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Everything posted by Josiah

  1. Would appear Rails are stocking Hornby again
  2. They look fantastic, nice to see the hazard lights modelled separately also, will these light up ?
  3. They've certainly captured the essence of the 58 well, but is that warning panel yellow still wrong?
  4. So the question is, is it worth buying an "old" rake (prices seem quite good) or getting a new rake?
  5. Strong disagree sorry, many many multiple unit types left un-touched over all sorts of eras, great for "space saving" layouts as well, likewise with modern infrastructure wagons . Lots of low hanging fruit left. There is the claim there is "no new blood" often touted around here yet how much of the real railway today can one realistically purchase in model form? I can't be the only one to think a "simplistic" Electrostar, right shape with head and tail lights but a stripped out interior / dark windows - would be a good money earner? Rather more on topic, these are great looking vehicles, perhaps slightly crisper than Heljans around the end door hinges - lettering may not have been straight on their sample photographs, I suspect it would have been hand painted originally in real life so perhaps more authentic..
  6. I had heard on the grapevine (maybe here somewhere) that there was issues with the articulation part and motors? Might be wrong though.
  7. They did indeed produce 5 running numbers, but actually 10 catalogue numbers (DCC and non DCC).
  8. I think this depends, 7500 individual coaches makes 1500 sets - if that's 1500 sets total then perhaps 750 of each pack - reasonable to assume given Dapol have (by Hattons database) produced 10 catalogue numbers worth then perhaps at least 1500 68s exist. Although given how long the dispatch process has gone on, given my experience in picking and packing, unless something is very wrong, packing circa 150 a day seems slightly off, our operation has the ability to pack that an hour with similar sized cartons (albeit not models sadly!) and we employ 3 members of staff in that department currently.
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