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Everything posted by GrumpyPenguin

  1. Maybe, they are oversized to compensate for the wheels being too close together............. (Sorry, could not resist that one).
  2. I'm afraid that there are many UK modellers who hate being reminded of how far ahead European manufacturers were (& probably still are) of UK offerings. I fully expect that if European locomotives used any form of headcodes that the manufactures would be able to do it.
  3. True, however, don't forget with European practice it was usually a question of all on or all off. FWIW Fleischmann & other manufactures used one tiny bulb/lamp/globe & a form of light tube (albeit square) to channel the light source to the actual light.
  4. A friend has one & usually returns to it with a note asking for "first dibbs" when he decides to sell it.
  5. Lets hope the track is not too rough or he may loose too much coal through the gap or even worse fall through it.
  6. My speeling is usually pritty good bit sometimes I miss a tiepo ! Thank you four pointing it out.
  7. Are the cab steps supposed to be vertical ?
  8. At least we agree on something - yet another ghastly "Americanism" creeping in. "Reaching ouy" is something you do when drowning !
  9. I did think about that way of looking at it but that would have opened another can of worms.
  10. Same with mine - they were noisy too, one more than the other.
  11. I'm not telling anyone what to do, I'm just suggesting what can be done to help improve the situation (as are a few other people). Enjoy your substandard/budget models & have a pleasant weekend.
  12. As it happens Hornby are quite capable of producing European quality, after all, there are a few European brands in the group. I have a number of "Hornby era" european locomotives & rolling stock on my fleet - it is well up to the standards of Roco & every single item has worked correctly out of the box & in service. Maybe (dare I say it) there are far too many modellers of UK outline that are too tight fisted to pay for quality.
  13. A good comparison between the Black 5 and the P38. However, based on those prices I would rather have 3 European quality models than 5 Hornby quality models. Another aspect is that spare parts are generally available from the European brands although the lead times can be a while.
  14. Only because people are far too prepared to accept sub-standard goods. Please stop making excuses for poor build/quality in pursuit of cheaper prices.
  15. They are similar to European wagons they should have stakes (8 each side) & straps to hold the timber in place.
  16. That's reassuring to know - does the same go for Hornby ?
  17. Oh that's OK really because; "If you want that particular loco, and there isn't one from another producer, it IS 'take it or leave it' ! (wonder who said that ?).
  18. As someone with virtually the same miles on the clock I completly agree. Years ago, I used to envy people that could do acrobactics - thesedays I envy people who can get up from the floor without grabbing onto furniture &/or grunting/wheezing.
  19. If you want to start track laying before you choose your point motor type you could cut away the basebord to allow for installation later. The hole could be covered with a strong thin membrane.
  20. I certainly am prepared to pay more, probably around 30% more (based on UK/European prices). I would rather have a smaller "fleet" that worked out of the box & did not fall apart when used. Quite simply, no matter how much I wanted a particular model I would rather send it back and face the prspect of doing without.
  21. That's just it - you don't have to take it or leave it. If every defective model went back to Hornby they would very soon up their build/quality control.
  22. A long time ago I bought 2 DCCConcepts Cobalts which both failed after little use. They were replaced by Lemarco which are still operating (albeit a tad noisey) after 1,000's operations. Currently, my "go-to" is the MTB MP5 - there is also a DCC version available now ; https://www.dcctrainautomation.co.uk/mtb-dp4-digital-point-motor.html Motors from the MTB range are considerably smaller than Cobalts or Tortoise, also, they stay in position during power on/off/on. Admittedly the Cobalts were early ones & I understand that they have gone through a number of versions, but that alone woulfd put me off trying them again.
  23. I thing you need to get your head round your own statement ! Why oh why do you put up with it ? It's probably the main thing that prevents me returning to UK modelling.
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