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Everything posted by jonny777

  1. 2 x 31s on a Skegness service was uncommon. I'm pretty certain that it was an FP 47 working by then. A last minute failure may have caused the substitution.
  2. Thanks Simon. It is May 2011, and I have managed to download a digital back issue.
  3. I found this BTF video while browsing. It has some interesting 1960s footage from the NE. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkgnTonf-Oc
  4. A deafening silence fell over the poor quality performance of the 47s in the 60s/70s. It had to, because after 512 had been ordered by the gung-ho management, it would have been a shock to most people to find, that after engine de-rating, they were hardly any more powerful than a Peak. I do wonder if that was a contributory factor to the lack of interest in Kestrel? Did they wonder if 4000hp was a step too far for Brush at that early stage, when 2750hp had been proved problematic?
  5. Peaks may have been common on SW-NE services, but how many were 45/1s until HSTs appeared on the Midland?
  6. I think the 35 replacing 50 idea is disingenious, because it could be argued that there was a surplus of electrics south of Crewe, before northward electrification was completed; so the 81-86 classes could take over duties (previously worked by single or pairs of 50s), as well as 87s.
  7. I thought the GWR had their 150th anniversary in 1983, which was 'celebrated' at Swindon by cutting D818. This year would be the 184th year. (or are they being pedantic and cutting out the BR(W) years?)
  8. I have a bus pass, and so now drive as little as possible. However the antics of some road users, when in the vicinity of a bus, has to be seen to be believed. Drivers who will not give way to a bus, under any circumstances. Drivers who believe that being behind a bus is equivalent to some form of torture, and will do anything to get in front; even if it means forcing oncoming vehicles onto the pavement. Cyclists who believe that riding up the nearside of any vehicle is compulsory when the vehicle has slowed down because it is a bus and is stopping at the bus stop 10 metres ahead. Women drivers who seem incapable of reversing their small cars, so gesticulate for the bus to reverse when traffic is down to one lane due to road works. I could go on, but some may think I am just making this up.
  9. What annoyed me about spotting in the 1960s were the unidentifiable steam locos from a short distance (say 100 yards or far less at times). I must have seen twice as many WDs and O4s than I ever underlined in my ABC, because I just couldn't read the cabside number. This was also a problem when viewing lines of withdrawn locos from passing trains.
  10. Where I differ from others here, is that I don't find the fens bleak and/or depressing. For me it is home, even though I haven't lived there for many years. The the big wide horizons and lack of hills is not something that I think about because I grew up there. The drainage and vast arable fields maybe artificial, but the flatness of the landscape isn't. It was just as flat when it was mostly marsh and reedbeds. As for disused windmills, venture into south Lincs and you will find lots. And Denver can hardly be seen as a prime example of Fenland; for a start it is east of the Ouse, and the windmill is 10m amsl, which is almost mountainous.
  11. I do know this, (although much of it would be tidal if their were no sluices). I was born in the Fens; so were my ancestors. Most of my surviving relatives still live there. I am simply just defending the region. The reason water doesn't flow quickly is because there is no gradient, and, as was illustrated in Boston a few years ago, if the high tide is whipped up by strong winds and a deep low pressure, sea water will still inundate the area. I think the model is great, and the silos remind me a little of Heygates at Downham.
  12. The Ouse at Kings Lynn is tidal, so is mostly seawater.
  13. Rather harsh, IMHO. And dreck is not a Fenland word.
  14. Use heavy water. That will stay in one place
  15. Complete b0ll0ccks. Try running any kind of service to a simple platform with a vast car park.
  16. Why? How many minutes are needed between a half hourly passenger service?
  17. I believe we are now in a right wing government, where only vast profiteering companies with dodgy connections to the establishment will get contracts. By dodgy connections - I mean handshakes.
  18. Yes, and all that expense just to get from Long Ashton P&R to Cumberland Road 1 minute faster.
  19. Sadly, 2 years on, the costs are said to have ballooned to £175million And this to upgrade a freight line, plus reinstate a short section of disused track. http://www.itv.com/news/westcountry/story/2017-03-09/fears-for-portishead-rail-line-as-it-triples-in-cost/
  20. I was under the impression that the initial restoration in the 1960s (no NRM as we know it now) was merely cosmetic. It was 20 years later when it was restored to main line running condition, although its outings in the 1980s were few; and has not been used since IIRC.
  21. That photo has added interest, as it also shows a 104 on a Peterborough service.
  22. All manner of mixed stock could be found in most Grimsby fish trains, as a random search of various word combinations will show https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=grimsby+fish+train&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiomYzcwsfSAhVJJcAKHQpDC2oQ_AUICCgB&biw=1197&bih=675#imgrc=_ I believe the Birds Eye containers worked as a block.
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