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Status Updates posted by AndyB

  1. Another Kestrel kit taking shape...

    1. AndyB


      ...courtesy of the Medway Queen preservation society's stall at Alton.

  2. Enjoyable show at Alton today - thanks to all the organisers, exhibitors and trade stands for your efforts.

  3. is thinking a curry and a beer is the only way to celebrate tonight.

    1. Horsetan


      Seconded on the curry.

    2. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      Beer and curry, on a saturday, you can't beat it, but tonight, were going down the dongs (Chinese restaurant) for a change

    3. Mattmaz


      Worked for me last night :-)

  4. Enjoyable afternoon scratchbuilding the accumulator tower. open roof and painting tomorrow?

  5. Oh nooooo, 00 now looks chunky.

  6. Love the photos you've been posting and look forward to following this model's progress!

  7. Scratchbuilt 6 girder-plate bridges today for "Roding Reach". Painting and weatthering underway. Accumulator tower next...

  8. Just finishing Kestrel Desgins "Corner Shop" - should fill a spot on "Roding Reach" nicely.

    1. AndyB


      Trying to get the right colour for sooty East London brickwork; this N gauge stuff is fun!

  9. Running in GF Class 47 on Roding Reach. Can't wait to finish baseboards for roundy-roundy action!

    1. AndyB


      No comments, p-lease about continuous runs! :)

  10. Feb 1st will see "Classic Loco" stamps, Oh and "Thunderbirds are GO!", too http://www.royalmail.com/portal/stamps/jump1?catId=32200669&mediaId=32300674

    1. Boris


      Perhaps they could release a class 57 stamp? 2 birds with one stone and all that!

  11. Swine flu over Christmas. Not pleasant. Daughter well by Christmas eve, though - great present.

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      And i know what that feels like.

  12. Thinks that if you start an indoor layout as a "winter" project it is best to finish the baseboards before....erm, winter. Brrrrr!

    1. halfwit


      What's wrong with giving kids uranium to play with?

    2. AndyB


      Simplesl. It hurts if you drop it on your foot.

  13. Wondering if it is too early in the season to wish AndyY & the Mods a very merry Christmas and say a huge "Thank You" for all their hard work throughout 2010.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      I agree, thanks to Andy and all the Mods as well as all of the membership for producing such inspirational reading!

    3. Coombe Barton

      Coombe Barton

      Echo the good wishes to everyone whose work keeps us all in contact. And calling this site a community is just about right.

    4. Peter Bedding

      Peter Bedding

      Good point, well timed.

  14. Train home "terminated", passengers disembarked. Passengers leave station. Train re-embarks some (lingering) passengers and completes journey. Cheers SWT

  15. Outside building a baseboard. Hope to finish before my feet freeze! Reckon there's snow acomin'

  16. Steady progress on the "Roding Reach" baseboard. Should have something to show by the weekend.

  17. Budget Royal Wedding announced: Father of Bride breathes sigh of relief!

    1. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      That will be two cheap day returns to Gretna Green then... Avoids the 'family politics' that most weddings seem to come laden with these days...

    2. AndyB


      Nothing cheap about using the Royal Train!

  18. Taking a day off this week to work on baseboards and Xmas list. :)

  19. Must dig out my photos of platforms in Japan: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-11676437

  20. Hoping to get to Alton's Model Railway Group open day this Sunday: http://www.altonmrg.co.uk/

    1. AndyB


      Hmmm, was up at 03:00 this morning, so punctuation obviously went out of the window around the same time. :)

  21. Spent the afternoon thinking about baseboards. In the meantime, here's a photo that hopefully will give a taster: http://www.flickr.com/photos/82096028@N00/1500124255

  22. Researching Class 47s, stumbled across this. http://www.class47.co.uk/c47_intro_v2.php

    1. Jon020


      Lummy... that's a good site. Now bookmarked for when 47 info needed. Thanks Andy

    2. AndyB


      And thanks to those who put the site together. Found it invaluable when choosing a 47 for Xmas. :)

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