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Everything posted by TH47541

  1. Thank you for posting this blog. I was thinking about buying one of the new Bachmann Class 37s but seeing it needs all this work to look right has put me right off it. I just cant be doing with all that extra work. I was torn between a 37/4 and another Hornby 60, but I know the 60 is good so I will order that instead.
  2. This is good news. Pre-ordered placed with my retailer. I was going to buy one second hand but glad I did not. My second Accurascale model after the MDV wagons which I like a lot.
  3. Took delivery of a National Power Class 59. It's got niggles like the doors but it was very well priced too. I look forward to giving it a run and perhaps getting some suitable wagons. I liked the Everard Junction video on improving it, especially the silencer so I might have a go at that too.
  4. Oops. It appears I touched a nerve here which was not intended. Sorry. After the APT saga I pretty much gave up on the hobby and only recently have come back into it. Around that time I looked at the Redland hoppers which seemed crowd funded, so I was assuming that was the case with the Class 56. I got that wrong. The steel wagons did not roll freely if I remember rightly. He told me about that and a bogie coming apart that he repaired. I think he sold them on since but will pass this onto him. I'm thinking of going to Model Rail Scotland so if I do I will go and have a look. Perhaps I will see what comes out first and then I will make up my mind. But I do like my Hornby model that I already have. It runs well and looks the part.
  5. I lost money supporting DJ Models on the APT so I am reluctant to send money to a crowdfunding company again to be honest. Once bitten, twice shy. A friend did buy their steel wagons and while they look nice he had running issues so I am afraid I am put off. Sorry.
  6. There is not a lot of the high detail locomotives this year but at least there is a Class 56 which I will certainly buy as I need one. I wanted another grid so thank you Hornby. I am already covered for my HST so do not need more power cars. They said it is a catch up year in their video so it makes sense I suppose.
  7. I am excited by this one. All diecast should mean it will be a great puller. Will it weight as much as an Accurascale Deltic which is really heavy!
  8. Thank you gentlemen, that is most reassuring. It was all that was holding me back. Vouchers make the purchase possible so will be invested wisely!
  9. I have been thinking about picking up a RES Class 90 as it looks great. I had trouble with the bogies on the initial Class 90 in RFD livery which had to be sent back. Does the new releases suffer from such problems too or have Bachmann fixed this? Thanks for any help in influencing the opening of my wallet.
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