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Paul H Vigor

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Everything posted by Paul H Vigor

  1. https://www.ellisclarktrains.co.uk/products/parkside-dundas-o-gauge-ps34-gwr-12-ton-mogo-motor-car-van-kit-w-wheels This is a model, but is this the type of lettering you are looking for?
  2. Layouts abandoned after house sale? Sellers just want rid of them?
  3. Trying to work out how may layouts are involved in the sale 2? 3? British and/or North American??
  4. https://www.google.com/search?q=railway+turntable+uk+youtube&sca_esv=01d62422335794b4&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB755GB757&sxsrf=ACQVn080MnqpWWMkHXoM6Yo4q7Klrstv0g%3A1709767721425&ei=KfzoZb_JGbSB9u8P6pWYmAU&ved=0ahUKEwj_gbyN5eCEAxW0gP0HHeoKBlMQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=railway+turntable+uk+youtube&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHHJhaWx3YXkgdHVybnRhYmxlIHVrIHlvdXR1YmUyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYnwVIkCdQ-gRY1htwAXgBkAEAmAGKAaABgwaqAQM2LjK4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgmgAssGwgIKEAAYRxjWBBiwA8ICBhAAGBYYHsICCxAAGIAEGIoFGIYDwgIHECEYChigAZgDAIgGAZAGCJIHAzYuM6AHwBs&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:05d7fd9b,vid:My3vaLWLi6I,st:0 They don't hang about!
  5. https://taskmaster.fandom.com/wiki/Ollie_the_Knight
  6. Ollie Imogene "Jean" Shepard??
  7. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/175374410157?mkevt=1&mkpid=2&emsid=e90001.m161799.l174484&plmtId=700008&mesgId=3015&mkcid=8&ch=osgood&bu=44882901509&trkId=5d640d4d-562f-4b4d-9d45-a65b874b1b46&cnvId=700003&recoId=175374410157&recoPos=1 Here's an odd one! Not model railway, but... "PLEASE CHECK HIS SIZE Making sure its suitable for your space."
  8. So, a cloning opportunity?? Dolly the Locomotive!
  9. He should put them together! There might be babies!? 😎🔧🎇
  10. May his pants shrink and his colours run!
  11. Did the dealer go bust? Or the hooky 'fireplaces'??
  12. I prefer mine 'well done'!
  13. I'm very wary of anything described as 'super cool'!
  14. I cast an eye over this. Then I just up'd and walked away!
  15. Wot!? Like 'Fight Club'??
  16. Like a split personality? Some of his prices are bargains, some are reasonable, whilst others are absolutely insane!
  17. The Swansea and Mumbles Railway opened in 1804.
  18. By tradition, this was the prefered chassis for the 009 GEM whitemetal Dolgoch kit - with middle wheels removed, IIR?
  19. And your heart grieves!
  20. 'What the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over' - except on rmweb! 😎
  21. Penclawdd, Gower, South-West Wales?
  22. My question would be: where do the Morlocks live??
  23. "100% positive Feedback (2) 2 items sold" !!
  24. When arsonists 'do' model railways??
  25. "“Crash and distruction” BR Mail coach crash and fire. Amazing details Number 1 of an on going project" I have no words!
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