, etc, so it should be that there were photos of the paintwork. At the time I didn’t realise how important/rare/unique ? this picture was. A few months later when I did, I returned to the library and hunted for it, on several occasions, with various librarians and they were forced to conclude that it had been nicked !!! Unfortunately, I don’t know the title etc of the book ! What I can say is that it was an older book then (I think probably 60’s). It was LIKE a David and Charles book, ie the format, the look of it, but then some Ian Allen books of the period were too. I think it had Deltic in the title, and I seem to remember it had the Baby Deltics in it too. It’s not the Brian Webb book, as it’s too recent, nor do I think it’s the 1977 English Electric book, unless it was some first edition I’ve not found ! However, what I need to know is if anybody else has seen this photograph reproduced anywhere please? I should also say that I have, of course, checked every Deltic book/ English Electric book I’ve ever seen since, and I spoke to the NRM, including to the chap who procured the Bachmann DP1 models, (we talked about the possibility of replicating the livery). So far I’ve not even found any reference to the picture. Can anybody help please ?
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