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The Bandit

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Everything posted by The Bandit

  1. Great work Jerry. You can’t beat a well planned and constructed micro layout to prove that you don’t need acres of space to build or enjoy a model railway. In these days of small modern houses and flat living it could be the future of layouts for many people. Keep up the good work providing others with inspiration.
  2. Very nice Jerry. It all ties together very well to make a compact and interesting scene. More pictures to follow please.
  3. Nice to see how you’re gradually building up the scene Jerry. Any ideas about a scenic break to the fiddle yard? Always a problem for me as I like something a bit different but the question is always “What?”
  4. Have long admired your work. The level of detail and realism is just amazing. Thank you for the pleasure it has given viewing your layouts.
  5. Interesting to see a new start/new scale documented from the very beginning. Hope you continue to document progress each step of the way and enjoy your new venture.
  6. Good luck with the job hunting. I’m afraid that everything is made long-winded and complex in the education sector. Someone somewhere thinks if you keep it simple it means you aren’t doing a thorough/good job. Keeping it simple to my mind means there will be less mistakes made and people are more likely to respond more positively to what they are being asked to do. Mind you, what do I know - I was only in the system for 40 years!
  7. Great start Jerry. Your small layouts and dioramas were my inspiration to try my own micro layouts and box files.
  8. Sorry to be a pain Ian, but how good does a box file have to be to send you details?
  9. Thanks for the link 009. Lots of great ideas. Hadn’t seen a mono-chrome layout before - a bit disappointed as I thought I’d had an original idea!!
  10. A great idea. Love the content and no probs with the format on my i-pad. Micro layouts are my favourites - have built one in a box file based around a brewery theme and have started a new box file which will be coloured in a range of greys and white to try and depict a black and white photo of a run down loco shed I found on the net. Would love to sign up with a view to subscribing.
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