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Everything posted by ERIC ALLTORQUE

  1. Makes one wonder whats going on when that happens?they seemed to go like hotcakes..
  2. This might enlighten a few and keep you at bey from are they here or where are they now.
  3. True but dont kid yourself, we would buy them anyway would we not,they are the rock stars of the model rail world.
  4. The Ever Giveup,it will be a nice suprize when they are here,just wait until Frans looking for a transit,thats the clue.
  5. That being the case we would be lucky if couplings were fitted the right way up let alone line up..........
  6. We have,thats why they have been selling out,we are sick of our money cluttering up our bank accounts.
  7. Another couple of 37,s running tonight https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-LthWwZTXVo
  8. An 88 would be nice,just so i dont have to go out at 1.30am to see and get a toot,i could please the neighbours doing it in the loft.....
  9. Just the heavy tractor group and Harry Needles ones left to go now for a clean sweep. The 37 had to be the one to do it,a long time servant to Britain and its industrys,eventually so popular with the rail fan after the fall of steam as king.
  10. Heres the real thing after i turned out for diverted caladonian sleepers.....
  11. Its at the point now with this company they could make pre filled nappys and they would sell,the wish list is so big though,they are doing a great job,lets just buckel up and see whats next, the way the world is at the moment its a spirit lifter for us to guess.
  12. On the East Coast again Sunday night/Monday morning. https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/search/detailed/gb-nr:DHM/2022-04-18/0000-2359?stp=WVS&show=all&order=wtt&toc=CS
  13. They are on the East Coast tonight https://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/search/detailed/gb-nr:DHM/2022-04-16/0000-2359?stp=WVS&show=all&order=wtt&toc=CS
  14. I wonder if Elon Musk has been seen eating a Mars bar then,i just hope we have syncronised steam on them with the sound like the TRS system,whatever the next steam locomotive is.......
  15. Well i try my best to be a god fearing man but just because i suggest an Accurascale black five does not make me A SAINT................hmmm saint Eric has a ring to it though.......
  16. Thats not true,they have the real one,take that..................
  17. It would appear Black Fives really do matter,good for the modern times too,it would be rude not to have one done in the Accurascale way.
  18. They have done that from day one,no shareholders to keep,just the weekly barrel of Guinness and tea bags to keep them focused.......or not. I would rather support someone who supports us as they do.
  19. Theres a couple on e bay not daft money yet,Biffa and Cemex if anyone wants a one. 66743 went for £178 plus post the other day and its just sold out from Hattons, its not all bad if they hold or gain value.
  20. I did not realise they had Grommit working for Accurascale,here his view on the latest job https://fb.watch/cmn24uS12E/
  21. Being an Irish company they would get a bad name if they got green wrong one would think.
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