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The Meerkat

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Everything posted by The Meerkat

  1. i also wish it was in current 2023 GBRF livery, not heard about this drag race what happened? im sure Dapol used 59003 as the sound doner for all the 59s?
  2. part from another orange i like 37408 loch rannock in br large logo and avro vulcan in large logo
  3. i think Christmas is cancelled but as long as i get the models :D
  4. that's what i am running my ROG with at the moment, the rog is lovely
  5. are both the colas and DC rail 56 due in November or just one?
  6. im hoping it be the beacon blue GBRF and the grey DC rail for the next batch
  7. like i said on last post saw the video (just saying what saw in video) but i dont mess with the insides, I rather leave that to the people at accurascale, they know more then me
  8. I dont mess with things like that, rather lave it to the pros
  9. there's a video on YouTube, they have taken the sugracube out and left the em1 or accurathrash in and it sounds better
  10. wonder if that's in case ROG rejects it?? not that i know anything lol
  11. im hoping accurascale do another HN Rail orange like they done with the porterbrook deltic. i was humming and arring over it and now its sold out. im over the moon with NR 97 and ROG 37
  12. im sure people have said they got issues with a model that wasn't brought direct from them and accurascale said to send them back to where you brought it from and they send it back to accurascale??
  13. My top 5 would be Freightliner in orange GW or green powerhaul 66794 or other rother 1 in BR 2 tone grey 66723 chinook 66775 HMS Argyle 66109 DB, PD Ports tho you could replace some for NWT livery and the 2 london ones
  14. are DB keeping the 60s or they storing them / selling them??
  15. can we had side snow ploughs on the rog 37 and keep the nem coupling at both ends?
  16. my network rail 97 is back with accurascale, after a week just stopped moving, my 92 did same in jan 2023 i sent it back and it been working great ever since, currently i am running the rog 37 so hoping 3rd time lucky. all my other locos etc run fantastic
  17. I use Hornby elite controller waiting for the dongle to give it all a try on HM7000, like i said on page 1, my 92 was running fine and then it didn't, when it came back from accurascale it been working ever since, my yellow 97 has just gone back for repair, it just stopped wouldn't move, i sent videos to their tec team, but i know just like the 92 it will come back to me hoping it be all ok like the 92, i am just hoping my ROG 37 stays with me :D
  18. i agree even tho allegedly like you said, but im sure Bachmann donated to the NHS and not to scaptain tom Moore charity???
  19. i forgot about the NHS one smh, Bachmann also did it so im sure gbrf and nhs etc would not mind if some one else like accurascale did it as a charity loco more money to the NHS? win for them and win for accurascale
  20. thats why i got the dongle on order, so i can have walk about and touch screen instead of one spot and the fact i will not change accurascale and Bachmann etc sound for Hornby sound, i also take my controller to the club which has bigger layout then i do at home
  21. Yes please most of us would defo like theses two 66723 Chinook 66775 HMS Argyle none charity one 66726 Sheffield Wednesday
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