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    My main model railway interest is the transition era, 00 gauge. In my spare hours that nobody has planned anything for me (which is rare!) I enjoy volunteering at the Lakeside and Haverthwaite Railway, and taking railway photos in my local area. I sometime even find the time to do some modelling!!!

    None railway...... I have been know to participate in the odd real ale or two, getting out on my bike and spending time with my family.

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  1. So there I am stud behind the door when the post lady sticks a card through to say I'm not in and the parcel has been left at a house down the road. as I open the door she tells me she didn't know I was in so left the parcel down the street! But you never knocked I said.. She then told me if it was to much trouble for be to go and collect it she would get it and drop it of later! Royal mail making Yodel look good

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    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Offer her a cheese sandwich.

    3. 11B


      O should read "stood"!

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is that as in 'O magnificent post person, please do let me have my parcel?'

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