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Roy L S

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Everything posted by Roy L S

  1. I've put down for two as well. If anyone wants one of these and hasn't expressed an interest yet now is the time to do so. I suspect that realistically this may be the only opportunity there will be to have this iconic loco RTR in N. If you should fancy one later you have the choice of chancing your arm with either a Langley kit or a Worsley Works etch. By the time you'd bought kit, chassis, paint, detailing bits and invested hours of your time for most it is still unlikely to reach current RTR standards and will quite possibly cost more.... So personally I think it is a "no brainer" and I know which route I'd prefer!!!! Roy
  2. Grahame Where is David Haarhus "on record" as saying such a thing about the 00 4CEP being their "best selling 00 model of all time"?? I take all four of the main monthly magazines and read pretty much all internet forums and have never seen or heard that recorded anywhere. I would find it very difficult to see how that model (which has had what one or possibly two production runs??) could possibly have come close to selling as many units as a number of of their other 00 locos be they steam or diesel. To take just two examples, one Diesel and one steam: - Class 66. There have been a good number of production runs of this loco in a huge variety of liveries in 00, it must have been made in and sold in the tens of thousands of units since it's introduction and surely far more than the 4CEP? LNER B1. I recall talking to Colin Allbright at TINGS a few years back when the Farish B1 was released. When I asked him about being in direct competition with the Dapol model he replied that it was always one of the more popular models in the 00 range so why wouldn't they produce it? That B1 has been in the 00 range for many years (maybe from the start of Bachmann Industries Europe) and released in many incarnations. It was recently given a re-engineered chassis. Same question applies.... Please do clarify.. Regards Roy
  3. I was about to "agree" but then remembered there is also the 94xx, "Crab" and 8F plus the King and Compound too! Bets out of that lot would be on the 94xx or "Crab" I would think.. Roy
  4. Well the A3 could make sense given the recent return to traffic of Flying Scotsman. What I wouldn't give for a coreless motor loco drive one, double chimney, German smoke deflectors, it would consign my Dapol ones, (nice models though they admittedly are) to live in their boxes.... Roy
  5. There is a logic to sweating existing assets (tooling) so further livery variants where there is seen to be a market would certainly make sense. I suspect they will look at the good sellers and do this. In terms od steam locos, the BR green Ivatt has sold out and it wouldn't surprise me to see a late crest black one (possibly weathered). Ditto the J39, perhaps late crest flush tender and weathered (the uncommon flared tender weathered model has sold out) . Weathered models are, from all accounts very popular. Another run of Class 24s would also make sense as they have all been sold out for some time. In terms of newly tooled models, personally I doubt we will see any more 3rd rail EMUs for now as apparently the 4CEP was a slow seller (you could pick certain variants up for virtually half list price which does appear to confirm this). In terms of OHLE, models I suspect Bachmann will hold fire on anything new given the recent RevolutioN developments to see if the Pendolino does indeed lead to sales growing in that area. I would love a carflat (or seven), but the only "Flying Pig" I would really love to see is the Ivatt Mogul put through the "shrink ray"!!!.... However, as I said before, realistically I predict thin pickings, but then we still have a few already announced releases to look forward to like the Standard 4 Tank. I cast my mind back to the pre-Bachmann days and remind myself how thoroughly spoiled for new models we now are. Roy
  6. Personally I'm not expecting very much to be announced for 2016-17. In terms of new locos, pretty much all diesel models (apart from the more obscure Modernisation Plan ones) are now covered by one manufacturer or the other, and with the eventual arrival of the new Class 40 all original Farish diesels not since "poached" by Dapol will have been retooled and upgraded apart from the "Peak" which I believe is now back of the queue. Steam wise, looking at the 00 range a 94xx Pannier to follow the 64xx would seem likely (although of no interest to me personally) or possibly an upgraded "Crab" since one already exists in the 00 range. Rolling stock wise, given the commissioning of the N Gauge Society's Thompson Full Brake, Thompson coaches to compliment it would appear logical and again would reflect what is planned in 00 as I understand it. Roy . .
  7. Roy L S

    Hornby B12

    8572 in Apple Green. Yes please! Of course I would prefer a state of the art model of it in N but as this was the loco that pulled our wedding train on the NNR (And I was invited onto the footplate when it ran round at Holt) it is an absolute "must have" in it's current preserved livery. Roy
  8. That looks beyond good - it is truly exquisite. I don't model in 00 but have to admit I'm very tempted. Roy
  9. Hi Les I wonder if Dave will still consider it as viable and push it down his priorities but that will depend how far along he is with R&D and CAD work has got I guess. Of course speculation only - he knows the model railway business far better than I do! Regards Roy
  10. I think it is a very worthy first effort. It may not be totally perfect but let's get things into perspective, I've just checked Hattons website (I'm sure there are plenty of others with similar prices) this model can be ordered from them for just £88 which I personally think is pretty good value. Roy
  11. Same here. I had hoped I might have a 4MT Tank in my Christmas stocking but not to be. The pace of new releases in British N is definitely slowing. I think production issues in China and increasing costs are having an impact but it was pretty inevitable that the pace of new releases would slow at some point it just wasn't sustainable and we have been well and truly spoiled in recent years. I have my A2s at last, I can wait for my 4MT Tank for while, I am happy to have all the fabulous new models I do. That's not to say I wouldn't like an Ivatt Mogul or whatever, just that I accept that going forward there is still a backlog of announced models to clear and the one or two loco announcements we do have each year realistically may not fit my modelling plans. Might this lead to the renaissance of the kit manufacturer maybe? Roy
  12. I have only just discovered this topic. It is a very happy blast from the past. I recall much of the Aylesbury station as it was back then and thoroughly enjoyed being reminded about the various freight that ran through in the early 80s period. I recall some Saturdays my girlfriend and I would get the train into town and I would often see Class 25s in pairs pulling in a huge rake of hopper wagons. I had assumed this was for International Alloys but it seems it was bound for the coal concentration depot. Later I recall a 37 on a similar but shorter train, I vividly remember the driver reversing into the old goods yard at some speed, I was amazed the wagons stayed on the track! The oil siding was for many years overgrown and then at one point all the undergrowth got cut back and I assume it was put back into use for a time. Like others I do not recall ever seeing any wagons in there.. Another train I saw often was the UKF train from Akeman Street which ran round in Aylesbury, sometimes as few as three bogie fertilizer vans sometimes a longer train. Typically at that time if I recall correctly Class 31 hauled. The wine tanks were news to me, never knew they ran, but I do recall on at least one occasion at Marsh Crossing seeing the Class 25 hauled "trip" from Risborough - a few motley wagons a van and Brake. I also recall when out and about on my motorbike seeing Risborough and the Chinnor and Thame branch traffic. I was lucky enough to go on a "Bubble Car" down the Thame branch in that time period. Special trains ran from Wycombe, I think it was possibly one Saturday only. What is sobering to me is that all of this freight is now no more, the only regular freight through Aylesbury now being the Calvert "tip trains". Roy
  13. The Dean Goods does seem to have been extremely well received and does capture the look of the real thing very well. Have to say from what I've seen the BR black one is the one that gets my vote - very neatly done. Roy
  14. Looking at the enlarged photo, it is a very nicely executed model, the tender in particular looks in correct proportion which is an excellent achievement for such a tiny model as it undoubtedly is. Certainly a better look than the Peco Collett with the large (and rarely paired) tender it uses, Roy
  15. Great stuff! From the look of the diesel's exhaust it appears that Tornado was getting a bit of a push from the 67 whether needed or not! Roy
  16. Two green 21s is my expression of interest but I will still support the project if the 29 should turn out to be more popular. Roy
  17. Brilliant choice! Just one question, I assume the RevolutioN website will be updated to allow us to express our interest but when will that be? Roy
  18. The T9 D11 and 2P are already made by Union Mills. Roy
  19. Has it really been quiet on the UM thread for this long? I heard a couple of months ago that UM's next loco was to be a GWR "Dean Goods". I note on the N Gauge Forum it has been reported that Colin Heard has confirmed the locos should be available from the end of September in two liveries, early BR Black and GW Green. This will be his first GW loco and I suspect will be extremely popular. Price apparently £72 plus £3 P&P and pre-orders now being taken. Not one for me as an LNER modeller and no personal connection other than being a customer of many years but I thought it may be of interest.. Roy
  20. Roy L S

    Ask Dave

    Hi Dave A full and informative update. It is no surprise that your services are in demand. Your 00 J94 looks superb and I am sure the N one will be equally good. Personally (as you know) it is the N Claytons that I am keenly waiting for, but I can see you are making progress towards them which is excellent news. All I can say is ignore the "naysayers" and keep up the good work. All the best Roy
  21. Firstly, just to say that as an N Gauge modeller waiting patiently in the queue for my Claytons the appearance of this second EP can only but encourage the belief that the models will be worth the wait, this loco looks truly amazing. I am tempted to buy a J94 just to put in my cabinet and gloat at although many would think that a criminal waste I am sure! On a slightly pedantic note with regard to post #24 above, having "power" by which I assume it is meant gear-coupling, to all wheels on a model locomotive is a design choice with advantages and disadvantages. In this case I am sure done for good reason (possibly finer rods as they then bear no load) but for sure it is not prototypical.The real J94 transfers power to all wheels through the rods from a single driven axle as many fine models do. In terms of haulage or slow running I am not sure why it would necessarily makes any difference. Roy
  22. I agree with Ben, I have found Easi-Shunts very reliable and certainly plan to use them on any future layouts. Roy
  23. Hi Fenman, if these are going to be available in October 2015 I would very much expect that this is the "final" version given October is only four months away! Regards Roy
  24. If being Underground stock done "before" is an issue, let's not also forget the Ever Ready battery powered train sets from the 1950s! The S Stock looks fantastic. I was half expecting the doors to open! Roy
  25. Me too, what a superb little loco. I would also love to see someone produce one in N (Didn't Lima say they were to do one in N about 35 years ago?). Roy
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