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Everything posted by SteamingWales

  1. Not wanting to reignite the debate on delivery dates etc. so this is more of a observation I note that much of the Hornby 2022 new toolings announced which seem to mostly only show photos of the real life prototype rather than CADs/3D prints/early samples etc. are due this year (some Summer 2022) whereas the 2MTs fully tooled with dec samples are just stuck in limbo!!!!!
  2. Hi Fran I assume the OHLE flash transfers will be easily removable too? I remember spotting a short video on Facebook of you showing how easy it was the remove the numbers of the Deltic Cheers
  3. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!!! I have never opened an email so quickly These look absolutely AMAZING and will definitely be worth every single penny. Question is now, do I preorder another to go alongside 7802 and 7812. 7800 would be the prime candidate for the Cambrian but tempted by 7810 and doing a crest change, although I think she has the wrong tender for 1960
  4. Could one or two of these have crept onto the ex-Cambrian network???? Found plenty images of various PMV and BG vehicles used trains but not spotted a Siphon yet. (Evidently they would have been used in parcel trains rather than milk)
  5. Can you supply a source? Can't see anything official myself I know the Accurascale team have been very vocal on here teasing that decorated samples images being shared is imminent and I'll be honest everytime I get an email from Accu I'm onto it straight away hoping for Manor updates Quite happy being patient and waiting, just all the teasers are making me giddy!!!
  6. The older style polystyrene packaging had something similar to this. Recently bought a couple of the original run of Hornby Std 4MT and they came with small L shaped holder screwed onto the base keeper which went down into the polystyrene so stopped movement during transit. Obviously a one time thing as a bit of a pain if unboxing and boxing regularly but served the exact purpose you described as above
  7. The climb out of going south out of Fairbourne/Friog is 1 in 55
  8. Just noticed this in the announcement and a bit of an annoyance. I'll certainly take the Dogfish wagons but have no need for a Class 14
  9. Found it. Accurascale you tease leaving little easter eggs in "random" threads. (No offence meamt Neal. Just that Henley is random to me as I don't follow it)
  10. Looking at the photos on Rails website it has an 81C shed plate. BR database says this is Southall but in terms of the rest of it's service history BR database has nothing https://www.brdatabase.info/locoqry.php?action=locodata&type=S&id=6167&loco=6167
  11. A quick Google search later (a bit dangerous I know) pulled up this from way earlier in the thread which answers a couple of my questions regarding route availability. Thanks for the input as well@tomparryharry @Ian Hargrave @Miss Prismand @Andy Kirkham. Time to have a bit of a think about this
  12. It's tempting as a "what if" scenario and not entirely outside the realm of possibility for one to make it to Aberystwyth and if any it would be 4132. Problem is I've committed to only getting locos that ran on the Cambrian for long winded reasons I won't go into
  13. Correct me if I'm wrong but Rail's website has been updated with their own photos of the Prairies and they look really nice too. Just a shame a couple were never allocated to the Cambrian Coast/Machynlleth shed or made the odd foray from Carmarthen to Aberystwyth, otherwise I would have been up for one
  14. I would assume winter '23 is Nov, Dec 2022 and Jan 2023 and assume this affects 2nd batch only? I think we can all accept that stuff has/will be pushed back more so now due to various issues (insert as appropriate). However it would be nice if Hornby was a bit more open about it like other manufacturers have been (Dapol and Accurascale come to mind) But I will take the extra time to see though
  15. Going to throw my suggestion into the mix as I haven't seen it mentioned before: The GWR 2251 "Collett Goods" The Bachmann version was first produced in 1997 and derived from the old Mainline tooling (correct me if I'm wrong)
  16. So I folded and bought a pack of MDOs, I'm pretty sure a couple could have strayed from the south Wales coal field and made it to Aberystwyth These are my first Accura models and I'm really impressed with them. The detail is great and I can see why everyone raves about Accurascale now. Can't wait for the Manor in a few months. P.S. A nice GWR 2251 would be a welcome addition to pull these *hint hint*
  17. Pre orders are open and on the website for 7802 but only via giving the customer services team a ring I've ordered mine but it sounds like they are selling out fast
  18. I think it is a website issue. I'll be honest I've been watching the website like a hawk and the DCC and Sound versions appeared for about 5 minutes yesterday afternoon with colour images etc. and then disappeared again
  19. Seem to be a few gremlins at Hornby magazine today. Hopefully it will be fixed soon as this is definitely on my list
  20. Damn it!!!! Was just mooching about on the Rails website, sneezed and accidently pre-ordered the original Caley blue version!!!!! In reality I've been umming and ahing about get one for a while. Might as well get a pre-order in before they arrive given the popularity of the SECR D Class
  21. Given that the announcement of the announcements on Facebook states that they are both running samples I think it's most likely not a 50
  22. Well I certainly didn't expect this when the announcement came out. Never even heard of the A5! It's certainly a chunky old thing
  23. Nice to see these finally have a date. Can't wait to get my hands on L&Y version
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