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Paul H Vigor

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Everything posted by Paul H Vigor

  1. When is 'kit built' not kit built?
  2. Sounds like a Chinese takeaway!
  3. 'Please sir. What is a mobile bush?'
  4. Is there really a 'Good buy from ebay' thread??
  5. Looks like someone 'hard' gave it a bit of a kicking!?
  6. I believe it's said that ignorance is no defence?
  7. That sounds like the opening of a film! The Johnster Files??
  8. A Yellow Octarine??
  9. Imagine if Cyberdyne Systems built a model railway! 😲
  10. Perhaps DDC gauge is broader than analogue?
  11. They talk boll*cks, and expect punters to stump the cash??
  12. '00n3 gauge' and '3-rail'??
  13. Many years ago I visited the late lamented Cardiff Ian Allan store with my partner. She had never set foot in such an emporium in her life. Her reaction, inspired by Stanley Kubrick and Arthur C Clarke: 'My God! It's full of nerds!' Fortunately no one heard, so no one got banned!
  14. The remaining sleepers would still look odd - under scale.
  15. An alternative would be to go for an n-gauge diamond crossing and hide the sleepers with ballast.
  16. DAS, etc, migtht be combined with Chinchilla Dust (from pet shops) and fine sands.
  17. If I turned mine upside down and gave them a good spin, I fear I would be making an asap appointment at the Ponty Health Centre!
  18. You could plant them in the garden - trees may grow!
  19. I hear there are moves afoot to ban the sale of baked beans?
  20. But I bet those jets go like sh*t off a shovel!? 😎
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