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Everything posted by MrWolf

  1. Thanks Rob, I'm glad someone can see through the derailments caused by conversations about everything from 1950s washing machines to the wilful destruction of replicas of Stagecoach's bus fleet by aerial artillery. At some point in the near future I am going to be constructing a sheep train of such ridiculous proportions that Johnny Cash will come back from the dead to write a song about it. Most likely performed in quartet alongside Elvis, Bo Diddley and Lighting Hopkins. I'm sure that you, above all others on here don't need to be told about the consequences of mentioning sheep on one's thread.
  2. That's definitely commitment, finding the top class banter among the general banter, you must have read all 593 pages. It's a bit of a relief to me, it means that I have another 350 pages to go before I need worry about introducing any quality content into my own thread...
  3. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I can just imagine the reaction. Oh! You shouldn't have.... No. Seriously.... You shouldn't have.....
  4. Must be forty years since I last looked at one of the little books. I thought they were dark blue, but I have been known to be wrong, almost on a daily basis!
  5. I have had similar thoughts and perhaps a Cordon is more of a service vehicle in the manner of stores vans, rather than a special purpose carrier, I doubt that it would be classed as revenue earning stock as other specials.
  6. Nice job there indeed. Not only have you added a nice model to your fleet, you've done your bit for the planet! Of course, you could have put the wreck on eBay with a big headline: L@@K!! KIT BUILT!!! and tried getting £35 for it, much to the amusement of the eBay madness thread ...
  7. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Thank you all for your concern and kind offers, it seems though that since the loss of the superior set of emojis employed previously, I now find it hard to convey a hint of sarcasm in my replies. I really can live without one, especially at twenty quid!
  8. I do like the unhurried and almost desolate look of this layout and I'm also more concerned with modelling what doesn't move, rather than what does, except the trains of course. You're welcome over at the "Aston on Clun, a forgotten Great Western outpost" thread anytime you like if you don't like buses on bridges. We have a rather unique method of dealing with such things.😉
  9. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I don't know how I'm ever going to live without one of those!!!!
  10. Speak up laddie, I cannae hear ya over ma paint job! I think that the Caley, followed closely by the GER have the most striking and attractive liveries.
  11. It's something that I have also thought about and considered that my branch line model is somewhat restricting traffic wise, until I remind myself of the the line's reason for existing. I have regular timber, sheep/ cattle and milk van trains, as well as a PW train, the pickup goods, regular passenger or mixed and then the market day specials bolstered with whatever coaches can be found. So I think that should keep things interesting, as well as justifying the kit mountain!
  12. What's not to like about that! I've said it before, I do like a Victorian loco, especially if it is a six wheeler with tender and a useless cab.
  13. That would be the infamous Car Boot J72. I'm not saying that the livery is loud in comparison with the GW locos, but it looks like it's turned up to a black tie event in a tie dyed T shirt....
  14. Likewise, so I thought if you can't beat them, join them and start your own thread.
  15. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    Or Sanguinary terminological inexactitudinarian, as my late father would say, followed up with Bl**dy liar....
  16. The traffic may be overscale, but they make damn good paperweights...
  17. There are other, more railway related uses for art materials of course. I've used two layers of watercolor paper to build up the road camber by about a millimetre in the centre. Then topped it with a full width layer that has been slightly curved. The edges will be disguised with gravel, weeds and general muck. Yes that is a broken Airfix Stephenson's Rocket in the garage yard. It seems to have escaped from the junk box.
  18. It looks very nice, doesn't actually look out of place and above all, it's your "train set".
  19. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    I've had a similar experience and wondered if it was eBay's way of making a hat tip to being on the ball but letting an awful lot slide so it doesn't eat into their profits too much.
  20. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    By "Fact Stretchers" do you mean "Bovine Defacators"?
  21. Might have come out looking like Pinhead from the movie Hellraiser in that case...
  22. MrWolf

    EBay madness

    It's both Rare and Very Rare, I'm surprised that it's not L@@K!!!! R@RE!!!!
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