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Everything posted by BachelorBoy

  1. Hallmark Xmas movies are the BLTs of cable TV. Far too many of them, but comforting and enjoyable.
  2. You are right. And it's actually 13.3mm It amuses me that many OO modellers are happy to mix 1/72 and 1/76 but are horrified by the idea of mixing 1/76 and 1/80.
  3. Armstrong-Whitworth 1-Co-1 Diesel-Electric loco for the LNER from 1933. The first mainline diesel-electric loco to be built in the UK.
  4. You're not tempted by 13mm gauge/1:87 to model Japanese 3'6"?
  5. (I am not an ophthalmologist ... but this is roughly what one told me once. If there are any eye professionals here, please correct if necessary) We become less sensitive to green light as our eyes age, so what we see is actually more orange/yellow, but our brains compensate so it doesn't seem that way. Colours appear less vivid, and our ability to distinguish between dark colours lessens. Add to that the effects of ageing on memory, and the chances that a particular livery matches what you remember from your youth -- or think you remember -- reduce considerably. Meanwhile, which locos are the correct colour in this photo? (Answer: they all are.)
  6. Presumably if you bought a loco from Hornby that had been used on a demo layout at the Hornby Visitor Centre, it would be used but not second-hand.
  7. An awful name. No matter how you pronounce it, it always sounds like a brand of toilet cleaner
  8. Perhaps your taste needs to be recalibrated ? (The screen grab of BR Blue is from the website Hextoral.com) Mind you, the lighting on this picture is all over the shop. The "white" light on the left is actually yellow, and the white light on the right is probably daylight. Not ideal for comparing colours.
  9. No I meant which BR blue is the right one?
  10. I had a brief look. My impression is that it's not really a DOGA standard, it's more of an "I agree with MOROP/NEM" copycat.
  11. If anyone is feeling saintly/brave/mad then here is the page on the British Standards Institution's on how to suggest ideas for standards. https://standardsdevelopment.bsigroup.com/Proposals#:~:text=Proposal guidance%3A,who would use the standard%3F
  12. The NMRA are pretty good at kicking arse. I'm wondering if UK modellers should join to give it more oomph with makers of UK models.
  13. Which supports my point really.
  14. Which one is correct?
  15. You have to take into account optical illusions. Small patches of a colour appear darker than larger patches of the same colour.
  16. Who would actually define it?
  17. Let them have fun, for goodness sake. Edit: But do make sure you teach them Rule 1.
  18. I first looked at the figures, the digger, the hardstanding, and the fence, and I was impressed by the realism. And then my eye drifted.... :-)
  19. All very interesting, but you really screwed up by making a silly claim and therefore diverting attention away from your serious point.
  20. The World Bank says 11% of waste globally is incinerated. That's an awful lot of plastic that's burnt, and therefore no longer exists. And the OECD give more details on how much plastic is incinerated.
  21. 1) If you think that is a problem already, then it is, in the short term, insoluble. Well, insoluble unless you are prepared to kill hundreds of millions of people, perhaps billions. I would hope you are not. 2) The problem is, very slowly, beginning to solve itself. (The secret is to educate girls, so they then prefer to have careers instead of lots of children). China is now longer the country with the world's most people. Its population shrank last year for the first time since the man-made famine of the late 1950s. That's projected to drop by a further 100mn by 2050. Japan's population dropped by nearly a million in 2022. Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore all have birth rates well below replacement levels. If current trends continue (always a big "if") the UN says the world population should peak at 10.4 billion towards the end of the century.
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