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Paul H Vigor

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Everything posted by Paul H Vigor

  1. Whoop! Whoop! eastglosmog!
  2. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156004532379?hash=item245298409b:g:mCYAAOSw13JloRrN&amdata=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwEWj%2FOxlnFsN%2BWWI7DAD8SUeGKbok4uKcgTjXiQ93rKbBaMOeBnXGdzWGeqWVMi7cBXyP0M2QbCS7hy4%2FQToqa4kpFKpwpQEpSdzs2A6ErVVNgyaATDgNOmog5ax7llMkeVomSby8IjbYGI2cCZVoszzVADYvdrzsErlT9BQRG%2BbVB3o2hhT53N0qnzOrXuQBwzkNq%2FeOzGodKYzwQpdylFQXOmBjVpL8PA5kQMSy0lNleMc%2F9%2F9t0gKADPktMm9zg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR5r9vKKoYw L&MR horse wagon? Someone is trying to jump onto the Era 1 bandwagon??
  3. It would be up to individual operators to maintain scrupulous hygiene - especially for use in public places?
  4. https://www.condair.co.uk/knowledge-hub/legionnaires-disease-humidifiers-what-you-need-to-know#:~:text=Legionella is transmitted in aerosols,a potential source of concern.
  5. Look on the brightside: it appears to have had a university education!
  6. Is CC actually a porn shop? Asking for a rather dodgy 'friend' - with no front teeth!
  7. Hairy? Or 'a smooth man'??
  8. 'Our Glock that art in our holster, ...'
  9. "In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple." It must have been a most impressive layout!
  10. "RETURN POLICY No returns or refunds. Please remember to leave feedback ..." - wants something for nothing?
  11. What do we make of the clumps of apparent pub*c hair on the table top? A silver surfer, perchance??
  12. https://www.steampicturelibrary.com/stations-halts/london-stations-paddington-station/gwr-refreshment-department-platform-trolley-536668.html I believe the GWR did take-away Tea Baskets?
  13. Including sets for Midsomer Murders??
  14. Can you clarify your question? I've not had my first cup of coffee yet!
  15. Yes, those are the boys! Just need a train of siege artillery!
  16. Now you just need a 4mm scale Cromwell to 'knock it about a bit'! 😉
  17. So, nothing to do with Tonka Toys??
  18. Just so long as its not tonka beans! 😉
  19. "tonka beans"? "If you want to me remembered and unique, with our travel set you have the chance everyday to feel the scent on different notes without to worry that you smell like on the previous day."! Tempting! Very tempting! 😉
  20. A railway modelling question of the 21st century!
  21. Well, fe fi fo fum! Olive oil and focaccia, with a crafty, wolfie twist!?
  22. It actually reads like someone is taking the p*ss??
  23. Roast grandmother, with all the trimmings?? 😉🐺🍻
  24. BTW, ware-van man just sent me a private offer! Tempting - but no!
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