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Paul H Vigor

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Everything posted by Paul H Vigor

  1. Gawd! It comes to us all in the end! That day I discovered I had to get my own reading glasses - in a mood-lit Indian restaurant near Neath, to my horror I found couldn't read the menu!
  2. I too can see six loco wheel splashers in the fret!
  3. Posted on another rmweb thread: "Jar of solder paste dried out, how do I revive it?" Had this question appeared on our own 'Madness' thread, at this festive time of year, I would have suggested offering said jar a wee dram?
  4. Mike Gray is a top-flight railway technology and innovation consultant who builds model railways. He is boldly going somewhere interesting and a wee bit unorthodox. https://www.history.com/news/ancient-railway-greece-diolkos
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/CprlpVyIRFe/
  6. Adding ballast to rolling stock should be considered. A little weight may help?
  7. Not madness, but take a look at this! https://www.instagram.com/realworldtrains/ Coolio, or what?
  8. "And now for something completely different!" Input 'Realworldtrains' into Instagram, and see what you get. Place these excellent models into scenic settings, and we'll be seeing them at Warley!
  9. I blame social media! Must be the company I keep? 😎🐟
  10. Perhaps I did!? Too much festive pop!
  11. I just Googled 'Swedish coaches' - Oh, I say!
  12. Another use for static grass kit!? Forget hairy sheep. The new 'must have' - hairy locos! I now have a mental picture of a Gresley A4 with a mohican!
  13. Didn't Prince sing something about a Purple Loco once??
  14. 'One careful owner - not'! It is also claimed that this is a 'Southern Coach', and it's 'Silver'??
  15. And sometimes you do wonder if you've entered a cunningly baited trap!
  16. Sometimes he lists useful or unusual items for reasonable BIN prices. I have had a few such items.
  17. Do not fret, you're not alone! 😎
  18. Looks like they met King Kong up a dark alley!?
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