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The Meerkat

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Everything posted by The Meerkat

  1. when would we know about the exclusive, if it will be green BR logo with the red lining i will wait for that, if not i will order the black one with red lining,
  2. i had to turn my 97301 and my ROG 37 down as it was doing the same thing. i do agree with you that it is now to quiet, tho im keeping mine, yes most mine even the AS class 92 on f2 is horns etc same with most other models i have i use Hornby elite so not much of an issue for me, just need to remember on 37s that f2 isnt the horn, i think Bachmann 66s horns are on f3 and f4 (factory fitted sound)
  3. im sure some one as put em1 or em2 in the 59 sure it was on youtube, best check tho
  4. is LSL keeping the GWR green?
  5. do any one know if freightliner 59 is still coming q1 2024 with new 68s?
  6. oh cool, i no idea when there firmware update, i just know if i did a reblow and something went wrong later on and i did cv 8 = 8 i would lose the reblow unless some one has found away to keep it?
  7. how much is a lok programmer & 1 where can i get it from and 2 is it easy to use?
  8. i got 97301 and rog 37608 and its called Drive hold on F7
  9. hi all, just little advice, i had an issue with sound cutting out on my rog 37, i got told to change from i think the cv is cv63 = 150 from 192, i put it down to 162 and works fine, now i cant really hear it over other dcc locos and units as much, what is the best settings to keep it i guest loud enough to hear it but not cut out, as i said current at 162, or is it a case of try it and see, tbh i don't like messing with cv settings,
  10. ahhh got you, yes i agree, i be ordering one, i wasn't expecting it from Dapol, specs so far looks very good, speaker in all 3 coaches as well
  11. who else is making this?
  12. im still waiting to give it ago, i need the dongle tho as im not changing AS, Bachmann, legomanbiffo etc sound for Hornby sound
  13. i have same issue as you have tho my 97301 going back for 2nd time, my rog 37608 cut out on start up AS said cv 63=150, i tried at 162 so far working fine touch wood, im like you i want more volume etc
  14. that a shame, wonder if Hornby will sell decoders to other sound makers, must be win win, Hornby still make abit of money and we get other sounds
  15. how open are the decoders, can you only add Hornby sounds to them or if for example you brought AS class 37 sound or legomanbiffo sound etc, can you then send it to Hornby decoder?? if so i would swap all my loco decoders and go fully Bluetooth, if not then i have to have the dongle
  16. mine does, 97301 cuts out after little while or while its on half speed, but my ROG 37 that cuts out after about 2 or so seconds on start up, i leave it about minute or two to charge the capacitor but it still does it, i use Hornby elite
  17. Thank you for that, i have to add is it 1Z55 code when it comes next year
  18. Did Royal Scots Grey run with the domino lights were the head code goes when running a rail tour in the two tone green or did it always have a head code?
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