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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by 97406

  1. That's a lovely curve to have to mask off at the top of the cab. Followed by much scrutiny and tweaking until you're convinced it's even. A similar process to this...
  2. I think there's a background task for us all to try and replace all of the missing images that we can. It didn't take all that long on my newish thread. Just start at one end and work through them. It was like a little trip down memory lane for me.
  3. I had most of my thread photos on disk, so you hopefully have too somewhere. I just searched for .jpg in the web page and edited the posts as I found them and searched for the photo in Windows and attached them. I lost a number that were on an old phone, which is a shame. Fingers crossed for you.
  4. And here's Classes 86/4, 5 and 6 to give me a 1980s and early 90s full set.
  5. The compressor side has had some work done on the underframe, too.
  6. Whilst the forum has been down, I have been working on the 86/1 and it is almost done bar nameplates and some trickery with acrylic box section to get the repositioned headlights (hopefully) working. Here it is with Classes 86/0, 2 and 3.
  7. I’ve just realised that I don’t have (and never did have on the old site) an RMWeb Gold thingy, though I’m a member. How does one acquire such an accolade?
  8. I've a few pics missing from my old phone, but otherwise the vast majority have been restored to my thread over lunch!
  9. Think I've fixed my profile pics and I have many of my thread pics on disk
  10. Ooh, it’s good to have RMWeb back. Thanks to Andy for his hard work, and I’ll try and re-upload my pics to my own thread over the coming weeks. Good riddance to “Dead-from-the-neck-up-iserve”, I say.
  11. It made it an interesting subject to model, here’s the pic I found of it. I’m thinking of respraying my remaining 87 as 87006 City of Glasgow in the Large Logo grey livery by way of adding a little variety, and I can’t be bothered waiting for Hornby to release theirs for twice the price of what I paid for the one I’m going to respray. I may change my mind and do the IC executive livery with the grey band, but I already have that livery, and banger blue well represented.
  12. Picked up a couple of bargains (to the left) at the Alexandra Palace show today. I'm going to stop now and concentrate on paying my energy bill next, preorders notwithstanding! I'm thinking of using the 76 to jack the car up when I need to change a wheel. Or put lighter springs in. The catenary will be re-energised at 1500V DC when I run it.
  13. They looked great, especially the 'wonky eyed' one with the toughened windscreen. I though it looked absolutely hideous back in the day, now I have one on order!
  14. A nice morning spent at the show, what a great venue. I didn’t realise that “that London” had hills! The 37s really capture the look well, especially the one with cutaway bufferbeams, which I presume is from the refined tooling. It does mean that I don’t need to sort the windscreens out on any more. The 31s too are great. And the Deltic and 92. It was nice to have a little chat to @Accurascale Fran too. Keep it up, fellas, and I look forward to Ballymoss going on shed in a couple of months.
  15. It's the eternal risk of removing the body at some time in the future and forgetting about it and snapping wires, as it would need to be mounted in the body. The theory is that I can bend some acrylic rod using a bit of heat and make something to guide the light from the LED in the middle. It's not the end of the world if I can't, but it would be nice. You have to try these things at least once!
  16. I’ll be there having a drool at some lovely Growlers! (Sid James laugh)
  17. It’s the gigantic ones that are about 76 times the size of a normal cat that I worry about!
  18. It's taking shape. The challenge will be getting the headlight to light up. I'll be well pleased if I manage it!
  19. I like the Intercity 47s. I resprayed a ViTrains 47 into ScotRail ex-works just I remember them at Crewe. I’m musing about DCC, but a more pressing need is a perspex cover to prevent the felines from putting the cat in catenary! There are wooden covers that go over the layout, but it’s not the same when they’re fitted!
  20. You have discovered the best bit of the hobby, and the locos look great. If you haven’t already got one, I recommend getting an airbrush, ideally with a compressor as they give you a lot of control, if you keep them clean.
  21. Echoing others’ comments on here, May isn’t far off, and I’m sure I’ll find other locos to bridge the gap until then. It really isn’t a problem. Some people, eh?! I appreciate being kept in the loop.
  22. I never thought about lowering mine, they do look good.
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