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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    It's got to be a dovecote in that garden for the following reasons: Doves - Pretty. Wood pigeons - Drab but tasty. Town pigeons / racing pigeons - Flying rats.
  2. Phew, that's a relief. Easter is rapidly approaching and we are expected to observe the bank holiday traditions. We're riding over to Morecambe to chuck a few scooters off the pier...
  3. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    There's another model in that series, it's a flatbed carrying a neon sign that says "I'm really not getting any"
  4. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    I did find out the hard way that an Elderberry bush will support the weight of a trials motorcycle. We ended up chopping half the bush down to extract the bike. It was all rather embarrassing...
  5. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Good grief Charlie Brown... It seems that it went on a Best Offer, but still eBay madness in my book.
  6. Reminds me of the funny looks my friend and I got at the Workington exhibition in Cumbria. Mostly I think because we were over five feet tall and our van was taxed...
  7. Very impressive work, I've got a 14xx to backdate and improve somewhere in the stash. I was going to replace the grilles with etched ones, but I'm inspired to have a go with wire now. If my fingers can't handle it, at least there's a plan B! I'm thinking that under the many coats of paint those grilles would be 5/8" Ø black bar, which would equate to 17mm.
  8. You will find that you need fewer coats of the chocolate brown paint over the top of a dark undercoat as regardless of the type of paint, dark browns don't cover particularly well.
  9. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    It certainly seems daft money for a venerable old Lima model even though they can be upgraded quite a bit. Is that because you're not at home, or is it like my motorcycle parts store where I can risk triggering an avalanche of junk whilst hunting for something?
  10. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Except that I should have pointed out that anywhere other than eBay that item would be chucked in the £2 box rather than being the thick end of £40!
  11. Also true, it's interesting to read the comments sections of the online version of any of the newspapers, regardless of their circulation or political bias.
  12. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    A big wooden pirate ship? Or about eight quids worth....
  13. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Not actually model railways, but I'm certain it will give you a laugh. The AI description is hilarious when taken alongside the pictures. "Good vintage condition" my ar.... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/235470109666?
  14. MrWolf

    Little Muddle

    "GWR Cab side & smokebox numbers" https://www.247developments.co.uk/ex_gwr_cabside_&_smokebox.html I've always had good service from here and they can do bespoke numbers too.
  15. Well that was all rather exhausting...* Has anyone out there experienced any miscellaneous bellendery out on the roads lately? *Although I nearly laughed myself to death at the idea of contacting the BBC or an MP about almost anything at all whilst expecting a result...
  16. Normal is overrated. I remember doing something that I thought was perfectly normal and someone said to me (in their best empathy voice): Do you suffer with mental health problems? I replied: Sometimes I suffer, but mostly I enjoy them! On another occasion I was at a motorcycle rally and there were several fire pits dotted around the site. The one nearest where I was had a tree stump about two feet across and those sat around the fire were grumbling that they couldn't split it to get it on the fire, despite a felling axe being to hand. I had a look at the way the grain was running and had the stump smashed to pieces in a couple of minutes before heading off. I hadn't taken any notice of my audience and as I left one of them asked the lads from my club if I was on something? They said: No, he's just like that naturally...
  17. I have had similar messages, the most recent being simply: "£90 cash today." I ignored it and it was followed by: "£100 cash if I can collect today." I let the auction run as always and the item sold for £310.
  18. 32.1869, so they rounded it up rather than down as they should have, but they've got to wring as much as they can out of the figures.
  19. Like all UK media, they aren't putting in the km/h figure to be helpful to those in wholly metric countries, they're doing it because 33 is a bigger number than 20, so it sounds a little more sensational. As the UK town speed limit has been 30mph for years, it almost sounds like he's speeding. It's the closest they can get to "Look at the narcissist capitalist pig hooning in his Ferrari with no thought other than out of my way peasants!" Someone might have been killed, or worse still, offended! Cars like that weigh about as much as a packet of cigarettes and can be very skittish on a wet road. All it takes is a little diesel spill and someone who doesn't drive it every day.
  20. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I've an idea where you're going with this line of questioning.... 😉
  21. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    It's one of Miss Riding Hood's profanity avoidance phrases. One of the benefits of a private education, though she had to wear one of those straw hats like it was still 1955..... I take it that you're somewhat disenchanted with the eBay "community"? You'll be lured back, just like I was. An absolute bargain on a rainy night and I couldn't be arfed to get on the bike, draw the cash, go over to my mate's house and get him to buy it!* *Said bargain is still happily whirling round inside the engine of my BSA B33, having saved me nearly £100.
  22. Well said, let's hope Graham is soon drinking wine, eating cheese and building some baseboards... As for the solicitors, you'll make a deal with them, they're probably republicans... Woof Woof.
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