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Everything posted by TEAMYAKIMA

  1. Pride of place at our Open Day will be our 7mm layout ADDISON ROAD - built as it was in 1925, it is better known today as Kensington Olympia. Although theoretically set in 1925 sometimes Rule 1 applies!
  2. Have continued to work on my shed - to make it a 'museum of my life'- more photos as/when I can. But also have been working on the layout. The four scenic boards have suffered and will need care and attention, but my three top priorities have been ROUTE SELECTION, ROUTE SELECTION and ROUTE SELECTION! In fact most have my operators have threatened not to do any more shows until the route selection was in place. Operation at our first two exhibitions suffered because the promised route selection never materialised. Our tame 'expert' had three attempts at getting it to work, but then had to pull out of the team due to health issues. An appeal for help has resulted in finding a modeller who had experience of using the software, but lives miles away and a IT expert with no particular interest in model railways who lived 10 minutes walk away - put the two together (via mobile phone) and 'hey presto!' we have progress! My new IT friend and I spent about six hours over two Sundays trying to programme the software and we 90% cracked it last week but we could only set up one end of the fiddle yard in my new shed. So today we set up the whole 26ft long fiddle yard and whilst there were some teething troubles eventually we got things sorted. On the left we have keen operator (and China railfan) Gordon Massey and on the right we have IT guru and model maker (not railways) Paul Richardson. The route selection is now put to bed - still some very minor issues which can be by-passed by careful operation. However, it seems 'unfortunate' that hardware/software sold for the 'average enthusiast' seems to need such specialist expertise. I would never have coped without Paul and (name withheld lest he be pestered by others for help) - not for the average enthusiast!!
  3. You're absolutely right - visiting a club open day shows you what a club can offer YOU in a relaxed atmosphere - so much more relaxed than an exhibition. I wish HWDMRS well in attracting new members (as I do all clubs) but can I take this (cheeky) opportunity to publicise Twickenham & District MRC's Open Day on July 13th. We will be showing off what we have to offer. BTW we have a member who lives in the USA and who regularly contributes to our 7mm layout and so you can see we take the 'and District' bit of Twickenham and District MRC very seriously. Just saying!
  4. Hello everyone - OK this is not an actual exhibition, but we have a large clubroom and associated buildings on site and so we are able to put on quite a show every year and this year is no exception! We will have layouts in N, OO and O - and hopefully TT! There will be demos and a s/h stand. Full details here ... www.tdmrc.org.uk This is our club's BIG event of the year - please come down to see us!
  5. Apologies for lack of new postings on this thread. Anyway the BIG news is that Twickenham club's ANNUAL OPEN DAY is coming up again on July 13th and EASTGATE will be given pride of place. So forget the lack of news here on RMweb and come down to our clubroom and see the progress for yourselves! You can find full details of our open day here www.tdmrc.org.uk . Now don't tell anyone I told you this .................. ……………… but if you're thinking of joining us, why not bring along some of your most interesting locos to show the team and maybe have a little run on the layout yourself - you'll find us a very friendly bunch!
  6. Addison Road has been confirmed as the BIG attraction at Twickenham & District MRC's OPEN DAY on July 13th. There will be other layouts in other gauges and demonstrations but pride of place will be given to ADDISON ROAD. Our OPEN DAY will be a great opportunity to see the layout, chat to the operators, get behind the layout to see the layout from a different angle - and 'YES' maybe have a go at operating it yourself! So why not come down to see us on the 13th - full details here www.tdmrc.org.uk
  7. I assume that this is an exhibition layout - I certainly hope to see it in person some time soon! I went to Cuba in about 1989 for the sugar mill 'season' - lots of steam back then!
  8. One of the great bi-products of the Addison Road project in Twickenham club is how the group has reached out to club members who are/were not 7mm modellers when they joined. Here is Keith working to fit protection boards to the 3rd rail ……………. he's now taken the plunge full-time and models 7mm as his primary scale...…………. At the same time Maurice ( a fully fledged 4mm modeller at home ) was weathering the platform brickwork - 'Why no photo ?' I hear you ask ! Was it to protect his identity the next time he goes to EXPOEM ? Meanwhile Barry (another 7mm convert) was building the giant hoarding by the bridge...……….. So the lesson is clear - join a club - get involved - spread your wings - you don't need to do at a club what you do at home!
  9. As I have said before, I have absolutely no axe to grind on the subject of DJM, but it appears to me that there are very good reasons why companies like Dapol, Bachmann, Hornby etc employ specialists like researchers, designers, accountants, project managers, marketing teams, logistics experts - and thereby have increased costs - and that is that one person is very unlikely to be sufficiently expert in all those fields to do everything themselves. And if such a person does exist they could make themselves a lot more money in more profitable areas than model railways!
  10. Less than 12 hours to go! Come down and see us at Twickenham Library and introduce yourself as an Rmwebber!
  11. Twelve hours to go! Come and meet us at the library!!
  12. Good news, but just out of curiosity does this mean that the credit card company are now out of pocket? Are they now creditors of DJM? I have no issue here - I'm just curious.
  13. Hello One thing I need to do when I retire (soon) is to edit my videos into viewable dvd's. I have five formats and cameras to play them on - Video 8, Video 8 Plus (?), Digital 8, Mini cassette and now chip. Things move fast with technology and so my question is - what is the best way to edit my footage nowadays?
  14. On June 22nd Twickenham & District MRC are putting on a FREE POP-UP EXHIBITION in Twickenham Library, Garfield Rd, Twickenham TW1 3JT from 10am to 3pm. This is a great opportunity to come and meet the club and its members in an informal setting. There will be three working layouts, demos and displays - why not come down and see what T&DMRC has to offer YOU! Website www.tdmrc.org.uk Tel 01784 459104
  15. Just one week to go before our FREE POP-UP EXHIBITION at TWICKENHAM LIBRARY. This is a great way to meet Twickenham MRC and its members - come and find out what the club has to offer YOU. Twickenham Library, Garfield Road, Twickenham, TW1 3JT 10am to 3pm.
  16. The latest additions are blinds - firstly to make the shed more 'homely' and secondly to protect the interior from getting too hot in summer when the late afternoon sun shines in.............. Also my vintage TT layout now has a permanent home - it can easily be removed if needed at a show ...............
  17. Have been busy in the shed recently. I have got rid of most of my non-Chinese stuff/clutter and the main wall will be exclusively China based - pictures, plates etc. It's still a work in progress (note the masking tape on the walls and woodwork!) but to the left the main wall is nearly finished …………………... To the right is a bit less advanced ……………...
  18. Progress on the shed continues …………… this time I didn't want untidy shelves with random junk on display, I wanted 'nice'. So it just so happened that we are having a new kitchen fitted and just by chance these old cabinets fitted my shed - with about 1/16th inch to spare! And in case you think I'm joking about the bit about only 1/16th of an inch to spare - I'm not! The cabinets had to be high so that they hid the fuseboxn and at that height with the angle of the roof they fitted in with aboiut 1/16th of an inch to spare!
  19. Good point - well taken - but I still won't be adding lights and so I will make a point of mentioning this to exhibition managers when they book us.
  20. My layout has been invited next year and does not and will not have its own lighting - for various reasons including the fact that its set in early morning and in winter/early spring and in a apart of the world (non-Uk) that is noted for being overcast and lastly many of the shops/apartments have fully detailed and lit interiors and they stand out better in average lighting conditions. If I was modelling Cuba in high summer at mid-day I would flood the layout with light, but to be 'prototypical' I don't.
  21. Decision made, order placed. Thank you Simon for all the help you gave Twickenham MRC back in the day - my pleasure to repay your kindness by buying this Hornby item which will look so nice in my showcase.
  22. What I am about to say sounds daft - even to me! I am tempted to buy a Stepney even though I don't model British any more - just to support Hornby and Simon Kohler who I first met when he was a rep for Hammond & Morgan!! Stepney will look very colourful in my showcase and if my £89.95 helps get Hornby back on its feet then that will be £89.95 well spent.
  23. Well someone has a copy of the Victors catalogue - prices in pounds, shillings and pence! And this …………………. And here's the team …. Stefan, Paul, Bernie and Chris ……………….
  24. Time to fly the flag for Twickenham MRC's 7mm layout ADDISON ROAD which has its own thread here on RMweb. Here is the link ……………………. Here are some photos of a recent (1925 themed!) running session. As you can see the 1925 theme was interpreted quite widely ………………. Or in some cases VERY widely ………………..
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