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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Just a bit on the expensive side, to the extent that it would probably be me getting thrown off the roof*.... *Sometimes I am a little concerned that I taught Miss Riding Hood some truly nasty ways to defend herself.
  2. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    We did too. The trick being to bury everything except the fuse. Bigger bang, bigger splatter.
  3. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Good idea, haven't chucked anything off our roof for ages...
  4. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I'd probably keep the bakelite plug as they're better quality than a lot of modern ones and hoy the rest into my scrap bins.
  5. Likewise. I already have more than enough coaches in progress to serve my single track branch line and as yet unbuilt wagon kits stretching back to when I was at school more than 35 years ago! Some of you may grumble that your Memsahib takes no interest in your hobby, well think of it this way, mine does and she knows how much stuff I have.... I don't actually need anything else for the layout other than bits and pieces for completing the layout itself, so I'll spend the money there. Elsewhere, I've just blown £56 on a pair of new old stock rocking horse manure exhaust valves for my motorcycle, which it did actually need to run again. They certainly won't be a purchase I'll regret and won't be gathering dust on a shelf either.
  6. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Or show someone three shovels and tell them to take their pick?
  7. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    I've just seen a herd of cows with no udders... That's a herd of bullocks! No, it's true!
  8. That looks so very precise Dave, as much engineering as modelling. I hadn't thought to use my digital calipers to scribe with. I have some cheap and cheerful 150mm ones on the modelling bench, ( Genuine Snap-Off tools...) I'll give them a go. I'll be leaving the calibrated Mitutoyo ones down in my workshop though! Another tool you may be aware of is the "Odd leg" or "Jenny" caliper. I've used them for sheet metal work for years and they're remarkably accurate, plus on plastic, they will plough out a groove rather nicely. https://www.machine-dro.co.uk/moore-and-wright-125mm-5-jenny-odd-leg-hermaphrodite-calipers-341r
  9. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Almost definitely, something similar to this Blake direct acting steam feed pump, but with side mounted valve blocks. There must have been drawings if how it was mounted into the tender body, plus drawings of the pipe runs, with mention of the pump type, at the very least. Somewhere it would have appeared in a bill of materials and in the accounts for the development shop or main works. It may even have been repurposed from a water tower where the loco powered well pump had been upgraded once mains electricity had been installed. Pretty much everything may have come from the junk pile, as from what I can see, the GWR didn't throw much away.
  10. Maybe not, that could be the Little Muddle crate, having taken from 1938 to 1958 to get from the creamery, arrive at Dewchurch and be offloaded onto a BRS lorry ?
  11. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Definitely, I've kept the information I gathered to replicate the pump as close as possible given what few photos there are. I pieced the rest together from similar equipment of the right period, so unless a Swindon drawing surfaces?
  12. I am not looking forward to getting old...
  13. Interesting, plus he seems to share the same interests in cars as me given his eBay moniker. How hard is it to get hold of a Bachmann Earl chassis? Plus as @BWsTrains asks, where to get a print that did pass inspection?
  14. Interesting point on the brass hinges. It's actually good practice not to paint pinned door hinges, partly because it soon chips away in use, but also because repeated applications causes them to gum up, eventually spraining the hinge and preventing the door from closing properly. Often when a house door fails to close properly, it's not the wood which has swollen, but the hinge that is sprained, moving the door across in the frame. Whether or not this was something that concerned the makers of railway carriages, I couldn't say!
  15. Ah, watched it from 02:50 as per. The cars are only dragged backwards enough to get them lined up for a forward tow to the pound. Still not good if they're in park or have the handbrake on though. It's a bit of hard luck for parking illegally, definitely rough justice.
  16. Not a YouTube prank for clicks then? Perhaps Bubba has tired of making meth and alligator bothering and moved into computer programming for driverless taxis? Cuz, 'Murica?
  17. If you're performing a suspended tow you need more room to turn otherwise you cut the corner, a human driver with half a brain would know that, the same as they would know to hange back when following an artic that is turning. That's one of the first rules of survival for motorcyclists. I suspect that not enough potential scenarios have been added to the logic circuits of the taxis. You can't rear suspended tow any vehicle that has its wheels locked over, it will jack knife. If the vehicle had been abandoned in such a way it would be a full hoist onto a flatbed, or as in the case of vehicles that are already badly damaged, un-cerimoniously dragged backwards onto a tilt and slide recovery vehicle.
  18. I do like the way that the robotaxi company put the collisions down to the pickup truck being "improperly towed". They are clearly blowing smoke and hoping that Joe Public doesn't know what a rear suspended tow is. If the pickup had a locked up rear axle or transmission, the only way to move it is by lashing the steering in the straight ahead position and towing it backwards with the rear wheels lifted off the ground.
  19. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    Wow. That is truly impressive! I had enough on with cramming the pump into a sheet of A4, let alone about half an inch!
  20. Very atmospheric, just needs to be in black and white with a police Wolseley 6-80 lurking by the gate! I know, we watch too many old films in our house...
  21. Not sure, we decided that he'd waste his time and I'd waste mine.
  22. Having said that, there's a long established coffee house / ice cream parlour locally with it's own frontage with tables. We pulled up on my BSA with the intention of letting the Memsahib go and order whilst I found a parking spot. The manager was outside and said "That looks cool, you can park it by the door." Job done!
  23. As do all those folks who abandon their Lamborghini's etc outside Harrods and elsewhere. Nothing has changed, only the style of the cars.
  24. Snap! 20 years earlier in southwest Shropshire, the postman is doubtless telling the porter that he's "Wastin' his time!"
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