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Everything posted by peterm1

  1. I know I'm late in repyling to this topic, but I've just re-joined. If these decoders have Paul Chetters sound files on them then you should be able to find them on the Digitrains website. All the functions and their keys will be listed there.
  2. I've only very recently re-joined so missed that. Sounds interesting.
  3. I use Peco live frog points and crossings. I've used fuse wire connected between the stock rail and point blade as well as setting the blades dead centre and then soldering the pivot point solid. .032" operating wire for the motors and both methods are still going strong. I suppose you could use the latter method with solenoid motors, but you'd need a bit of trial and error.
  4. As Iain Morrison said. It's a case of getting what you pay for. Legomanbiffo would, I think have sent you an ESU decoder. That would explain the difference in performance.
  5. If, as you say, price is not a problem, have a look at Zimo, but make sure you're sitting down first.
  6. Yes my Lenz can go to 64, but I don't see any need for that in my lifetime.
  7. Thanks to Nigel, DCB and IKCDAB. Someone on another forum came up with the method he used and how I did it last time round. I've done one side of the yards, I can now do the other side and I won't be losing the drawings this time. Your assistance is much appreciated.
  8. Thanks. I have Tortoise motors in abundance also good quality rotary switches from NSF in England. I've got 5 pole wafers, pos' one side and Neg' the other along with 5 pole mechs on which I can stack wafers. My only problem is that my poor old brain's showing it's age and the wiring of these sidings/yards is driving me nuts. Ps: Smart panel. 😀
  9. That looks like even I'll be able to follow it. I'm having problems with adblock plus interfering with the forum even though I've turned it off for this site (whitelisted). So if I don't get back to you straight away, you know why.
  10. Thanks for the replies. I'll have a look later because I now have to go for a 40 minute drive to an Optus shop, because they've lost my details! Sorry just letting off the steam of frustration.
  11. Hi, Old member just rejoined and I have a problem. I'll attach (I hope) a drawing of my yard points. I'm using Tortoise motors and a bi polar supply to switch them with rotary switches. I decided to start afresh with a new layout and instead of taking a photo or two of how I'd wired them in the first place, I went all gung ho and now can't remember how I did it or how to do it again..Getting silly in my old age. Help with this will be greatly appreciated.Yard diagram.pages.pdf
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